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Everything posted by Tankbuster

  1. I don't use beta patches so this came as quite a shock to me. Either the armour has been made tougher or the power of anti tank has been reduced, either way, it's changed the game beyond recognition. I play a bit of Evolution, a lot of Domination and some other coops. In Domination for example, it was a usable tactic to sneak up on light armour and take it with a 136, but now, stuff like Shilkas and BMP's need 2 or even 3 direct hits with M136. After the first hit, one of two things happen, the crew bails and you end up with a battlefield full of empty armour and annoyed crew members, or it turns on you instantly and shoots you in the face. So, tactics have changed. Infantry can no longer get close in, they hang back and wait for the air assets to kill the armour, or the infantry have to get Javalin. Or, of course, infantry are forced to steal enemy heavy armour which gets the job done, but it really takes something away from the game for me. I've even seen light armour like BRDM drive off having been hit by a 136. In the past, a lucky 136 might destroy a T72, now it's impossible to get the 3 or 4 rounds on it without being killed. Aircraft are the same, a single stinger strike used to be almost guaranteed to own anything in the air. Kamov, Mil-17 or SU. They went down after being 'stung', but now they don't. Again, we end up with a battlefield full of wounded aircraft on the ground. It upsets the scoring too, because an empty T72 or Kamov is effectively out of the game, yet the chap who shot it gets no points. Such a shame. Yes my GTX fog is gone and that's most welcome, but ArmA is no longer about the infantry, the man on the ground, it's about the man with the missiles and bombs. Although I don't much care for the ultra realists, I wonder what real worlds power the 136 has against everything from BRDM to T72?
  2. Tankbuster

    114 changes ArmA from light infantry game

    Gosh Mr Freud. It's like you were here in the room with me. I play in a group of 5 or 6 players, we use teamspeak for comms and we play as a team. I'm not too good in aircraft so I tend to stick to ground roles. I'm by no means the worst or the best player in my group. Oddly enough, now that in Dom3 I'm forced to use Javelin, my scores have gone up, but it's not just about attaining score. Yes, score is the measure of ones progress in the game, but it's not the sole object. I like to have a good score, of course, but at the end of the day, I'm playing a game with my mates and the fun derived from that is what it's all about. I take your point about vehicles not being packed with explosive. But the vehicle explosion and fire is how the game chooses to show a killed vehicle and so that's what I want to achieve. I think I know what you guys are saying. A bailed vehicle is as good as a burning one in terms of real warfare, but in the game it's still not dead unless it's alight. @heatseeker. I can't reliably get hits at 500m with a 136! Maybe we're cutting to the chase here. I'd agree, killing APCs at half a kilometer with a little shoulder launched RPG isn't good, but is increasing their armour the best way to combat that? Giving the 136 less range would have been the way to go, surely? Maybe I should just accept the game has changed? I liked being on the ground, mixing it in towns with a couple of 136's on my back knowing I could ruin armours day if needs be. It's hard to play like that now, because the 136 is so much weaker than before and I miss that.
  3. Tankbuster

    114 changes ArmA from light infantry game

    There is? This is a game. Points chart my progress in the game and if I'm neutralizing armour (and air) targets without getting points for it, then something isn't right. The something that isn't right might be you then. Tell me more, please?
  4. Tankbuster

    114 changes ArmA from light infantry game

    There is? This is a game. Points chart my progress in the game and if I'm neutralizing armour (and air) targets without getting points for it, then something isn't right.
  5. Tankbuster

    114 changes ArmA from light infantry game

    Depends what you mean by armour mission? I'm assuming you say a mission that is primarily armour based, but I'm suggesting that armour is now so strong that pretty much anything with an APC is now, by your definition, an armour mission. Let me just reiterate. I'm all in favour of MBTs surviving multiple RPG/136 hits. I'm not in favour of BRDM's, BMP's and Shilka's taking 2 hits to brew up. Likewise for aircraft. A Stinger should take out any helicopter short of a Hind. There's no way an MI17 should be able to make a controlled landing having been hit by a Stinger.
  6. Tankbuster

    114 changes ArmA from light infantry game

    Thanks actionman, but this goes further than feedback. I'm suggesting the whole premise of the game has been changed by a patch. Eze, You're right a single AT-4 can't take out an MBT and that's always been reflected in ArmA. My problem is that I'm pretty sure a single AT-4 can take out a BMP, BRDM or Shilka and that's no longer the case in the game.
  7. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    The 5 tonners are at Paraiso airfield.
  8. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Alright then. RTFB (Read the flippin' briefing)
  9. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    I have not seen any of those mentioned. Nor me.
  10. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Current version in 3.0
  11. Tankbuster

    Please help

    A descriptive thread title is always a good start.
  12. Tankbuster

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

    Hehe. I we're supposed to believe that you, with your track record here, have a private line to insider info at BI?
  13. Tankbuster

    Updating Server to V1.14

    Mine's been fine. ArmA and QG run as advertised.
  14. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    [answering own question] It seems to work. I renamed the mission folder so it didn't overwrite the original, repacked it and copied it to the server. Works fine. The flag worked too. Many thanks, matey. [edit] correction. To get the name change to work properly, it has to be changed in desc.ext too.
  15. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Thanks Leggy, Didn't realise it was as simple as that. Follow up question. How do I rename the mission so that it has a new name in the ingame missions chooser? Is it just a case of repacking the PBO the mission and renaming the PBO?
  16. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    I'm lightly modding 3 West AI for clan use. I'd like to have my clan flag flying on the pole at Paraiso airfield. I've installed the PAA plugin in Photoshop. The init file has <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">case "WEST": {FLAG_BASE setflagtexture "\ca\misc\data\usa_vlajka.pac"}; I can't find that directory so I assume it's PBO'd up in the core game files and is unpacked by the game on the fly? Questions; Can I change the path so that it points to a location within the Domination PBO? If so, how do I write the path? As I can't find the original to get an idea of file and image dimensions, what attributes should I use? Anything else I should know?
  17. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    You're right. We never used betas so went from 1.08 straight to 1.14. 3 West AI has Stinger in the ammo crates so that evens it up a little. Let's not forget when you damage an enemy vehicle, the crew usually bail so there's a good chance you can nick it. I'm not convinced it improves the game though, not by a long way.
  18. Tankbuster

    8800GTX Fog in game with 1.14

    [resolved] RobSPAFF wasn't actually changing the VD using the inmission settings, but rather using the video options. It now works as expected. Rob, come and say thank you to the nice people for helping!
  19. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    I did notice in 2.22 AI, that SLA vehicles suddenly got much tougher in 1.14. I'm not sure whether my 136 are weaker or the armour on the enemy is stronger, but at the moment (in 2.22) it takes two 136 hits to kill a BMP. It used to be one. Also, a 136 hit on any enemy helo would kill it straight away, now, a 136 hit will force the aircraft to land and not destroy it.
  20. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Installed. West AI is my new favourite mission!
  21. Tankbuster

    8800GTX Fog in game with 1.14

    Read above. Done it already with no effect.
  22. Tankbuster

    8800GTX Fog in game with 1.14

    We've tried that using Domination. Changing the VD ingame doesn't work for RobSPAFF, but it does work for me.
  23. Tankbuster

    8800GTX Fog in game with 1.14

    Domination is our favourite mission and this problem occurs there too.