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Everything posted by Tankbuster

  1. Tankbuster

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    It holds, iirc, 3000 rounds, but you can never have enough. As you can see from the amount of the on the ground behind me. The CADPAT I got on Ebay a couple of years back. It's not genuine, just the knock off gear but its different. Virtually no-one has uses it here in the UK.
  2. Tankbuster

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    And heres a picture of me, taken a few months ago.
  3. Tankbuster

    Antonov-124 1.2

    Personally, I want it to be able to transport heavy tanks, either paradropping them or landing and unloading in the traditional manner.
  4. Tankbuster

    Antonov-124 1.2

    Don't download it just yet, we are still working on it, to make it just right.
  5. Tankbuster

    Happy birthday Placebo!

    As subject. Many happy returns, squire.
  6. Tankbuster

    Antonov-124 1.2

    I have a DS too. Do you want to do some testing?
  7. Tankbuster

    Happy birthday Placebo!

    That's odd. Ten minutes ago, the forum main page showed Placebo's birthday as being today (wednesday). Now it doesn't. Maybe he's shy and removed his b/day from his profile. Bless!
  8. Tankbuster

    Antonov-124 1.2

    Same, I'm afraid. Clients cannot load vehicles. I never did try the radio trigger, by the way. Not exactly sure what you meant. Your test mission only had space for ine player, so I had to quickly knock up a larger one for myself and my fellow testers.
  9. Tankbuster

    Antonov-124 1.2

    A days full testing, including fresh installs of the game on both machines (to the extent I get "kosher games don't fade" messages all the time now) has yielded the following. Clients cannot load vehicles onto the 124, only those playing on the host machine. I usually play using a dedicated server, which is a player-less host, nobody on that setup can load vehicles. Testing included reinstalling the game on both machines here, using them both as host or client, playing as leader/non-leader and my written results lead me to the above conclusion. If you want to see my notes, you'd be more than welcome. Apart from anything else, I'm getting a little jaded now having been driving up the bum of an Antonov all day and it's entirely possible I may have misinterpreted my results.
  10. Guys, I *think* this is the right place for this. I've just got my Saitek Evo wireless installed and was hoping to start barrel rolling my A-10, but I'm thwarted! Although Windows (XPP) recognises and accepts inputs from the stick, OFP (GOTY1.96) doesn't. It's enabled in options/controls and buttons are assigned, but they don't work. I'm loath to install the programming software as (1) it's useless and (2) I'm not convinced I will be able to program the x/y/z axis with it. AFAIK, it only maps stick buttons to keys and won't work the proportional controls I so need for aircraft control. Thanks in advance, Paul
  11. Tankbuster

    Joystick (Saitek Evo Wireless) problems

    I don't understand. There's no way of maping controls from the windows propery sheet. It only has a little anim showing what button im pressing on the stick, nothing to assign stuff to those buttons.
  12. Tankbuster

    Antonov-124 1.2

    I have the dedicated server on a different machine. I copied the game install from the client machine (the one I'm typing on now) and tried again. Same problem. I'm going to now do a virgin from-cd install of the game onto the dedicated server machine and see if that makes any difference. I tried the mission you sent me. Guess what. It worked fine. This leads me to suspect the software (or even the hardware) on my dedicated server machine.
  13. Tankbuster

    Antonov-124 1.2

    Yes, it is odd isn't it> it worked locally for me too, but on my dedicated server, it didn't. I'm just reinstalling the DS now to eliminate any potential differences and will report back.
  14. Tankbuster

    Antonov-124 1.2

    Righty, two problems, one minor, one major. In both SP and MP, AI can't take off unless there's a HP in the gunners seat. In MP (but not in SP), the load cargo doesn't work. The option appears on the action menu, but selecting it does nothing. The vehicles you try to load stay suspended in mid air if the aircraft moves off.
  15. Tankbuster

    Antonov-124 1.2

    I've started testing, both SP and MP. I'll report back soon, but early impressions, I have to say, are very encouraging.
  16. Eeeek. I'm going out on a limb here because I've looked around here all morning and not found quite what I'm looking for. I'm quite new to this, so please, be gentle. I've downloaded and read dozens of FAQ's and tutorials, some are better than others but most of them are huge! This leads me to the following question. Basically, what are the fundamental steps to mission making? I'm currently working along the following lines. (This is for my Co-op mission, by the way) 1) Storyboard your mission. 1.1) Decide who starts where. 1.2) Decide what the objective(s) is/are. 1.3) Decide what might happen to waylay them. 2) Assemble your addons. 2.1) Test them (grrrr) 3) Put freindly units on the map. 4) Put enemy units on the map. 5) Add scripts, inits and triggers to 3 and 4. 6) Make briefings and intros. 7) Test, test and release.
  17. Tankbuster

    Antonov-124 1.2

    Yes, it was in multiplayer.
  18. Tankbuster

    Mission making roadmap.

    Actually yes - I forgot to mention that. I spent 2 days reccying the island (malvern) in my case, for good places to have battles, land troops, place waypoints, start/resoawn points.
  19. Tankbuster

    Mission making roadmap.

    Cool! Just the sort of viewpoint I was hoping for. More please!
  20. Tankbuster

    Mission making roadmap.

    Yeah, sorry. I got so caught up in constructing my own series of events, I forgot to ask a question. I suppose I just saying - is this the widely accepted order of things and would like any other input from those who've been doing it longer than me.
  21. Tankbuster

    I need a new joystick.

    I've got the wireless version and it sucks like a street cleaner. The installation application caused a GPF, the programming software is shockingly bad and the driver is very buggy indeed. Avoid while I send mine back.
  22. Tankbuster

    Antonov-124 1.2

    I've had comtact with Konyak. It's complex but apparently, Vit and Konyak both worked on the 124, but stopped after a while. The latest version is from konyak and is only a troop carrier. It cannot transport tanks. Speaking for myself, I can say that'd be the feature that would be cool to have back.
  23. Tankbuster

    Tank transport (air/sea)

    I did give that a try and was impressed, nice model. Shame it's Russian.
  24. It's occurred to me recently, that OFP is missing something. Well, it's missing plenty but one thing stands out. There's no way of moving heavy armour long distances, particularly over sea. In other words, from the outlying islands on our maps to the mainland or from from one end of the mainland to another. Clearly, there's two ways of moving this equipment, by sea or by air and from my research over the last week, both methods have been tried, with varying degrees of success. Vit's Antonov promised plenty and he's handed it over to Konyak, who, for reasons best known to himself, has removed the heavy lift capability of the aircraft. It's not all bad though, it flies much better now and the AI makes a decent job of flying/landing it. Philcomando's USN ships are nice too, though as with the Antonov, they looked distinctly unfinished. PC's Tarawa is impressive and the LCAC that comes with it is very cool, if a little rough around the edges. The game doesn't handle hovercrafts well. The LCAC has the odd ability to spawn tanks on it, rather than the out and out ability to transport them from A to B. Although they aren't strictly heavy lifters, the SEF Stallions are very nice indeed although they can only lift humvees, there is a vast array of humvees compatible with it. These '53's are very nice indeed, and pleasantly bug free. So, what's my point? Well, being able to move armour late into a mission adds dimensions. In the past, many missions have relied on players capturing tanks (friendly or enemy). This is OK, bu it'd be nice to bring them in old style. I'd like to urge the addon makers to do what they can to bring this functionality to the game.