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Tarados Qeng

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Everything posted by Tarados Qeng

  1. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    Thanks for your feedback, SEAL84.
  2. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    Hi all, this topic is about the Shatterpoint 1986 campaign designed by the Futility Beyond Imagination team. Shatterpoint 1986 is a work-in-progress full scale campaign designed for OPF: Resistance with as little addons as possible. The only one you'll be needing is an editor addon by General Barron. (Dl it by clicking here.). Shatterpoint 1986 has been designed for quite a while, at the moment we are concentrating our efforts to missions 9 and 10. All together, the campaign will include 16 missions plus many cutscenes. The Shatterpoint campaign tells you the story of Ltn. Thomas Harris. It's year 1986, and the Soviet forces led by Colonel Bobrikov have occupied the Northern parts of Everon while NATO holds South Everon. In the first mission Ltn. Thomas Harris will take command of a small NATO camp in Chotain, far from the front line. Or far from what he thought was the front line... The F.B.I. portal includes info about characters and storyline, beta downloads (a new version will be coming out in a couple of weeks), project updates and news. In addition, you are more than welcome to F.B.I. forums at http://www.futilityforums.tk. Your comments will be appreciated. -Tarados Qeng F.B.I. Project Leader (Shatterpoint 1986 WIP) Mission Designer & A person who does a lot of other cool stuff
  3. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    Hi everyone, it's been quiet for a while. We had a long pause on working due to miscellaneous things and events, but now we are back in business, working on missions 14 and 15. Our site was suspened as well as all the techdezign.net accounts, so we were forced to move yet again. Our new site can be found at http://futility.5gigs.com/site. Most of the content is not available on the new website, but guess it doesn't matter. It's only a place where you can find the latest news of our progress and download the latest versions. We still are going to finish this campaign, though there has been some... delays. So, we still are needing voice actors. Contact me if you think you could help. Cheers, Tarados Qeng.
  4. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

  5. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    Next Shatterpoint beta version is available! Road to Chotain (mission 10-13 in campaign form) is the newest beta on Shatterpoint, featuring a couple of brand new missions. Feedback would be needed now to get the mission gameplay in shape. Go here and click 'Download' to download this one. You'll only need General Barron's editorupdate102 http://www.ofpec.com/editors/resource_view.php?id=612. Or at least, that's the only one you should need. Let me know if it asks for some other addon. ********************************* OPERATION FLASHPOINT MODIFICATION ********************************* Title :Shatterpoint 1986, Road to Chotain Type :Campaign form beta Missions : Rescue (10) Rainy Day (11) Pulling Together (12a) Appeal for Help (12b) Return (13) Recommended OFP version :1.91 or higher Author :F.B.I. team E-Mail :tarados@mbet.fi Project website :http://futility.krhmhosting.com Project forums :http://futility.krhmhosting.com/phpBB File Name :1986roadtochotain.zip File Size :2.70MB Date Released :04/17/2005 Required (unofficial) addons :"editorupdate102" (Editor Upgrade - Editor's Edition By General Barron v2.2). You can download it here: http://www.ofpec.com/editors/resource_view.php?id=612 Description: :This beta includes Shatterpoint 1986 missions 10-13 in campaing form. THIS VERSION IS FOR BETA TESTING ONLY. IF YOU DOWNLOADED THIS, I HOPE YOU'LL GIVE ME SOME FEEDBACK/REPORT ANY BUGS YOU FOUND, EITHER VIA THE FORUMS OR E-MAIL (SEE ABOVE)! Installation :Extract .pbo within the .zip file into your .../Campaigns/ folder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ MADE BY FUTILITY BEYOND IMAGINATION, 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY THE CODEMASTERS SOFTWARE COMPANY LIMITED ("CODEMASTERS") OR BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE STUDIO. USE THIS MODIFICATION AT YOUR OWN RISK. *NOTE! F.B.I. has nothing to do with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and FBI has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with F.B.I., which is highly regrettable.* And we're still needing voice actors. So don't mind the voices on this one, I know most of them are horrible.
  6. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    Okay, everybody. Here's something you've all been waiting for: more Shatterpoint! Well, not actually yet, but very SOON! Today I put together missions 10-13 in an appropriate, dynamic campaign tree for the first time. So, the next beta, which will include mission 10, 11, 12a, 12b and 13, will be released for beta testing next week, or even this weekend. We're just doing some minor testing before that, to make sure everything works so that you can test the missions. I call this part of the campaign "Road to Chotain". So, you'll see an (American) Empire Striking Back.
  7. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    This is just a short update so that you'll know that we haven't forgot the campaign or you. We're working on mission 13's gameplay, as soon as it is quite much ready we'll release a campaign form beta of missions 10-13. (That's actually 5 missions, because there are two versions of mission 12.)
  8. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    Thank you for your comment, Stealth3. Good to hear it felt good with Flash fx.
  9. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    I've got two reports that there have been problems on downloading the latest beta. I myself tried downloading it a couple of times, and experienced no problems. However, I uploaded it to another server. So, if you've had problems downloading, just go here and click download. Hope it works for everybody. ;) Considering that so many people have mentioned getting bored due to long runs, we've finally decided to do something with it. So, in some ways, that means that the object positioning on mission 5 will be redone. We're considering to do the same in mission 8, if that's somehow possible.
  10. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    Okay folks, still needing some more voice actors. Three major roles still available. * Ltn. Jacob Larsson - Swedish accent. * Dmitri Nosov - Russian accent. No need to speak Russian, just English like Russians do. * Resistance leader Tomas Kaberle - "Resistance" dialect. Like in OPF - Resistance.
  11. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    Sent you some mail.
  12. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    Just letting you know of the current progress. We're working on missions 12a/b and 13. Also, we've found one new voice actor. Still, we would need a couple more.
  13. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    Just thought to let you know that we substituted G36s to Steyr AUGs and Bizons to AK-74 SUs.
  14. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    Do you happen know if there actually were many Black Hawks in use in 1979? I read that it entried service in 1979, but I'm not quite sure if it's entirely realistic to have it on a mission taking place on 1979 (the upcoming campaign intro mission). But hey, it's a fictitious campaign...
  15. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    Ok, thanks. Didn't know that. Edit; What would you think if we replaced the G36 with a Steyr AUG?
  16. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    Oh, the readme file: ********************************* OPERATION FLASHPOINT MODIFICATION ********************************* Title :Shatterpoint 1986 Type :Single Player Campaing Version :Beta 0.3 Recommended OFP version :1.91 or higher Author :F.B.I. team E-Mail :tarados@mbnet.fi Website :http://futility.krhmhosting.com Project forums :http://futility.krhmhosting.com/phpBB File Name :shatterpoint1986.pbo File Size :7.06MB Date Released :01/29/2005 Required (unofficial) addons :"editorupdate102" (Editor Upgrade - Editor's Edition By General Barron v2.2). You can download it here: http://www.ofpec.com/editors/resource_view.php?id=612 Description: :This is a campaign form beta version of the Shatterpoint 1986 campaing by F.B.I., including 11 missions from the 17-18 mission-long campaing. Including: * Beta versions of missons 1-11 of the Shatterpoint campaign,and of course, their intros and outros, all taking place on the island of Everon in 1986. * Two cutscenes deepening the storyline, one brand new one. Not Including: * Missions 12->. * Campaign intro mission taking place on Malden in 70s * Background information about campaign locations, Malden and Everon. * Most of the radio voices and other chat THIS VERSION IS FOR BETA TESTING ONLY. IF YOU DOWNLOADED THIS, I HOPE YOU'LL GIVE ME SOME FEEDBACK/REPORT ANY BUGS YOU FOUND, EITHER VIA THE FORUMS OR E-MAIL (SEE ABOVE)! Installation :Extract 'shatterpoint.pbo'into your .../Campaigns/ folder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ MADE BY FUTILITY BEYOND IMAGINATION 2004-2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY THE CODEMASTERS SOFTWARE COMPANY LIMITED ("CODEMASTERS") OR BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE STUDIO. USE THIS MODIFICATION AT YOUR OWN RISK. *NOTE! F.B.I. has nothing to do with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and FBI has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with F.B.I., which is highly regrettable.*
  17. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    Now it's released. http://futility.krhmhosting.com/index.p....catid=8
  18. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    We are right now working to get the release of the campaign form beta of the Shatterpoint 1986 campaign to next weekend. The version number will be 0.3, and let's have a preview on what will this campaign include and not include: Including: * Beta versions of missons 1-11 of the Shatterpoint campaign,and of course, their intros and outros, all taking place on the island of Everon in 1986. * Two cutscenes deepening the storyline, one brand new one. Not Including: * Missions 12->. * Campaign intro mission taking place on Malden in 70s * Background information about campaign locations, Malden and Everon. * Most of the radio voices and other chat Well, don't be too disappointed if the release gets a small delay, I said that we're working to get it to the weekend, but it might just as well be at the beginning of the next week. Be patient, my friends.
  19. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    Only couple more days... or weeks. Or something. But it'll be soon, I mean the release of Campaign form Beta 0.3. Hopefully. Renamed 'Delusions' to 'Rainy Day'.
  20. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    Ok, Delusions has now gotten a completely new shape. In addition, the fps issue was improved by putting some fog there. Anyway, it still needs a fast computer. Still, you'll gonna have to wait a bit more for the release. I'm really happy about the fact that our site is still up and on the same server as it was the last time I posted. Edit; And 7 Co-Op version is not gonna be released before the next beta.
  21. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    I think that our original mission design on 'Delusions' (mission 11) was too simple. So, today we've modified it a bit to make it more complicated. Of course, these modifications delay the release of the beta thing for a while, but I want to do this properly. Btw, I played mission one (The First Morning) today with FDF mod. It worked fine and felt quite good. But I wonder what the **** was I thinking when I added a bus driving happily along the road not a mile from the war zone, and even towards the front lines. Gotta remove that.
  22. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    Okay, it's working now, visit it while you still can.
  23. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    It was not a normal downtime. The hosting company changed owner, and my account was transferred. The site is somehow up and safe, but the domain changed. Again. (Too bad that I had already submitted the link to 2-3 OFP sites.) Well well. Here once again the urls. The forums don't work just yet. Project site: http://futility.krhmhosting.com/ Forums: http://futility.krhmhosting.com/phpBB/ Project Image Gallery: http://futility.krhmhosting.com/gallery/
  24. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    Yep, I'm strongly considering that. But probably that's just a temporary downtime, hope it'll be back soon.
  25. Tarados Qeng

    Shatterpoint 1986 Campaign

    I'm getting really tired on these hosting issues... We have had to move the site for at least five times. Now, I hope these urls will no change anymore: Project site: http://futility.techdezign.net/ Forums: http://futility.techdezign.net/phpBB/ Project Image Gallery: http://futility.techdezign.net/gallery/ Nothing special about the campaign itself, a campaign form beta will prolly be released when mission 11 is finished. Still lacking some voice actors.