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Everything posted by Tankbuster

  1. Tankbuster


    Fenix, does the server have a config file that selects a mission? If not, it will just sit there until someone logs in as admin and selects a mission.
  2. Tankbuster

    Be 32K

    <--- 8800 GTX user.
  3. Tankbuster

    Deploying things

    What a nice turn of phrase! I'm totally with you on the iff thing though. PS Happy birthday.
  4. Tankbuster


    Ah that was me. I always lie about my age.
  5. Tankbuster

    Be 32K

    Oh good job. Is the 'overbright' windscreen fixed?
  6. Tankbuster

    Movement : side roll on prone

    You can't. You can sort of. There's an animation that looks a little like a series of Kung Fu moves, though they can't be used for combat.
  7. Operation Thunderflash has been a labour of love. It's a MP Coop mission that has been rattling around in my head for a few months. Over the last few weeks, I've been up to my elbows in the editor, the BAS f framework and CHendersons ArmA edit have helped me along enormously. I've printed out a few choice snippets from here, from the biki and from one or two other website, Armaholic mostly. I've been connected to my clans Teamspeak server, listening to my mates play while I've been editing. The other day, one of them asked me why I wasn't playing and wanted to know last time I've actually played Armed Assault. My reply; "30 seconds ago" didn't satisfy him. Apparently, previewing a mission to minutely realign that piece of Clinker Stonewall doesn't count as playing. So it transpires I haven't played Armed Assault in a true shooty fashion in over a week. I'm not terribly good, so I'm sure my clan mates can get by without me. All this has got me wondering; The rest of you chaps who make missions (or for that matter, make addons and scripts) do you actually get to play much?
  8. Tankbuster

    RKSL Studios

    Quoted for truth and good sense.
  9. Tankbuster

    Arma mission makers, how much do you play?

    Exactly! I've partially got around that by having the secondary objective chosen from a pool of 10 possibles.
  10. Tankbuster

    Arma mission makers, how much do you play?

    And do you know what is going to be so hard? Playing the finished product for the first time with a few close mates who don't know all the traps, pitfalls and tricks I've put in without telling them. I'll just mute myself on teamspeak or I'll end up giving all the secrets away before they can discover them!
  11. Tankbuster

    BAS f

    I know how to do it (I do now ) but I thought it was something that is missing from BAS f.
  12. Tankbuster

    Arma mission makers, how much do you play?

    I think you are right, thats what kept me busy all this years. Its a kick to solve something and make it work! But to make it a finnished product... Thats frustrating. So many times I started "the ultimate mission" (for me) and made all the scripts and solved all different problems with addons and whatever. But when I have everything set I loose interest because I have spent all my energy. I know that now its mostly timeconsuming editing that are most of the time annoying because of things that come up that you didnt expect, and so on... But when I finally play with my friends we can do it for a whole weekend!! I think he's right too. I've been playing ArmA since this time last year and have only occasionally dipped into the editor, but this month, my baby (the aforementioned MP coop) has made it through her first trimester and I've got a mate on board to help with the scripting and dull maths/logic stuff. For me, the core of this is; the editor is slightly less bugged than the gameplay and that coupled with my creative streak, I'm finding editing more fulfilling.
  13. Tankbuster

    Arma mission makers, how much do you play?

    Oh good, it's not just me then. For all it's fault, the mission editor does draw me in, despite it taking half an hour to get a line of wall looking decent. I am, deep down, quite a creative person and so I do enjoy making this stuff. It's very frustrating sometimes, having to use the spasticated map screen to put objects down. The symbols it uses doesn't help. I mean, a toilet shack is represented by a huge question mark, yet a large barn is represented by a tiny building symbol. Such fun but in spite of this, I keep going back to it.
  14. Which is why I use the addon I mentioned earlier.
  15. Tankbuster

    Blinking Screen Problem

    The new Nvidia 8800 GT seems to be really good value for money, but they are really very rare. These are in the UK and as you can see, there's not many about but in terms of performance/cash spent, they are supposed to be pretty good, certainly better than my GTX. Paul http://www.scan.co.uk/Product....derBy=1
  16. Tankbuster

    Blinking Screen Problem

    I think a reinstall is probably the next thing, old friend, but I still say the problem is likely to be hardware rather than software given the symptoms. At 7600 is rather more capable than a 6700 but you'd find massive increases in performance with a Nvidia 88xx GT or even a GTS. Of course I say with with my own interests at heart. The quicker you get a working graphics card, the quicker we are likley to get our hot little hands on the stuff you are working on. Good luck! Tanky -Paul-
  17. Tankbuster

    "graphis explosion"

    That's a rubbish graphics card he's using there too.
  18. In the mission I'm working on now I have a main objective for the MP coop players to complete. Having done this, I want the game to give them secondary objective, a hostage rescue from a house at a new location. This, I can do. What I'd really like to do though is have the game randomly choose from 4 or 5 new locations, where the house/hostage/terrorist might be. Obviously, I'd need to accurately place the units inside the buildings. Some of the buildings I will use will be multistorey. So, what's the best way of going about this? Should I; 1. Make all 5 locations, complete with markers, hostages and terrorists. At the start of the game, have the game decide which one to use and remove the others, then inform the players by a trigger when they complete the primary where the secondary is by means of an unhide? 2. When the primary is complete, then choose and generate the location of the secondary? 3.Another method someone else, better qualified might think of? Regards, Tanky -Paul-
  19. Tankbuster

    setposasl madness

    All of these wall sections have the same absolute altitude and vector. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this setPosASL [(getPosASL this select 0), (getPosASL this select 1),203]; this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1]; But they all at different heights. What is this madness?
  20. Tankbuster

    setposasl madness

    I've seen modeltoworld and worldtomodel. They made my head hurt. Maybe BIS could fix setposasl and make it work as advertised.
  21. Tankbuster

    setposasl madness

    Yes, it was. I dropped the objects in, position them, then setposasl them, then last of all, set the vector.
  22. Tankbuster

    Blinking Screen Problem

    I think it's time for a new graphics card, Martijn. Have you tried reseating the card and maybe checking the contacts are good between the card and the motherboard?
  23. Tankbuster

    setposasl madness

    - works fine for me No that's the whole point of setposasl, it's relative to sea level, so should be constant around the whole game world. It's supposed to ignore terrain heights. Setpos is indeed height above terrain.
  24. Tankbuster

    setposasl madness

    There is another topic about it I've found since I wrote this. setposasl is supposed to be absolute to sea level, but when you stack to on top of the other, things get all weird. In those pics, the big stone pedestal is placed using setposasl to get all 3 parts of it level, but then trying to put stuff on top makes it go all screwy. Men and vehicles fall to the ground (or what ever object they are on) when the game starts, but buildings stay exactly where they start. They don't seem to be subject to gravity. Anyhow, I've used setpos for the buildings on top and that seems to work, though it takes masses of fine tuning. Setposasl really is a dropped ball here. If it worked as advertised, it'd be fantastic, but as with so many things under the bonnet of ArmA, it's badly flawed.