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Everything posted by Tankbuster

  1. Tankbuster

    Error after quiting ArmA

    Hmm. I get this error if I launch the game through Xfire or not. I've tried reinstalling it too, no improvement.
  2. Tankbuster

    Error after quiting ArmA

    Thanks Yoma. I do have Xfire and I'll try what you suggest.
  3. Tankbuster

    Xfire reduces ArmA performance?

    I'm glad it's not just me. Thanks for all your replies, guys. I did some testing yesterday. I'll just give you a brief run-down of the 2 machines involved; Mine, C2D E6600 @ stock, 8800GTX, 2 gig of RAM and XPPro SP2. Mate C2Q Q6600 @ overclock, X1950 Pro, 2 gig of RAM and XPPro SP2. Server running DMsmoke. We both used the Flashback option in Xfire. We set up a few testing grounds using Domination. Here's our results. 1. Actually starting recording had little or effect on FPS. 2. My Duo suffered from just having Xfire running. It lost around 25% but the video options were tweaked (turned off AA, PP etc) to recover those lost FPS 3. Mates Quad didn't really care about Xfire running. He reported a difference of less than 5% in FPS, something he's prepared to lose. 4. Xfire voice comms is too expensive in terms of RAM and CPU usage. Yes it offers higher voice quality, but Teamspeak, with it's server functionality (in Xfire, a client has to host) get's our vote for comms. Now, given that the Flashback offers wonderful functionality that we only previously had in the hideously complex Gamecam, I think a slight drop in FPS is a price I'm prepared to pay.
  4. Tankbuster

    Tap on the Shoulder

    Addon request thread
  5. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    I can no longer hide my disappointment at reading this. I read the links provided Xeno, and as usual, BI are being coy about a further patch for the game. The most worrisome quote from them is But we are already fully focused on our next game, ArmA 2. On the other hand, Given we're to release the patch anyway, we have selected a few fixes which we consider safe. Either way, it's safe to assume it's a LONG way off. I'd like to ask you to release what you have as 3.11. It seems to me you've squished a couple of nasty bugs and added a few features and it would be nice to have them in the field.
  6. Oooh. Lynx! Will your model be able to do the famed Lynx aerobatics? I'm thinking the wingover roll, inside loop and backflip-from-hover.
  7. Tankbuster

    Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut

    It's not quite a 'cobra' is it? The manoeuvre we see there is just a sudden nose up.
  8. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Yes, I can see it now. The instant before the aircraft is destroyed, you can see the underslung load jump up and hit the aircraft. Something similar happens when the MHQ's are being airlifted. Their pitch and roll seems to follow that of the terrain underneath them despite the fact they are many metres above it.
  9. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    That is most odd! I didn't see an AA missile. It's almost as if the aicraft flies into an invisible object - it seems to stop dead in the air. It appears to be just south of the big church in 'Aiso. Does it happen if you aren't carrying an underslung load? Does it happen with another aircraft? What version of the game is it? I usually play 1.09 West AI and I'll get my guys to recreate it tonight.
  10. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    I'm an MP player exsclusively too. Is there to be another patch? DO we know for sure?
  11. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Sometimes, if you manoeuvre really hard, you can hit the underslung cargo. That can kill you and if you have a bit of lag, you might not see it happen. Also, an anti aircraft missile can take you unawares too. If it happened twice in the same location, I'd suspect a shoulder launched AA missile.
  12. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Now that would be an interesting physics experiment, proper placement and number of charges needed to blast an MI17 from point X onto the chopper repair "pad". I shunted a downed Kamov onto the repair pad the other day using an M1. The Kamov wasn't repaired.
  13. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    If BIS aren't kicking down Xeno's door with a very generous offer of employment, there's no justice in this world. I adore this mission, it's one of the showcases of ArmA. When I want to show ArmA at it's best to a gamer, it's Domination I turn to. When I want to tweak a mission to play it on my own, or with 10 clan mates, it's Domination I turn to. When I want to get 'under the bonnet' and mess with someone else's code to see how it works, it's Domination I turn to. If I want a mission maker who listens to the community, it's Xeno I turn to. Am I making myself clear here?
  14. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    You should use the middle mouse button. It works fine then. I had this a while back, being whooshed to teleport one and although no-one could solve it, I did track the cause down to selecting the menu using the keyboard.
  15. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Were you using the NP enter key to bring up the menu?
  16. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Xeno, One thing. Please can you make the ammo/humvee drops more accurate? They are sometimes dropped hundreds of meters away from the specified drop zone.
  17. Tankbuster

    Arma 2 editor :(

    Is still the same old clunky map interface. The ONE thing I was hoping BIS would really improve on is the crappy editor and let's be honest, if the user community can get within a gnats willy of having a fully functioning 3d editor, I'm sure the boffins at BIS could have made it work. Let's be honest, it'd make their map creation easier and quicker and thus shorten production times.
  18. Tankbuster

    Significant TrackIR price drop

    Yes, they are down in Bristol. Good guys. You can drop in by appointment.
  19. I think it is a myth. Anything else is a combination of trolling and people who can't look into the options screens.
  20. Tankbuster

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Carl, I'm with you on the wreck '60 thing. Giving it FFAR does imbalance things a bit. Maybe it should be given a long respawn time to stop people risking it in heavy combat? Related subject; I called in an ammo drop the other day and it came in, (miles from where I asked for it, as usual, but that's another post) and on the eggress, the drop chopper strafed the enemy target city with FFARs too. It looked good and made me laugh, but I'm not sure it's good for the game.
  21. Tankbuster

    On the Shape of North Sahrani

    Ohh ohh! wait... Observe Comrade Gorbachev.. edit: oh damn. already been done in this thread!
  22. Tankbuster

    On the Shape of North Sahrani

    yuo am all n00bs!!!!1 Iz clearly teh isle of wight!!!11