Having been on the 16th's Server the last couple of days and night's I can see where High is coming from. When the admins are on it's a well run server, and I've had some great games on there the past few days.
When someone joins and starts TKing then it just gets to be a pain. Had I been on with no 16th Admin's there I would have probably chucked it and went elsewhere. The 16th run a very good server, but as High said they can be there all the time, and I appreciate that we would all like to play online with like minded people who don't TK, and aren't abisive, but unfortunaltely we like in the real world, and moron's do seem to think that it's a giggle to jump on a server and be a pain in the backside. At the end of the day it is only a game, but surely there can be some system that works to the admin's advantage - even when they're not there.
Great Server guys, keep it up