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Everything posted by Tankbuster

  1. Tankbuster

    fired hit ratio for players

    Also, has it occurred to you that your username might be read as dread eden titty?
  2. Tankbuster

    fired hit ratio for players

    Absolutely. When I play the mission, I'm battling and trying to outwit the enemy. When I'm making the mission, I'm battling with Marek. 😀
  3. Tankbuster

    fired hit ratio for players

    Yep. That was my next port of call. I note that hitpart works with projectiles as of next game version. I'll look to see if that has any locality boobytraps when it arrives.
  4. Tankbuster

    fired hit ratio for players

    @sarogahtyp I have plugged handledamage into the existing code and it sort of works. The only issue is that it returns the classname of the projectile, not its object, so the multiple activation prevention code is compromised
  5. Tankbuster

    fired hit ratio for players

    Really? That's unnecessarily complex. I mean, I know how to do it, but really?
  6. Tankbuster

    fired hit ratio for players

    Ah right. Yes, I see. Well, that might work in my favour as this is best run client side.
  7. Tankbuster

    fired hit ratio for players

    It is for MP. I did read the wiki notes on locality. The units that are being hit are server local and I want the code to run there. I've only tested localhost so far so will look out for issues.
  8. Tankbuster

    fired hit ratio for players

    Yes, thank you, guys! It's working 🙂 Tested full auto and it handles that just fine as you said it would. I added an alive clause because it's possible to shoot deads to increase your fired/hit ratio and I know players who would do that lol _x addEventHandler ["HitPart", { (_this#0) params ["_target", "_shooter", "_projectile", "_position", "_velocity", "_selection", "_ammo", "_vector", "_radius", "_surfaceType", "_isDirect"]; _handledShot = _target getVariable ["LastProjectile", objNull]; if (_projectile != _handledShot and {alive _target}) then { _target setVariable ["LastProjectile", _projectile]; if (_isDirect) then { diag_log format ["%1 hit %2 in the %3", name _shooter, name _target, _selection#0]; }; }; }]; I'll store this info in an array on the server, one record per player. I already have a firedMan EH on players so I can count their shots. When players open the scoretable (that's when I display the KDR and FHR) the client will get the array from the server and work out the FHR and display it. Once again, thank you, everyone.
  9. Tankbuster

    fired hit ratio for players

    That's right, it doesn't. Single shot; 19:37:44 "&&& Tankbuster hit Arif Nazari in the leftarmroll, with a 1781187: tracer_red.p3d direct? true " 19:37:44 "&&& Tankbuster hit Arif Nazari in the spine3, with a 1781187: tracer_red.p3d direct? true " But hopefully, I can only count the first hit with any given projectile
  10. Tankbuster

    fired hit ratio for players

    Oh! The isdirect! I didn't think of that. Testing it now.
  11. Tankbuster

    fired hit ratio for players

    Yeah, KD ratio is easy, that can be done from the scoreboard. I'm trying to get fired/hit ratio
  12. Tankbuster

    fired hit ratio for players

    Yes, right. I see. Will this handle a unit getting hit by a burst of full auto?
  13. Tankbuster

    fired hit ratio for players

    I'm getting occasional duplicate activations of the EH when shooting single shot. 😞 That's going to make this extra tricky. Can't have hits > shots. 12:34:56 "&&& Tankbuster hit Rahim Amin in the spine1 " 12:35:19 "&&& Tankbuster hit Jamal Kakar in the leftleg " 12:35:30 "&&& Tankbuster hit Khairullah Kakar in the leftleg " 12:35:42 "&&& Tankbuster hit Akbar Bahadur in the leftlegroll " 12:35:45 "&&& Tankbuster hit Akbar Bahadur in the spine2 " 12:35:45 "&&& Tankbuster hit Akbar Bahadur in the spine3 " 12:35:51 "&&& Tankbuster hit Khairullah Kakar in the spine2 " 12:35:51 "&&& Tankbuster hit Khairullah Kakar in the spine1 "
  14. Tankbuster

    fired hit ratio for players

    Apologies for the late reply and thanks. 🙂 I've just returned to this and yes, hitpart works for both one shot kills and a wounding. Excellent! However, I notice that https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#Projectile_Event_Handlers is coming with 2.10 where we can add HitPart to a projectile which might really simplify this. I think I might wait for that. *edit.. actually, I'm not sure about waiting now... it's about whether it's best to add the EH to an enemy unit or a projectile. Hmmm
  15. Tankbuster

    Authority 20 player coop.

    Mission updated to 1.22.4920 Fixed some bugs and added a few features: There's a paradrop of enemies as players enter the AO. Made a few towns/bases that are really too small to support a primary target force into secondary mission only types Map now shows all friendly vehicles
  16. Tankbuster

    A few questions

    Another quality topic from a user whose username was chosen by mashing the keyboard
  17. And, as @Groove_C says, the L3 cache which worth a lot of performance
  18. Even better would be nearestSimpleObjects with a parameter to turn off sorting.
  19. Without any evidence, I'm going to suggest the i3 is going to benefit from ore bandwidth on the motherboard and DDR4 RAM
  20. Tankbuster

    Is a large log file a problem?

    I've had a quick look over that RPT. You use a lot of addons and you use some that I'm not familiar with. I don't use CUP or ACE3 for example. You use CUP Terrains core, but the RPT at line 158 onwards seems to say you're missing some required CUP addons. Also, clients are executing functions that are not allowed by class CfgRemoteExec. That's causing a lot of RPT spam
  21. Tankbuster

    Is a large log file a problem?

    1.85 MB? Those are rookie numbers. A large logfile isn't a problem as such, frequent writing to the file can cause issues. A mission that has been running for a long time (more than a few days) can accumulate a large logfile because there's a lot of stuff that the game writes to the logfile normally. Because writing the logfile is an I/O operation that is expensive on RAM and CPU, lots of logfile entries being written in a short time is a problem. A script error or some other issue that writes the logfile more than a ~20 times a second can have an impact on performance.
  22. OK, let's work this through. These areas, are they at ground level? Is the position you want to get nearest to, is that ground level too? Why the talk of calculatePath? Is it relevant? Is the distance to be calculated the shortest, direct distance?
  23. Why isn't sorting the area centres working? Is the centre of the area good enough? Are the areas the same size, shape and orientation? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_nearestPosition [_arrayofareacentres,_mypostion] call BIS_fnc_nearestPosition Will do what you want if the centre is good enough If you need the nearest edge of the area that is nearest to your position, it's doable, but rather more complicated.
  24. Tankbuster


    The server and client mission files are identical because the client gets them from the server.
  25. Since this week's update, I'm unable to join my own server. In the server browser, it shows a red cross and the tooltip "Different version of Arma 3" According to the server RPT, the game is Version: 2.08.148892 According to the client RPT, the game is Version: 2.08.148892 If I ignore the red cross and join the server, the join failed and this is in the client RPT 21:28:53 Data required by server could not be found: a3\air_f_contact\ And the server RPT 21:28:53 File 'contact\addons\air_f_contact.ebo' not found. I've verified the cache on both the server and clients. I get the same issue on 3 different clients/steam accounts.