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TexMex Leprechaun

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About TexMex Leprechaun

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    Private First Class
  1. TexMex Leprechaun

    The Iraq Thread 2

    May be ignorant, but I never have trusted the goverment very much. I apologize I did not read your post very well, sorry. Counts for more muslims, but probably not conversions. thanks for the link. First off, Im not Pick Axe, besides what would be the point? I would just get banned for having multiple accounts and would have to log out of one to post in the other. Sorry but Mr.Axe is a different fellow. I read somewhere where the Koran did tell to kill non muslims, also had a former muslims talk to us at church, do not think the religion is a peaceful as some might say. I miss quoted what you said too, guess I am a dumb American.
  2. TexMex Leprechaun

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Not so sure about that. Judiams and Christianity are close, obviously, but Islam is not, at least the New Testament does not tell us to go and kill others who are not Christians. I said 1.3 billion people were strong muslims, where? I can speak arabic?! Awsome, gonna make me so money! May I see the figures about it having the highest conversion rate? When a baby is born into a islamic family it automatically becomes a Muslim.
  3. TexMex Leprechaun

    The Iraq Thread 2

    I never claimed to be smart, it was Balschoiw who called me Mr.Smart. No, I think Saddam had th ability to get chemical wepons, and would have given them to anybody to use against America. I guess it does not matter what I say even if it is justified to me, I can never justify it to you.
  4. TexMex Leprechaun

    The Iraq Thread 2

    I disagree with you there but I guess I have to disagree with you so that you could disagree with me. Yeah people function pretty much the same except when the blow themselves up to kill innocent people.
  5. TexMex Leprechaun

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Yep, he sure did. Sorry I am such a horrible person, had a typo, please forgive me, cmoe, oh wait another mistake! Heh, yes where th U.N. has went in there has always been great results, look how peaceful all the places are now! Yeahhaaa! Like I said, I do not know if they have WMDs, but I do not care if they do or not. I think that Saddam was a danger enough to our saftey with out them to go in. Come down man, never called the U.N. troops worthless, just the organization. It will take years for democracy to come to Iraq, they have never had it, if it even comes. I do not know whose goverment knows more, but I am not sure what you are talking about by stopping the investigation by the U.S., we are still looking for terrorist if thats what you mean. Ok, then the 10 year old U.N. was worthless. Yes sir just your average robot. Domo Arigato, is that spelled right? An illegal war, I did not know war could be legal! No I am not spanish, just Texan, and I eat TexMex food. Pretty much what I already typed responds to your post. Im a Christian, an I can tell you a strong Christian is nothing like a strong Muslim, Islam preaches something totally different than Christianity, but why get on to religion?
  6. TexMex Leprechaun

    The u.s. soldier named time's man of the year

    Her story no, the story about her very likely.
  7. TexMex Leprechaun

    The u.s. soldier named time's man of the year

    Nah, for all that atention.
  8. TexMex Leprechaun

    The Middle East part 2

    Amen brother! The IDF is fighting a tough kind of war, civilian casulties can not be avioded, especially when they are terrorist.
  9. TexMex Leprechaun

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Sorry....... I do not know enough about the former U.N. to comment on it, although I should. I am talking about the U.N. that has been around for the last 10 or so years. Im not sure if Iraq has WMDs or not, but I do believe they could have gotten them, and that is enough to go in, and yes I believe Saddam would have helped the terrorist. Besides Osama does need a break..... Never said this. What I am saying is that any country that no longer wants to be so called "friends" with us anymore becuase we went to war was never really our friend, nothing to so with differnace of opinions. See friends can disagree yet stay firends. I never wanted anything to do with France or many if not all of the other countries. I guess.
  10. TexMex Leprechaun

    The u.s. soldier named time's man of the year

    Hmm surley it is not......Lynch?
  11. TexMex Leprechaun

    The Middle East part 2

    Where were we?
  12. TexMex Leprechaun

    The Iraq Thread 2

    We did not go against the will of a friend, we went against the will of France. Wonder what Chriac planned to get out of it? Besides I wish the U.S. woud leave the U.N.. The U.N. is the biggest joke ever, I want nothing to do with them. Yes we should always listen to our "friends" when our saftey is at stake. I could not imagine hurting our "friend's" dealing with Iraq so that we(Americans) could be safer. I apologize. France has not been a friend for along time, and any country that is not our "friend" anymore becuase of the war was never a friend in the first place. Maybe some people worry about what the world think more than I do, but im not to worried becuase when you worry about what others think it creates problems.
  13. TexMex Leprechaun

    Ofp goes gta!

    Ok, when I try to download the files I only getpart of them? Why is this, how can I get the whole file? Thanks!
  14. TexMex Leprechaun

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Yeah thnaks France for helping us win our independence, to bad you can't be a friend anymore, or trusted. France deserves no repsect anymore from America, but Im not going to get into a flame war Ill just drop it there. Napoleon was desperate for money, why he sold the land, not to help U.S.. Heh yeah, or run for the Democratic nomination.....
  15. TexMex Leprechaun

    What's your favourite christmas song?

    Some of the older songs I like, but my favorite has to be What Child is This, Silent Night, Joy to the World are also good.