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Everything posted by Tankbuster

  1. Tankbuster

    Google flight sim

    *Install latest version of Google Earth *Put the cursor way from any text boxes. *Press Alt A *Crash and burn *Repeat until bored
  2. Tankbuster

    RKSL Studios

    Damnit I've broken the quotes! Gah.. I give up.
  3. Tankbuster

    RKSL Studios

    For me, the point is to move resources from A to B. But it does play a major part in the look and feel, so it's not something I would want to willingly exclude. I could live with the odd person, who happens to be sat in a cargo position, seeing some graphical glitches while a vehicle is being driven onboard. What I can't really live with, is the problem Rock highlighted with the Stryker. Graphics are one thing, but having some unsuspecting player wreck their mission, because one or two vehicles cause the transport to tip over and destroy half the units in the surrounding area... I do prefer easy solutions But I don't mind writing extra scripts to avoid problems. As long as those scripts don't hog any resources for extended periods of time. Some of the possible solutions are pretty drastic. Yeah, imagine how Arma decides which objects should be drawn behind which. When a player is sat in a cargo position, Arma makes the assumption that, everything contained in the cargo LOD is to be drawn last. Everything else outside the LOD is drawn first. A vehicle being driven into the cargo bay, is classed as being outside the vehicle. The engine only starts to draw it correctly, once our system loads the vehicle into a cargo position. For me, the point is to move resources from A to B. But it does play a major part in the look and feel, so it's not something I would want to willingly exclude. Yes, that's what I meant. I could live with the odd person, who happens to be sat in a cargo position, seeing some graphical glitches while a vehicle is being driven onboard. What I can't really live with, is the problem Rock highlighted with the Stryker. Graphics are one thing, but having some unsuspecting player wreck their mission, because one or two vehicles cause the transport to tip over and destroy half the units in the surrounding area... Agree with your point reference graphic glitches seen by one or two players. The Strykers and Vulcans. That is a big problem. I'm sort of assuming it's a recently discovered problem with the addon? Are there options available yet? I do prefer easy solutions But I don't mind writing extra scripts to avoid problems. As long as those scripts don't hog any resources for extended periods of time. Yes, I sort of meant that having been lucky enough to see your and Rock's work in the past, I get the impression you are perfectionists and might not necessarily take the easy option, especially when a harder, but superior one might be available. I'm no programmer (at least, not since COBOL stopped being a mainstream language) but I do understand what you are saying and how and why it happens that way. I think that's a good compromise.
  4. Tankbuster

    RKSL Studios

    To answer your questions; 1. If it can't be fixed, yes. The option to drive cargo up the ramp is the whole point of having a cargo lift aircraft. 2. To remove a function because it looks poor is cutting ones nose off to spite the face. 3. If that's an easy solution, yes, but I rather think you don't like easy solutions. 4. Not sure what the question is. To summarize: Surely, if we have a C130 without a vehicle airlift function, then *that is* purely eye candy. If we can have it, but it looks a awkward to player seated in the aircraft, then yes, either remove their 3rd person viewpoint, or just put up with it. Given that it's being rendered as if from outside, while sitting inside (if I've understood the problem) then there may not be a fix, but given the functionality we get in return, I for one, can live with it.
  5. Tankbuster

    RKSL Studios

    UNN and I (I'm such a name dropper! came against similar problems with the Antonov. Never did fix it. Rock, I think you missed an opportunity in that video; "He's fallen in the water!"
  6. Tankbuster

    RKSL Studios

    OT: Somewhere on Youtube, there's an incockpit video taken in an Airbus as it comes into land. Just as the aircraft crosses the runway threshold, the computer voice says "retard". I assume it's to remind the pilot to throttle back but deep down, I wish it's the computer passing comment on the pilots forthcoming "unexpected violation of the ground/air interface".
  7. Tankbuster

    RKSL Studios

    I think that's a good idea, Rock. I assume the brake will deployable at any airspeed? To be honest after a MP test last night I really don’t think its needed. Macca, Rum and I were able to fly both accurately and consistently at 5m at 160kph a number of times. As long as you plan your route in its fine. This isnt a fighter after all. Fair point. For the short field landings will it have wheel brakes and/or thrust retardation?
  8. Tankbuster

    RKSL Studios

    I think that's a good idea, Rock. I assume the brake will deployable at any airspeed?
  9. Tankbuster

    1s SFG recruiting

  10. Tankbuster

    Above the recommended specs

    91 free? Hehehe, you have XP, ArmA and nothing else installed! OK, the HDD has plenty of room then. What chipset is the motherboard?
  11. Tankbuster

    Above the recommended specs

    No to both, I'm afraid. Your HDD isn't huge. How much free space is there?
  12. Tankbuster

    Webcam head tracking video

    I've ordered the 4 LED head kit from a Finnish chap on the Freetrack forum and I don't yet have a webcam but when I have set all this up, I will definately report back.
  13. Tankbuster

    RKSL Studios

    You're in London.. Every train journey is an epic.
  14. Tankbuster

    RKSL Studios

    You have mentioned it before, I think when you voiced over an aircraft demo vid. That was Test Island 1 for OFP. Which was actually released! Ah yes! I stand corrected.
  15. Tankbuster

    RKSL Studios

    You have mentioned it before, I think when you voiced over an aircraft demo vid.
  16. Tankbuster

    RKSL Studios

    The Flashpoint An 124 was impressive, if very laggy. UNN sort of had a hand in that when I tried to help him debug it. We did have it flying once or twice, it was very cool indeed.
  17. Tankbuster

    RKSL Studios

    I was lucky enough to be driving past RAF Benson one summer morning when I saw a Merlin doing some extraordinary maneuvers, steep climbs from the runway, (helo equivalent of) wingover turns and very fast passes over the apron. Fantastic to see it in real life being given some proper stick.
  18. Tankbuster


    Your post contains all the information we need to help you.
  19. Tankbuster

    AZERTY controllers?

    M'lud, the prosecution rests.
  20. Tankbuster

    AZERTY controllers?

    He has a normal keyboard. You sir, are guilty of xenophobia.
  21. Tankbuster

    OK, this is a new one for me...

    That picture looks very much like what happens when you load the female reporter into an object viewer.
  22. Tankbuster

    Keep on Truckin - Trailer mod

    Yes, they could model all the crappy US trucks, or the well built, better peforming European ones.
  23. Tankbuster

    Creating a Lan server

    Yes, if they login in as an admin.
  24. Tankbuster

    Creating a Lan server

    Is the server configured to load a mission automatically? If not, it'll just sit there someone logs in as admin and selects a mission.