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Everything posted by Tankbuster

  1. Is there anyway I can stop this? The building is on flat and level ground and I've put grass cutters down. Thanks, Tanky -Paul-http://www.teamspaff.co.uk/grassclipsthroughfactoryfloor.wmv
  2. Tankbuster

    Arma detail levels compared

    Do you even know what nvidia is? No. No I don't.
  3. Tankbuster

    Im a horrible commander.  An help out there?

    Your one example... When you give the RTF command, give it to the driver of the vehicle, not the entire crew. Dslyecxi's guide does look good, even if it trumpets the ACE thing too much. I've ordered the printed version because I get so badly pwned in the Berzerk games.
  4. Tankbuster

    Arma detail levels compared

  5. Grasscutters didn't do it. I put loads of them down and they did shorten the grass, but it still clipped through the building floor. The vid I linked to in the first post has grasscutters in place.
  6. I lost patience with it and used a building with a thicker floor.
  7. Tankbuster

    Building library

    Oh, it's not in English.. or at least, it's not in the same language as my ArmA editor. Is there an English version?
  8. Someone made a huge webpage with all the building names and a picture that are available in the editor. I was sure I bookmarked it, but can't find it now. Any help? Thanks Tanky -Paul-
  9. Tankbuster

    BAS f

    Fer, it does help, thank you very much. I'm more than happy to keep asking here. I'm sure the popularity of BAS f is due to the fact you aimed it at a big section of the community and as such, many people may well be asking, or at least thinking of asking, the same questions. I think I will follow your naming conventions, it makes more sense to do so than to not. I will also name the OPFOR groups for the same reason. Again, many thanks. Tanky -Paul-
  10. Tankbuster

    BAS f

    Question (first of many) 1. Is there a forum at the BAS site you'd rather I use to ask these questions? 2. Group names. Page 8 of the manual mentions that each of BLUFORs players have f_GrpBLU11A = group this; I don't fully understand why we have to have the group named so explicitly, but that's not my real query; If I have a second player group, can you suggest a name for them? 3. OPFOR groups. Should they be named in a similar fashion? Thanks guys, Tanky -Paul-
  11. (Aggh! Title should be Civilians ignored by Opfor) Hmm, can't quite think of an appropriate title for this one, so here goes... I'd like to have two groups of players entering a Opfor held area. One group, will be the usual Blufor squad. The second group, I'd like to be dressed civilians. At least outwardly so; I want one group of blufor to be dressed as civvies, and be ignored by Opfor until the civvies take up arms. I'm planning on having them in a car, maybe they could have guns in the boot. So... I'm not making myself clear here. I want a playable civ who is ignored by Opfor, until the Civ grabs a gun, at which point Opfor should see him as enemy (and ideally, Blufor would see him as friendly at all times) Can it be done? I've tried civs getting an M4 and even when he runs around a Opfor camp shooting soldiers, the rest of them still ignore him. Any ideas, please? Ta.
  12. Tankbuster

    Civilians are ignored by blufor

    Right. Good. So, how can we make the civs "break" cover when they grab a gun?
  13. Tankbuster

    Civilians are ignored by blufor

    Of course! Well done, that man! Does this work for player controlled civs, as well as AI?
  14. Tankbuster

    Civilians are ignored by blufor

    That was how I was thinking of going at it, but got stuck there. I planned to have the civs in a car, with the guns in the boot.
  15. Tankbuster

    BAS f

    Fer, thanks for that. If the update installs are described as well as the manual is written, I'm sure it'll be fine. You don't want to see the mission I'm making, it'd destroy any credibility I have left! In truth, I'm only testing stuff and making sure I understand it before I actually put all the pieces together to make a mission. I know what I want to do, I'm waiting on one or two addons to make it a reality (C130 and a commercial airliner (think Entebbe)).
  16. Tankbuster

    Building library

    Thanks Doc. Works best in IE. Now, shall I print it out?
  17. Tankbuster

    North Saharani Airports

    Answering my own question ... I can make a small mission using N Sahrani Airports, copy all the objects, load up a BAS f mission I'm currently using and paste all the objects into it. I'll credit in the final version, of course.
  18. Tankbuster

    Helicopter CG

    Because I have done.
  19. Tankbuster

    North Saharani Airports

    Question. As this is not an addon in the simplest sense, can it cause conflicts with other stuff? Specifically, I'm using BAS f to make some missions and I'd like the airfield at Pita, too. But your addon takes the form of a mission.sqm, and so does BAS f. I'm wondering if one will overwrite the other when installing? If it does, can I open a mission using Northern Sahrani Airports, copy everything from the Pita Airfield, then copy it back into another mission created using BAS f. Thanks, Tanky -Paul-
  20. Tankbuster

    BAS f

    I like this. A lot. I'm lucky in that BAS f is aimed directly at me. I have some knowledge of the editor; I can use waypoints, triggers and logic and I'm making real progress using BAS f. It's like you've been looking over my shoulder and said "Let's make something for HIM!" One question - I took the plunge and installed at version 0-0-31. What am I likely to need to do as subsequent versions come out? Will any missions I'm working on now get broken by future versions? Cheers! Tanky -Paul-
  21. Tankbuster

    Helicopter CG

    That it's trivial is your opinion. Triviality is in the eye of the beholder. You're right of course. The question is "Why does the focus have to be the CoG?" I'm suppose it is easier for the pilot flying 3rd person perspective if less of the view is taken up with helicopter. That's a good answer. It's less use to those of us who use this view for movie making.
  22. Tankbuster

    Helicopter CG

    I don't *need* to use a scripted camera, nor am I using it for cutscenes. The camera focus being so high up on the aircraft makes no sense. Why would it be there when it wasn't before?
  23. Tankbuster

    Helicopter CG

    But why move the camera focus point to the rotor hub too? I had lots of fun making movies in OFP when the camera focus point was somewhere in the middle of the aircraft. Now, we can't get good shots of the crew, the windshield or the body of the aircraft. In fact, all we can get is good closeups of the rotor hub.
  24. Tankbuster

    New dedicated server

    Yes. Add more RAM. Double what you have, at least!
  25. Tankbuster

    New dedicated server

    I used to use Win2k and it was fine. I've since changed it to XPP and all still seems good. You need a lot of raw processor grunt and plenty of upload bandwidth helps (Mine is here at home with me)