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The Real Armstrong

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Everything posted by The Real Armstrong

  1. The Real Armstrong

    Soldiers: Heroes of WWII

    3 words: YOU ARE FUCKED!
  2. The Real Armstrong

    Help me understand.

    I think that the people here tried to say that they hate USA becouse of bush not citizens of USA... Ohhh, ok So lets have terrorists fly airplanes into civilian buildings. Â I'm sure that reflects them hating Bush instead of the citizens... What do you mean by that exactly?
  3. The Real Armstrong

    Soldiers: Heroes of WWII

    It will be fixed with a patch that is out in September. While you wait you have to get games via IRC and a webpage.
  4. The Real Armstrong

    Soldiers: Heroes of WWII

    www.codemasters.com for pics. I got G4 MX too and it works fine on lower settings. Don't get scared away by the cutscene lag tho, since everyone seem to have it.
  5. The Real Armstrong

    Soldiers: Heroes of WWII

    Yup. I've gotten to 3rd or 4th mission I think. No reinforcements AFAIK.
  6. The Real Armstrong

    What Is The World Coming Too

    I agree, it looks like man. That bishop looks like a woman tho.
  7. The Real Armstrong

    Help me understand.

    There you go: "there is no good or evil". That statement gets right down to the root of the bullshit. You mean to tell me that flying a plane into a building full of officeworkers is morally equivalent to bombing Al-Queida training camps in Afganistan? Oh, but we can't judge, I forgot. If I rape some 8 year old girl, then chop her head off, that isn't an evil act. It is just "my own agenda that I am realizing in a different way". What a load of horseshit. I'm sorry, but when somebody starts feeding me that line of crap, and then tries to tell me how the US is wrong to do this or that, I have to shake my head in amazement. I think he means there is no pure evil. Somebody does not do things like that just because hes evil. He did it to show that he didn't tolerated the americans. Or something similar, I'm no shrink.
  8. The Real Armstrong

    Soldiers: Heroes of WWII

    OK, there are a few sulotions to take out the cannons, these I find the best working: a) Take fuel barrels from docks and blow em up. b) 1 TNT in a barrel at the right gun, blow up the other with either the 1st cannon (recommended) or some fuel barrels. Think of not loosing any men as you will have the same guys throughout the campaign.
  9. The Real Armstrong

    Help me understand.

    Good answers to Barron have allready been stated, except this one: That is why I said, people are trying to take those rights away. I don't see why it should be illegal for someone to ruin their own body (be it with drugs, cigs, fatty foods or lack of excersize), since they aren't hurting anybody but themselves. Smoking DO hurt more than the smokers. In fact, it's more dangerous to people breathing in the smoke from smokers than the smokers em selves. And what about astma? Should Astmaticers not be allowed to go to a musical consert or a pub without getting an attack?
  10. The Real Armstrong

    Doom 3 has gone GOLD!!!!!!!!!!

    Really? I found the farcry monster levels scarier. I guess it was because I was in a big jungle were a monster thing could pop out at anytime. But with doom3 I can estimate where the monster will be. Nah I'd say Doom 3 is at least a little bit scarier, but unlike Far Cry; Doom 3 just plays on the same tricks all the way through the game! I'm only on Recycling Plant #2 and I'm finding the game far too repetitive, to the point where I have not even played it in sevearl days. Â It gets better. Some levels are scary and some are just repetetive. Guess it's a better level designer that made the good levels or something.
  11. The Real Armstrong

    Anyone want one?

    I'd rather buy some Fallout 2 Jet.
  12. The Real Armstrong

    "Massacre" at UN Camp

    When the system changes. Right now nobody earns anything on helping Africa, as you don't get money or work capacity from it. Africa is a big place and if 180 people die the multi-internationall industries won't notice anything. They can easily get more africans to make shoes for Nike or Adidas and get 2 dollars per week. Sad but true, that's the world we are living in. You do what you earn on.
  13. The Real Armstrong

    Help me understand.

    Wow, more here than I can read at the moment. However, from what I've read, I have to fully agree with Sputnik Monroe. I see a lot of posts that talk about how America is full of redneck/cowboy/violent/arrogant/selfish people who lump other nations into certain stereotypes. Something is wrong with that statement, lol. Most people have stated that they do know that the complete country can't be filled with idiots and are complaining about a particular group and/or goverment. I am still free to own a gun and defend myself with it. My own constitution states that the population has the right to overthrow its government if it becomes oppressive; and the second amendment ensures that we have the ability to do so. I'm sure those living in 1940's Germany, or in Stalin's Russia, would have loved to have this right... You also, by extremley far marignal, have the highest gun murder rate. My taxes are relatively low. (Although, after WWII they shot up and have only gotten higher since). I am still free to spend over half the money I earn. I do not see why this is a good thing. I live in Sweden which has a very high tax. We get free (and working!) hospitals, schools, libraries, roads, decoration, entertainment, etc, etc. I am still free to put a majority of what I want in my body. Drugs, obviously, are not allowed, but I am still free to smoke, drink alchohol, and eat fatty foods. Don't laugh about this one, because there are people who are trying to take away your right to do the rest. This is not correct, since California quite recentley introduced a new law against smoking, and that is a very good thing. If I would've been in charge smoking would be forbidden on any communal areas, including outdoors(nothing more annoying than having a batch of Stalins Cigs in your face during a concert). It is not good for anyone, it destroys both the smokers and the people around them. The internet is still a wonderful beacon of freedom in my country. The government has very little control over cyberspace here. Internet has also caused serious crimes such as downloading games, etc. I mean like, I don't wanna set the web rules like in China but illegal sites should be shut down.
  14. The Real Armstrong

    Help me understand.

    Right. I only have 5 mins so I'll make haste. - Wealth Millions of homeless and unemployed, mostly caused by the de-development of the communal systems so that the rich can get richer and the poor who often need the communal system gets even poorer. Why not use the extreme military budget to rebuild your country inside? - Patriotism "God Bless America" BS. If I would put up a poster somewhere saying "Sweden is the most blessed country in the world" I would be called a psycho. Refusing to understand that the country have disadvantages as it has been pounded in from birth. - Wars Ignorance of the UN and starting own wars for economical or political intrests. Maybe pay your bill to UN instead (as US hasn't) and let them do their job? - The Economical/Industriall Superpower Deciding the oil prices or deploying Multi-Internationall Buisnesses like McDonalds and Coca Cola all over the world, preventing any poor countries to protect their own intrests of industry and buisnesses as it whipes out anything a buisness can set up against. - Goverment Corrupted. Chile anybody? Didn't get everything I wanted to say. GTG.
  15. The Real Armstrong

    Where Are You From

    I'm 13, from Sweden and I have 7 wonderful wives and 1 wonderful son.
  16. The Real Armstrong

    Soldiers: Heroes of WWII

    88s are easy. Take a Sherman, load up with HE. Drive, shoot, back, reload, drive, shoot, back, reload, 1, 2, communicate, a-ha.
  17. The Real Armstrong

    Soldiers: Heroes of WWII

    Oh, Nijmegen. Lovley mission. Really easy too. Use your riflers to take out windows and your MG/SMGs to cover your riflers. You having problems with a specific building? Grab some TNT or nades and blow it up. You should have no problem finding the last enemy, look for red dots on map. If you are running a Fog of War mod, then I advise you to disable it on this map.
  18. The Real Armstrong

    Soldiers: Heroes of WWII

    Brittish 1st: Land on the beach. Stealth is adviced but not required. Take out all units so they cant take the patrol boat. Destroy the searchlight. Take the patrol boat. Fire the torpedoes at the searchlight boat. Tadaa! EDIT: Oh and yank 2nd, lol. Hmmm, which map is that... THe tank one?
  19. The Real Armstrong

    "Teleport" everything not just the men...

    As far as I know, setpossing tanks is not possible. Createunit them instead. Causes less lag.
  20. The Real Armstrong

    Pulse Studios, Pulse Gaming Released!

  21. The Real Armstrong

    Pulse Studios, Pulse Gaming Released!

    Maybe find a better host? 3 hours for 10 megs?
  22. The Real Armstrong

    The forgotten D-day

    We joke about Norwegians you norwegian! Another reason is 'cause chaotic is "entertainment". Why do you think Omaha Beach is the most known beach when the brittish and canadian beaches are almost forgotten? Oh, it might be a bit about uncle sam too. Yanks seem to be the only force on the western front if you look at all the TV-series, books and other media.
  23. The Real Armstrong

    Doom 3 has gone GOLD!!!!!!!!!!

    Doom 3 - Spooky Stuff I Say
  24. The Real Armstrong

    The forgotten D-day

    Forgotten in history, forgotten in forum.
  25. The Real Armstrong

    Medieval addons

    Me at OFPEC: I don't think any eras before gun powder was made (and used) is very suitable for OFP. Go play medieval instead, at least you can vote on it in my list (see sign) .