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Everything posted by Tankbuster

  1. Tankbuster

    Where & how to buy ArmA or Queen's Gambit

    I know it's not as good as it could have been but its addons, islands and animations mean that Queens Gambit is becoming popular amongst mission makers (myself included) so when hassling a clan member to buy it so he could help with beta testing, we found this. QG, UK delivered for seven quid. If you're a Game Reward card holder, it's even cheaper! Now there's just no excuse. Go and get it, it's less than the price of 40 fags, for goodness sake! That's way cheaper than any legal download, plus you get the media.
  2. Tankbuster

    Chris' ofp mission editor

    I think the new version of this wonderful tool allows you to insert linefeeds. Which version have you got?
  3. Tankbuster

    Possibility of my idea/work

    MB Actros MP2 2548 with Sommer "Hubschwingen" Swapbody An Actros? Ah, I was close. Let's see how close you make it to mine. That prime mover would be a bit underpowered for that combo. The prime mover has a 30 foot box and the trailer is 40 foot? That's upwards of 80 tonnes. That's be slow on the hills! Also, the trailer is 2 x 20 foot sea containers, but the prime mover is a demount. That'd be very unusual, even for you crazy Germans! haha, actually those are no "sea containers" those are "swapbodys", they have own legs and are a bit longer as 20ft. sea containers, you can buy them in the lengths: 7,15m, 7,45m and 7,85m. on this combo are usually 7,45m containers. here a picture of a swapbody container: http://www.kronedata.de/nfz/fotos/ws/181E0662.jpg well this combo is actually made from a real role model, pictures you can find here: http://lkw-infos.eu/images....-02.jpg http://lkw-infos.eu/images....-04.jpg http://lkw-infos.eu/images....-06.jpg the german law for such a combo has been stopped due "too high weight for our 'old' bridges" and "high risk for accidents" - sure, it has better brakes as a normal truck, "too big". it wont stopping me doing this truck for a game, since those trucks where used in the netherlands and sweden and all these countrys too. everyone was expecting those trucks will not be rolling on german roads in the next couple of years, since we have too much dumb..... leading our country, anyways. im not really such a big fan of those "lvz" combinations, but this one i love. the pictures were made in hannover, 2006 on the european biggest tradeshow for commercial vehicles (IAA). i was taking my own pictures too but they were more focused on details, was crawling under the whole trailer around and trashed my good clothings, but it was worth it. lmao. I assumed they were containers because of the ridged, corrugated construction. It's rare to see that on a demount body here in the UK. Our Dept of Transport has messed about in a similar fashion, but with good reason in this case. Our roads are in worse condition than yours. Also, I see the pic you show is of a DAF 105 480. That is much better suited to that combo than the Actros. The engine has more torque and better gearbox.
  4. Tankbuster

    Possibility of my idea/work

    MB Actros MP2 2548 with Sommer "Hubschwingen" Swapbody An Actros? Ah, I was close. Let's see how close you make it to mine. That prime mover would be a bit underpowered for that combo. The prime mover has a 30 foot box and the trailer is 40 foot? That's upwards of 80 tonnes. That's be slow on the hills! Also, the trailer is 2 x 20 foot sea containers, but the prime mover is a demount. That'd be very unusual, even for you crazy Germans!
  5. Tankbuster

    HWM Addon Pack v2.0

    mirror now removed
  6. Tankbuster

    Qg technicals addon error

    And as I suspected, you can click through this error in preview to make it work, but on a dedicated server, it causes the mission load to bomb out. Such a shame, the PK armed technicals can carry 5 chaps and look more insurgent, whereas the DshKm ones can only carry 3.
  7. I've been messing about seeing if I can migrate some ArmA missions to QG so that I can use the technicals, but some are giving errors. The Datsun and Hilux models are nice and with the DshKm, they work fine, but when I use the PK-1 versions of those cars, the missions generates an error on preview. Note that if I ignore the error and continue into the preview, the PK car is there and works just fine, but if I remember correctly, this error will prevent clients loading the mission when used on a dedicated server. Also, I've just done a fresh, brand new install of the game from top to bottom so I know the content hasn't been deleted. Any ideas, please? Thanks Tanky -Paul-
  8. Tankbuster

    Qg technicals addon error

    This mission file is a tiny test mission. A player and the Hilux PK1. the Hilux DshKm works fine and that's in the same class so the dbe1 is there, but maybe incomplete? But if you click through the error, the PK1 car is there.
  9. I've got lowflys 102 editor installed, but I don't think it works for Queens Gambit editor. Can anyone confirm this, please? Ta, Tanky -Paul-
  10. Tankbuster

    QG editor updates

    Right. I've got this working. You're going to laugh, but it occurred to me to drop the editorupgrade pbo into the QG addons folder and it does seem to work. All the objects appear in the editor. I've not tried actually popping them on the map, but I'm hopeful it will just work.
  11. Tankbuster

    Mod folder sequence

    The link in your sig is munged by the rubbish forum software.
  12. Tankbuster

    Possibility of my idea/work

    An MB Axor rigid prime mover with demountable body? Maybe a 32 tonner? Very nice. Some superb detail there. Do you work for EADS?
  13. Tankbuster

    Editor 1.02?

    If you are talking about lowfly upgrade 102, then no, you pretty much have to guess.
  14. Tankbuster

    ArmA Addon request thread

    Vilas makes lots of suck weapons.
  15. Tankbuster

    MV-22 Osprey Tilt-Rotor

    That's just an effect the video recording software gives it. It doesn't look like that in game.
  16. Tankbuster

    RKSL Studios

    Quoted for truth!
  17. Tankbuster

    HWM MB-GD240

    i dont think terrorist/insurgent do hve a mercedes! Maybe not but I'm desperate for a non humvee/landrover pickup with machine gun, similar to those in QG.
  18. Tankbuster

    Arma battleye support for 1.09beta

    No need to make me feel as if I can spend so much money. Its all about choices you make. Money isn't growing on my back neither. When I choose to use my comp business wise (at the same time I started the business) I also choose not to play games for a long time. If you consider my choice as being rich so be it. It took me years before I could buy a PC for just gamming and doing all the "unsafe" things on the net. That's got to be one of the most nonsensical arguments I've heard since WMD. Give it up, Foxy! You're a respected member of the community, please don't peddle an solution that is available to a tiny percentage of said community!
  19. Tankbuster

    Arma battleye support for 1.09beta

    Indeed. I have sensitive financial information on this machine, plus lots of copyright material which I am entitled to have. I can't allow access to this. Mail sent to battleye support asking how can we avoid to scan certain folders. Wating for answer So, here we have their answer: There you go. I am happy now. I still think it won't get used on servers because of the unavailability of signed addons, but at least the client side privacy problem is cleared up. Thanks Txalo for going an finding out.
  20. Tankbuster

    Arma battleye support for 1.09beta

    Indeed. I have sensitive financial information on this machine, plus lots of copyright material which I am entitled to have. I can't allow access to this. You shouldnt be playing games on this machine. I have the same issue as you but I made a gamking rig which I use to play games/download stuff, surf the net and all that. The machine with the "secret data" is hardly ever online and if so only just for those business purposes. Hehe. You're serious aren't you? I always gave you more credit than that. No software that I currently have on this PC says that it is likely to go fishing round my hard disk, gathering data that is sensitive and/or identifiably mine and reporting back to anyone it feels like. I'm sorry, but this is a step too far. Battleye isn't going on this PC any time soon.
  21. Tankbuster

    Arma battleye support for 1.09beta

    Privacy concerns, anyone? We make it pretty clear that BE in some aspect can violate privacy. We also keep BE as an option, not a requirement to play the game. Note also that BE uses game protocol only to communicate so it's not so intrusive as one may see it - it communicates only to the server you connected when playing your game already. Note, that it's very standard that game now a days use system like BE. See list of some common anti cheating software @ wikipedia to get understanding how widespread it is. I personally don't like idea that punk buster may take screenshots of users desktop but see that punk buster is used in many hit games around. I think anyone seriously worried about privacy of a particular computer, installing and playing games on such machine is bad idea in general (and web browsing of unknown websites, installing any new software and updates downloaded from the Internet etc. etc.). The problem is quite simple: cheating is killing fun from online gaming and due to its nature sometimes a bit more drastical methods to fight it are needed. BE is part of our effort to create more enjoyable online experience in Arma. I think all it would take to assuage my fears would be an assurance that BE won't look outside the game folder or go past examining running processes when the game is running.
  22. Tankbuster

    Arma battleye support for 1.09beta

    Indeed. I have sensitive financial information on this machine, plus lots of copyright material which I am entitled to have. I can't allow access to this.
  23. Tankbuster

    Arma battleye support for 1.09beta

    Of course, it's my choice, but the T&C allows seemingly unrestricted snooping around my hard drive. I have nothing to hide and am definitely not a proponent of the loony end of the civil liberties scale, but this does seem a little free and easy with our data? Data files, Wp docs, spreadsheets and such like could conceivably be read by this software.
  24. Tankbuster

    Arma battleye support for 1.09beta

    I think its independent of the addon signatures, and instead monitor the memory insertion and corrupt exe's etc. (during play, instead of only at connecting) The auto-update thing sounds good, means more rapid protection about new cheats. Maruk said
  25. Tankbuster

    Arma battleye support for 1.09beta

    Privacy concerns, anyone?