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Everything posted by Tankbuster

  1. Tankbuster

    Rezina Island

    I fixed that error, but I get another one, too.
  2. Tankbuster

    The A-Team

    And some Ruger 556s
  3. Tankbuster

    Rezina Island

    Fasad, Thanks for that, I'll try it and report back. Tanky -Paul-
  4. Tankbuster

    Rezina Island

    Looking good. Good enough to bring me back from that bucket of bugs that is Armed Assault. I've reinstalled the port addon, but still get this error. Any ideas?
  5. Tankbuster

    AH-64D (Longbow) Apache

    I didn't know the D was two versions. I thought the D was the Longbow. Did the naval variant ever see the light of day? I wonder how we might be able to model the target 'handing-off' system. I don't know it's real designation, but as I'm sure the OP knows it's when one asset (not necesarily a 64, sometimes not even a helo) illuminates a target with a designator and that data can be handed off to other aircraft, allowing firing from beyond visual range.
  6. Further to my thread about Morphicon/Metaboli download problems. I contacted them by email with my suspicions of corrupt downloads, and they have replied with the md5 sums for both files. Now, I don't know if my serial number etc. is embedded my downloaded files, so I am waiting for confirmation from Metaboli as to whether those sums can apply to anyone or just me. If it's the former, then I'll post that information here, as well as a link to the md5summer application they sent me as a zip file complete with instructions. I have run this tool on my files and both passed. In the meantime, for those wanting a quick answer to the "Is my download corrupt?" question, I can tell you the sizes of the files (as reported by Windows). The exe file is 1,052,303,360 bytes or 1,027,640 KB The bin file is 1,751,536,010 bytes or 1,710,485 KB I hope this helps others who are in the position I was in 24 hours ago and if all goes well, I'll post the md5 sums so you can be ultra sure you are good to go.
  7. Tankbuster

    Morphicon/Metaboli woes

    Note that this thread is not a request for technical support nor a bug report but a report of my early experiences with the game and the problems I've experienced trying to use the download option from the German publishers Morphicon and their download provider, Metaboli. Have decided to take the plunge early, I tried to download the game from Metaboli. The first attempt failed because the credit card authorisation screen didn't work. Having given my card details, I was presented with a blank screen. For someone who regularly buys stuff online, it really doesn't get any worse than that. I contacted Metaboli (who I think are a British company) and they told me that the website was faulty and that no payment had been taken. Eventually the website came back and the card details were duly accepted and I was taken to the download screen. Also, I got an email with serial numbers and some other helpful stuff. My spirits began to rise and I changed my MSN name to "OwnsArmedAssault". Within hours, I had changed my MSN name to "Too hasty" because the download finished and the subsequent install hung. It just stopped while installing one of the pbos. I assumed a corrupt download. Sure enough, I returned to the website using the urls in the email and downloaded the 2 files again. Over the course of the next few hours, I downloaded the files a number of times, getting different file sizes each and every time, especially for the bin file. On one install attempt, the install finished and the protection stuff was all done OK, but running the game produced errors that said one of the files was the wrong size. Again, I assumed a cut-short download. I am satisfied the exe file is complete having twice downloaded the file and seen it saved on disk at the same size. It took 5 attempts before I could say the same about the bin file. Hooray! At last, I'm fairly confident I have complete download files. But, and you all knew there was a 'but' the installer is now rejected my serial number, presumably it doesn't like the fact that (A) I've downloaded the file more times than that britney picture or (B) I've attempted to install it a number of times or © Both. Either way, this isn't good enough and I'll report back when Metaboli finally answer my emails.
  8. Tankbuster

    Morphicon/Metaboli woes

    For information of other readers; my sys specs CPU - AMD 3200+ Graphics card 7600gs running Nvidia whql driver 91.31, Sound card 1: Onboard nVidia nForce 2: SB Audigy RAM 2 gig (dual channelled) ArmA version German 1.01 DirectX version 9c Browser (it might be relevant as many of my problems were encountered during download) Firefox 2. No download manager.
  9. Tankbuster

    Where to buy ??

    Me too! w00t
  10. Tankbuster

    Eastereggs in ARMA

    It clearly is the same image isn't it? I take it back, it isn't a traditional Father Christmas portrayal. I wonder if BIS intended it to be a normal FC picture but accidentally used that one or if they intentionaly used a smoking goblin type image?
  11. Tankbuster

    Eastereggs in ARMA

    It's Father Christmas (as he is known in the UK). I assume the factory you mention is supposed to be a toy factory?
  12. Tankbuster

    AA Harriers

    Any vids of these puppies doing their stuff would be much appreciated...
  13. Not a superfast jet, but something that can go low and do some nice nap-of-earth stuff at around 200-300 knots Ideally, something basic as I don't want to risk any lag and something easy to fly. It's for a video project, not for a game per se. Any suggestions? Ta.
  14. Tankbuster

    OFP videography

  15. Tankbuster

    Looking for a 2 seat aircraft

    The Tornados look great from the outside and fly nicely, but theres an odd problem. When I'm in the gunners seat, the pilot clipps through the instrument panel and the cockpit looks too big. Oddly enough, if I'm in the front seat and another player is in the back, the other player reports it all looks fine. Also, if I'm in the front seat, the cockpit looks 'to scale' whereas it looks to big if I'm in the back. http://www.edenfamily.net/ofp/tornadopilotclipping.wmv Any ideas?
  16. Tankbuster

    Looking for a 2 seat aircraft

    A Tornado sounds deeply, irrevocably cool. I will try it. Thanks for your suggestions. Oh! I forgot to mention; it *must* be able to barrel roll and fly inverted.
  17. Tankbuster

    Latest screenshots available

    Initially, I agreed, but I think it's mostly due to the camera angle. Here's a RL pic from a similar aspect.
  18. Guys, In an MP mission, I have a pair of BMP2's driving along a road, quided by waypoints. The idea is that the should stumble upon, and attack a west (landed) blackhawk and it's crew/cargo, but the east units are not aggresive enough, they won't open fire first and they never fire on the helo. The final few waypoints of their journey have Combat Mode= Open fire, engage at will and behaviour= combat. How can I make the east units more aggresive? Paul PS, the BMP have squads embarked.
  19. Tankbuster

    BMP not aggressive enough

    No I haven't. I'll try it. Ta.
  20. Gang, sort of related to previous discussions about heavy tanks and aircraft. In an MP mission, I want to have an AI heavy aircraft (Vit An124 or Hawk C5 seems best) delivery a couple of heavy tanks to the airport at malden on a trigger (players clear all enemy AA). Is it possible to do this, ideally without scripting as I really haven't grasped that yet? Here's what I've done so far; I've moveincargo'd a tank into the aircraft, told them they are flying and even grouped them with me, but the tank falls striaght out and the aircraft never obeys my commands to land, even if I line it up with runway centreline. Incidentaly, the C5 usually crashes. I wasn't expecting to be able to group the civilian 124 with me to allow me to give it orders from the runway but it did accept that. The only thing is it transported my player character from the runway to the plane from where I fell directly into the sea, along with the tank. It then goes on to cirle the airfield endlessly. Ideally, I'd like all this to happen automatically by a trigger rather than me having to order the chap to land (disembark). Any thoughts greatly appreciated. Paul
  21. Tankbuster

    AI aircraft deliver heavy tanks

    Agreed, though its a real shame it can't be made to work. Actually, Vits 124 flies like a flighter. In testing I even had it inverted - it was quite a sight, I can tell you! Because it can turn on a sixpence, the AI/autopilot actually makes a very decent fist of putting on the tarmac and the 124 looks fabulous. It looks eveb better in the air, mostly cos it's just so laggy. Oh, and the supplied cargo scripts doesn't work. Such a shame. What I'm going to do is when the 'take down AA" objective is complete, I'm going to spawn Hawks C5 on the runway and spawn a couple of M1A1s under it's tail. As a little flourish, I might have the C5 take off as the player team approach.
  22. Tankbuster

    AI aircraft deliver heavy tanks

    OK, so the alternative is to spawn the aircraft and tanks on the runway when the kill AA objective is complete. That's my fall back position then. How complex is the scripting? Is it going to be hampered by the AI inability to fly large aircraft?
  23. Tankbuster


    Gang, When I'm messing with my MP missions in editor preview, I can see for a long distance. For example, from the little island north west of Malden, the mainland can clearly be seen. However, when I export the mission to MP and test it with freinds, the visibilty is great reduced. Any clues gratefully recieved. Paul
  24. Tankbuster

    triggers and waypoints help

    OK many thanks. That gives me something to go at. Paul