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Everything posted by Tankbuster

  1. Tankbuster

    Military Humor

  2. Tankbuster

    March 6th Update on Patch Status

    Ah, we might get another beta. That's not bad news I suppose. I'm glad to see AI bridge handling is on the fixed list. That, for me, is a showstopper. The aircraft turn behaviour, presumably by way of increased rudder authority is a real bonus.
  3. Tankbuster

    Demo Issues.

    Half a gig of RAM and a Celeron? It's a wonder you can get this webpage, let alone run ArmA.
  4. Tankbuster

    RKSL Studios

    Good to hear It's good to have addon makers who want to get everything just right. QFT.
  5. Tankbuster

    RKSL Studios

    Another shameless bump in the hope the fellas in RKSL have something sexy to tease us with.
  6. Tankbuster

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    We use camo because, perhaps unsurprisingly, it helps with concealment in woodland areas. Some take it a bit further with unit insignia, which is rather pointless to me, but hey, it's a free country. I always have a good laugh at the walt callers. Yeah, I'd love to leave my well paid 9-5 job, wife and family and go and live in a tent in the sandbox with 30 other blokes and get shot at for (UK Pound sign) 16,000 a year. Yeah. I also have a laugh at the newbies who rock up in jeans and T shirt, because they are so much easier to see and engage. The next week, they always seem to have acquired a camo uniform. Also, you have to remember, civvy clothes really aren't designed for this; they don't work well when wet, they are noisy and as mentioned before, they offer no concealment.
  7. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Another thing to think about Xeno, is how the enemy uses air assets. There seems to be a constant presence of a KA50 and a MI 17, but they don't seem to be very aggressive. The Hokum in particular is an attack helicopter, but it only seems to fire it's weapons in response to being fired at. I'd like it to be attacking ground targets much more. To balance that, perhaps we could have some Stingers in the ammo crates? Turning to the Mi 17, I'd like to see it dropping more paratroopers. Perhaps when it attacks Paraiso airbase, it could soften the area up with a rocket strafe or two? I notice that it always drops troops in the same place at the airbase.
  8. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Is it 2.22 or an earlier version where this happens ? I never ran into this kind of problem and no one else reported it till now. Are you using vanilla ArmA or do you use some extra addons ? Xeno It's 2.22 AI that we use. I suspect an addon problem. I Don't use addon folders though, so I might try removing all the addons and see if that makes any difference. I ran the game locally and it still happened.
  9. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    I'm not quite sure what you are asking? I approach the flag pole at the Paraiso Airfield, the teleport symbol comes up, I press enter and the teleport screen comes up, but instantly, the screen scrolls over to respawn 1 and takes me there. It's all in the video I posted earlier.
  10. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Hmm... never had that problem before. Maybe a mouse problem, hard to say. Here's a vid. As you can see, the moment I select teleport from the flagpole, the screen whizzes over to respawn 1 and takes me there. I don't think it's a mouse problem, no other application does anything like this. Is there another ArmA map that uses the same system that I can try for debugging purposes? http://www.teamspaff.co.uk/armadominationteleportproblem.wmv
  11. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Didn't work for me, just bought up the esc menu.
  12. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    We like this mission. It's a nice change from Evolution; less point whoring and less predictable. I also like the way the city targets have more armour in them than Evo, which seems to have mostly infantry. The randomness is a lovely touch. Two things I'd like to bring to the authors attention. Firstly, parachute failures. We seem to get a lot of them, it deploys and then breaks away from the player. It seems like a quarter of paradrops end in a splat. Secondly, Teleports. It only seems to happen to me, my teammates don't report it, but when I select teleport from the flag, respawn one gets selected and I get zapped over there without any intervention from me. I should mention that this is in the 2.22 AI version, our favourite!
  13. Tankbuster

    Multiplayer crash!

    *retrieves the original posters system specifications by ESP*
  14. Tankbuster

    queens gambit question

    Why didn't you use the supplied installer? This is where many people go wrong. Let the installer create a desktop icon for you. It has all the right switches already set to load the QG mods.
  15. Tankbuster

    "?" ping for all servers

    I'm wondering if this problem is another manifestation of the dreaded Nvidia Onboard Lan issue?
  16. Tankbuster

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Thanks, Placebo. That's pretty much in line with my thinking. Tanky -Paul-
  17. Tankbuster

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Can I get an answer to my original question?
  18. Tankbuster

    Tornado f3 & gr4

    Indeed. Wikipedia is so reliable that I, who has sod all knowledge on the subject have updated the article to show that the aircraft can carry the well known Flying Pig missile.
  19. Tankbuster

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Thanks for your opinion. However, this is the ask a moderator thread, not 'ask a vilas fanboy' thread.
  20. Tankbuster

    I dont get it

    Do the AI know how to use a useful thread title?
  21. Tankbuster

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Swearing. What's the rule? There's one or two users who use the 'f' word quite conversationally. They don't swear at users, but the word is used a lot in their posts. The Americans have a good phrase for it; "Potty mouth". Personally, I think it's foul language and not appropriate.
  22. Tankbuster

    Where & how to buy ArmA or Queen's Gambit

    And thanks for removing the subtitle line that had a pound sign in it munged by the forum software.
  23. Tankbuster

    Where & how to buy ArmA or Queen's Gambit

    And they do ship overseas, though it probably won't be free
  24. Tankbuster

    Where & how to buy ArmA or Queen's Gambit

    I know it's not as good as it could have been but its addons, islands and animations mean that Queens Gambit is becoming popular amongst mission makers (myself included) so when hassling a clan member to buy it so he could help with beta testing, we found this. QG, UK delivered for seven quid. If you're a Game Reward card holder, it's even cheaper! Now there's just no excuse. Go and get it, it's less than the price of 40 fags, for goodness sake! That's way cheaper than any legal download, plus you get the media.