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Everything posted by Tankbuster

  1. Tankbuster

    helmet cams in MP

    Thank you to you and Pierre. Making my pseudo code into real code!
  2. Hi all, I'm struggling a little here. I've no doubt locality is what's doing for me here, but after a day of messing with this, I'm here, out of ideas. In multiplayer, each client can only see their own camera feed. They can't see anyone elses. server: blubasescreen is the tri-screen computer Land_MultiScreenComputer_01_black_F blubasescreen setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(alpha_1,1.0)"]; blubasescreen setObjectTextureGlobal [2, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(alpha_2,1.0)"]; ["client\helmetcam.sqf"] remoteExec ["execVM", 0, true]; _myscript = "helmetcam"; { _cam = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0]; _cam setVectorDir (eyeDirection player); _cam cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "BACK", (str player)]; _cam camSetFov 0.6; _cam attachTo [player, [0.10,0,0.17], "Head", true]; _cam camCommit 0; } forEach (allPlayers select {((toLower(headgear _x)) find "helmet") isNotEqualTo -1}); helmetcam make the camera locally on each player and names the rtt. But how does the rtt get from the cameraEffect command on the client to the setObjectTextureGlobal command on the server? Must each rtt be a unique name on the network? Thanks everyone
  3. Tankbuster

    helmet cams in MP

    Hope this makes sense. 🙂 Note to self, don't test stuff like this in a server with AI that are likely to mortar you at any time! 🙂
  4. Tankbuster

    helmet cams in MP

    Oh... I'm so annoyed with myself! Yes, thank you, that was what was wrong. Schoolboy error! It works!
  5. Tankbuster

    Authority 20 player coop.

    Another update because I got a much awaited feature working and I wanted to get it out there. Fired hit score now works and is session persistent. It's been a year since I first cobbled some code together and today, got it working as I'd originally invisaged. 5087 removed some debug and fixed spelling errors in documentation 5088 Better diagnostics at server startup 5090 Fired hit score now working. Yey. 5091 Build.
  6. Tankbuster

    helmet cams in MP

    I've made no progress. Any help?
  7. Tankbuster

    Authority 20 player coop.

    MIssion updated to 1.24.5086 2 new secondary missions, both replacing the disguise infiltration mission which was too complex to maintain, play and write. Counterattack secondary only plays on Altis because of route finding isses for the enemy troops. Might come back to this. 5055 Fix for restoreflag variable potentially undefined on virgin run servers 5057 Removed some debug 5058 Fixed typo in do_counterattack 5060 Added some helmetcam stuff 5061 Added new SM. Patrol enemy town 5067 Added new SM. Recover deaddrop 5068 Reworked prize arrays, ordered them and removed some RHS prizes 5070 New prizes choosing system. More valuable prizes given when fewer SM's have been failed 5073 Counterattack SM doesn't play on Tanoa or Nam 5074 Improved landmine SM. Minefiedl bigger, more mines and better checking of mines spawning inside objects 5081 Added 556 magazines to forward loadout 5086 Build
  8. That's working Pierre, thank you. Still have to move it up a lift to show, but it doesn't fall any more. Thanks again!
  9. Hi all, I'm creating a weaponholder and putting a "Item_SecretFiles" in it via addmagazinecargoglobal so players can pick it up. But the weaponholder falls just under ground level. The 'take File (top secret) action still appears, but players can't see the object. I've tried setposing it above ground and creating it, but it falls under ground straight away. How can I make it stay on the gound? //serverside nseinvobj = "WeaponHolderSimulated_Scripted" createVehicle [0,0,1000]; nseinvobj addMagazineCargoGlobal [retrobjgamename,1]; _np = newsearchobj nearEntities ["SoldierWB", 10]; _nps = [_np, [], {_x distance2D newsearchobj}] call BIS_fnc_sortBy; nseinvobj setpos getpos (_nps #0);
  10. It's seen to move to the new height, but immediately falls underground
  11. Tankbuster

    Authority 20 player coop.

    Minor update because I had nothing better to do 🙂 5047 Removed debug that was spamming client rpt 5048 Removed debug from spawnairdrop that was spamming server RPT 5049 Added new airhead objects and textures 5053 Better termination of paradrop script when primary target is ended by debug 5054 Build
  12. Tankbuster

    Authority 20 player coop.

    Mission updated to 1.22.5046 5029 Fix for van falling from bridge in protest flight SM 5032 Mortar camp shooudl spawn further from playyers in kill mortar camp SM 5034 Rhino wheels take no damage now 5036 Barricade defend mission enemy waves should stop when mission ends 5037 Improved bighouses array. Better choices, mostly taller buildings 5038 Barricade defend and kidnap player now use new bighouses variable 5040 Fixed bug where kidnap player broke down 5041 Removed some smaller Tanoan towns from primary target roster 5042 Boat position system in nasty boat patrol should quit better after mission ends 5043 Removed deprecated code that looked for nasty boat bumping into destination pier 5044 Better positioning of roadblocks in primary target. Shouldn't be on bridges now. 5045 Fix for drones getting orphaned when their pilot dies at the controls. Fix by gc8 5046 Build
  13. Tankbuster

    Text on billboard print from a variable.

    If you want a variable, you'll have to compile it... call compile format ['blubasewhiteboard setObjectTexture [0,"#(rgb,512,512,3)text(1, 1,""EtelkaMonospacePro"", 0.05, ""#FFFFFF00"", ""#FFFFFFFF"",%1)"]', name alpha_1 + str getplayerscores alpha_1] ;
  14. I like the Rhino MGS, it's fun. Until you scrape it on a small civilian car and the wheels go red damage. Ugh. Anyone have a snippet (not a mod) that mitigate this a little? Thanks Tankbuster -Paul-
  15. Tankbuster

    Make Rhino MGS wheels tougher

    addEventHandler ["handledamage", { if (((_this #1) find "wheel") > -1) then {0}}]; So ugly 😞
  16. Does the workshop version support Tanoa? Only Altis is in the world cache. If I connect to host while in a Tanoa mission, it sits on pending for a while before erroring with "Is arma running/firewalled"
  17. if ( ((lifeState player) in ["HEALTHY", "INJURED"]) and ((( (str currentWeapon player) find "Laserdesignator" ) > -1) or (((UAVControl (getConnectedUAV player)) #1) isEqualTo "GUNNER") ) and (cameraView isEqualTo "GUNNER")) then { authtacping = screenToWorld [0.5,0.5];// << [x,y,0] unless resized publicVariable "authtacping"; nul = remoteExec ["tky_fnc_showauthtacping", 0,false]; }; if ( ((lifeState player) in ["HEALTHY", "INJURED"]) and (visibleMap)) then { authtacping = (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ctrlMapScreenToWorld getMousePosition;// << [x,y] authtacping pushBack 0; publicVariable "authtacping"; nul = remoteExec ["tky_fnc_showauthtacping", 0 ,false]; }; /* Code written by Tankbuster */ #include "..\..\..\includes.sqf" __tky_starts scriptName "fn_showauthtacping"; private ["_atpmapip","_atpuiid"]; private _st = serverTime; private _ctrl = findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51; if ((goggles player in ["G_Goggles_VR", "G_Combat_Goggles_tna_F", "G_Combat", "G_Balaclava_TI_G_tna_F","G_Balaclava_TI_G_blk_F","G_Tactical_Clear", "G_Tactical_Black"]) and ((lifeState player) in ["HEALTHY", "INJURED"])) then {// player has received a ping, has the required gear and is alive // draw ping icon on map _atpmapip = _ctrl ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", { _this select 0 drawIcon [ "\a3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\TacticalPing\TacticalPingDefault_ca", // Custom images can also be used: getMissionPath "\myFolder\myIcon.paa" [0.73,0.24,0.11,1], authtacping, 64, 64, 0, "Ping", 2, 0.03, "TahomaB", "center" ]; }]; // draw ping icon on game ui _atpuiid = addMissionEventHandler ["draw3D", { drawIcon3D [ "\a3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\TacticalPing\TacticalPingDefault_ca", [0.73,0.24,0.11,1], authtacping, 1.5, 1.5, 0, "Ping", true, 0.03, "TahomaB", "center", true, 0, -0.06 ]; }]; playsound ["TacticalPing4",false]; sleep 30; removeMissionEventHandler ["draw3D", _atpuiid]; _ctrl ctrlRemoveEventHandler ["Draw", _atpmapip]; }; Note this is ripped straight out of my mission. You'll need to remove code that is specific to it.
  18. I'm fed up with troubleshooting this. It's invaluable when it works and frustrating when, for no apparent reason, it doesn't. I suspect some problems are caused by 3rd party launchers and who knows what else. So I want to craft a scripted alternative. I've done some brainstorming but written no code yet and wanted to get more input before pressing on. For the player sending the TP, they should be using a rangefinder in optics mode and the laser be turned on. Pressing a key then activates the TP system. It resolves where the player is looking and if they aren't looking into the sky, it works out where on the terrain they are looking (by getting their laserTarget object). It then renders an icon both on their game UI and their map at that position. Players that are in their squad have an icon drawn on their map if they have one and on their UI if they have tactical glasses. I'm expecting to use screentoWorld and its family of commands. It must be MP compatible, TP makes the most sense there. Any thoughts?
  19. Yes, no problem. Give me a day or so.
  20. Tankbuster

    Authority 20 player coop.

    MIssion updated to 1.22.5028 5007 Fix for 950182 broken respawn markers 5012 Diag log now says if mission is restored 5013 Fixed undef'd var on respawn 5017 Hopefully fix for kill1man not finding buildings 5019 Fix for craterclear stalling when there's too many bobcats 5020 Fix for paradrop aircraft being too hard to shoot down 5021 Fix for paradrops arriving after primary cleared (we kill them) 5022 SPTU cycles less in big towns, should fix lag. 5025 Better cooldown for cruise missiles 5027 Predamaging MBT in primary to make them easier to kill 5028 Build
  21. Yes, there are complications. Revive prevent death with an eventhandler and set the player to setcaptive true until they respawn or are revived. I don't spawn players as a civ - it's not something I've thought of doing - I'm not sure why a designer would do that, probably functionality I'm unaware of. Perhaps when showing units of the same side, use faction instead of side. Or remember a players true side, when they are incapacited, ignore their current side and use the remembered side Or the app stops updating while player is incap'd? That's an ugly solution!
  22. Actually, this side thing - I'm going to push it up to bug level because when I'm incapacitated, awaiting revive or not yet respawned, I can see all the civs in the display because they are the same side as me.
  23. Had a little play last night in my mission using an iPad as output. Great fun. Nothing terrible to report, just a couple of minors; When players are incapacitated, the game makes them setcaptive true so the enemy doesn't continue to shoot at them. This means Athena shows them as purple civilians. Maybe an option could show incapacitated players in a more useful way? The slider switches for follow player and icons are too small and/or too close to screen edge.
  24. Mission starting fine. No issues.