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Everything posted by TheMarshal=TOB=

  1. TheMarshal=TOB=

    Lets talk usmc

    cut me some slack...lol been up for over 24 hours...lol
  2. TheMarshal=TOB=

    Lets talk usmc

    Thanks guys. I will be gathering everything you should need waffen within the next few days...I'm going to be going through all of my pics for you ok Avon I'm home watching my son wife my wife is still at the hospital with my new daughter Â
  3. TheMarshal=TOB=

    Lets talk usmc

    Hey Waffen I'll get them to you in the next couple of days....I would have done it sooner but my wife had our baby last night...7 lb.s 7 onces of screaming joy.
  4. TheMarshal=TOB=

    Lets talk usmc

    need ch46. need high resolution textures, vbs style ch46 To be honest bro the textures for VBS are pretty much the same as OFP...there's no real big difference in resolution. Actually most of the textures that NZ is using are way better...I've flown the VBS version and it's got some medium res textures.
  5. TheMarshal=TOB=

    Lets talk usmc

    Waffen & NZXShadows, I'm still trying to get a hold of the Server Admin for the USMC Site. He hasn't contacted me back in the past three weeks. I talked to blackdog to see if he might be able to help out but he's not sure if he can host a domain or not...I am still trying to get it back up. Once I get some definitive word I will email you both.
  6. TheMarshal=TOB=

    Lets talk usmc

    NZX you are doing an outstanding job brother! I knew I picked the right guy to hand the AH-1W project over to...I can't wait to test fly those babies for you bro! Semper Fi
  7. TheMarshal=TOB=

    Booting players

    Hello all, PROBLEM I'm the Project Leader for the USMC Mod (302_Dragon) and I usually don't complain about much here, but I am really sick of how server admins just boot players for stupid reasons. I got booted from 5 different servers today for having a ping of 216. I know this isn't the best ping in the world, but when you're in Hawaii you're kind of far from most of the world. I am so sick of not being able to play online because admins think you need a ping of 99 or less. When OFP first came out I remember that a ping of 225 or lower was never an issue, but it seems everyone thinks because they have that perfect connection that everyone playing with should. I haven't been able to play online more then 2 or 3 times in almost 8 months because of this. It's like I bought this game for no good reason other then then to look good and wish I could play online. Sorry if I sound upset, but I love this game and I miss playing online all the time, but it's getting insane. Before you know it you'll need a T1 connection just to playonline. Thats my 2 cents. If you don't like my opinion then I'm sorry, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels like this. NEED SOLUTION Now I'm not one to bitch without trying to figure out a solution. Now is there some way that server admins can put a ping limit where players can see or something like that. This way those with above 200 pings can still find a place to play. Also is there any way to lower your ping (and don't say get broadband, because I have broadband) I need serious ideas or solutions here...I know there are a lot of players who have the same issue I do and something that is said here might help more then myself.
  8. TheMarshal=TOB=

    Lets talk usmc

    Well said FrostBite.
  9. Hey folks, Ok here's the deal. We need help. Myself and NZXShadows are basiclly the only ones left for this mod. We want to keep it alive, but it's just an overwhelming task for one addon maker and the Mod webmaster to deal with. If you can help us out please PM myself or NZXShadows so we can keep this Mod alive. I know there are a lot of players out there pulling for these addons to be made and if you're one of them that has the skill to lend us a hand please join us in bringing quality USMC addons to the OFP community. So far this is what we have. NZXShadows has poored alot of work into these addons so if you think you can help please let us know.
  10. TheMarshal=TOB=

    Lets talk usmc

    Well you see the problem is NZXShadows is the only modeler that stuck with the Mod team...everyone else just faded away so he got stuck pulling the load....Yes we need help..If you guys want to see this Mod succeed please email myself at bunnellc001@hawaii.rr.com or PM myself or NZXShadows. We want to see this Mod finish but it's hard when there is no help.
  11. TheMarshal=TOB=

    The Iraq Thread 2

    which terrorist groups and where are the proofs? Around a year ago, maybe longer not sure, there were members of Al Quada photographed having meetings with high ranking members of the Iraqi military, not once, but three times. These photos were shown during two press meetings on CNN by Cohen Powell. Also there has been weapons and other military gear intercepted by the Phillipines military in raids at know terrorsist pick up points. These weapons and gear were from Iraq. There are around four different terrorist groups active with the phillipines, al quada is one of them. Iraq has also been know to harbor terrorist groups since the early 80's. Many terrorist groups take refuge with Iraq knowing the Iraqi government will not hunt down or turn over known terrorists.
  12. TheMarshal=TOB=

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Well to be honest I don't know where you see that half of our military is deployed. What statistic did you get this from. Now Half of the Marine Corps is deployed, but that is the same as it would be in full peace time. Our military has always been spread out across the world since the end of world war two. If you check the news you'll notice that it's mostly special force units and Marines in Afghanistan. In the Phillipines it's mostly the same mix, Marines and special forces. So to say that half of our MILITARY forces are deployed is a false statement. right now with how our military rotation is working if something were to break out in another part of the world we could deal with it, without delay or and forseeable problems. You mean the same allies that had to much to loose if Saddam was ousted. France who sold them weapons in trade for oil or germeny who had an oil agreement with Iraq. Come on say it isn't true. I've read intel documents on different country ties to Iraq in preperation to go over there, before I was routed to Japan. These same ALLIES were only concerned for their interests, but aren't we all. Those were the allies that told us not to go. The UK never told us not to go...remember that the UK was one of the biggestallies for going in to Iraq right along with us. No ties to terrorests!?! what part of the world you been hiding in brother! Iraq has harbored terrorist groups for years, along with Iran, Syria, and a few other smaller middle eastern countries. There has been intel on the Iraqi government dealing with terrorist groups, including "bin ladan & co." for years. Where do you think the terrorist groups get their weapons, ammo, special intel, ect. You think they just use ESP or somthing. Come on give me a break. The funniest part is it was the british government that first tipped us off to the ties between bin ladan and saddam.
  13. TheMarshal=TOB=

    The Iraq Thread 2

    I believe Iraq can be saved, once the US and UN troops can pull out. I believe if the coalition forces don't rush the process due to outside pressure it can be done. I believe that it can be done. The one thing about the American people and our allies is we have that drive and I honestly don't think that we will allow this mission to fail. Everyone has their doubts about what we can do, but we havebeen proving people wrong left and right. Now as far as WMD I also agree...I would to see them myself. Kinda irritates me that we went in under false conditions, or so it seems, but now that we are there we need to finish it. Also you need to understand that anything can be hidden, we might never know if they had them or not. You, myself, and the rest of the world are there with you on this one. Our original mission was to oust Saddam and find his WMD, obviously in doing so the country was put without a government and we haven't found any WMD. So now our missions has changed. Our mission now is to find Saddam, his high ranking officials. We also have the mission of restoring the government, water and elecrtic systems, fix destroied transit ways and put the country back together, while eliminating any agressive forces left within the country. In my opinion (which I'm not even allowed to give) The US should have waited for positive proof before going into Iraq, but we didn't. We're there and now we have to fix our mess.
  14. TheMarshal=TOB=

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Wow some people always try to make everything sound so complex when they're really not. If you think that it is hard to do then it is. This issue is simple. Only those who wish to make it more then it is will always come out and try to complicate things. Well nice to meet you. You sound like a highly educated person and you have spoken in a very well though out manner on every post in this topic, some I agree with and some I don't. This post you just added is one of the ones I don't agree with. I'll say one thing about your whole statement, I love making things SIMPLE Â The world believes that all Americans are trying to save the world one country at a time and that we are starting with Iraq. In truth we are being proactive in the defence of our own country and our allies. If Iraq had been given the chance to use Nukes or chemical weapons they would have. Their leadership was a danger to themselves and the rest of the world. If the United States had not gone into Iraq and disolve it's government, no other country would have until it's to late. Whether you agree or disagree, it's true. The leaders of that country that were the cause of it are the ones who are being hunted. You may think that the Baathists will profit from this, of course they will, but the coaltion forces and the rest of the world will as well. The Baathists, without Saddam and his family, will feel the PUBLIC OPINION of their surrounding peers and like every other country they will fall into a more peaceful role then their previous leaders. They see what is happening to their country and they want it to end just like the rest of us. Once it does end do you really think they will want us back in there? Everything you and many others are saying, about us in Iraq, sounds alot like the sceptics of the cold war.
  15. TheMarshal=TOB=

    Is earth defenceless?

    Anything is possible. The governments of the world have come up with technology that the general public won't even hear about for a good ten to twenty years. If you remember when the F-117 was first introduced in the first desert war. The US Government was developing that since the end of the Vietnam conflict. Now you can just imagine with what technology you see now and what the Governmemnts must be working on behind closed doors.
  16. TheMarshal=TOB=

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Are they insane! They pull the british out and leave an even bigger whole for coalition forces to fill....yeah thats a smart way to go. This is the problem with public opinion...they never look into would could happen..they just want what makes them have that warm and fuzzy inside...anyone who says different is lieing to themselves. Now I would like to repeat something my Officer in charge once told me.... "If you don't know all of the facts then don't make the opinion. Sometimes we don't get all of the information to make that opinion due to the sensitivity of the information" Now the general public will never get the full scoop on what is going on until after the fact due to sensistivity of specific information. There are many times where leadership does what the public doesn't support...if the leadership did what the public supported 100% of the time then they wouldn't be leaders...they would be followers and believe it or not that is not how you lead. A leader must learn that there are times when you must go against what to popular belief is, take the long hard route instead of the short and easyroute. The leaders who know how to do this right make the best leaders. The general public never wants to send our troops in to harms way, which is why I love and protect the general public, but what they need to know is that's why we joined the military...so they wouldn't have to put themselves in harms way. Yes it is a democracy, but this doesn't mean that the public will always get what they wish for...this isn't a perfect world and if it was only then would democracy work the way it was meant to...this is why the government (the US gonvernment at least) is set up the way it is. The public has the defining call on most decisions in this country but there are a lot that is left only up to the top leaders in our country....actions of war is one of the biggest ones. It is left up to them because they are the ones who make the decisions that the general public won't. If everyone remembers the general public wanted the US to go into Iraq or else we wouldn't have went there...now that there are a few casulties they are getting pissed....my brother died, my father died, my mother died...yes this is all sad and I truelly feel for the families of these service men and women, but they knew why they were going there and they knew when the risks were...it's their job, thats why they enlisted into the military. Now the general public wants us to leave, well we can't. We started this war now we have to fix it. We can't go into a country and tear out it's government and then leave without setting up a new government and armed force to protect that government. To do this would put that country into a civil war and even more deaths would come of it. Here's a perfect example of leadership making the decision that the public would never make. During WWII the United States Government dropped 2 Atom bombs on japan killing thousands and injuring over twice as many as was killed. They leveled two great cities within this small country. The government knew what kind of casulties would become of this and they did it. Why? To stop a long a bloody war. Now do you really think if the general public had to make this decision, knowing all of the facts of would happen if they did. Hell no they wouldn't have done it and the war would have went on for years and would not have ended after the bombs were dropped. Now I'm not saying go drop a nuke on anyone, but it is the perfect example of making hard decisions the public won't make. Public decision sent us to Iraq, now let us do our job so we can leave...the longer the public bickers about whats they think should or shouldn't happen, the longer coalition forces are in harms way. Yes it is important, until they are unleashed...once they are leashed we must be able to do what the general public has had us trained to do. The restraint the general public has put on the military indangers us more then anything else. There are many occasions we are not allowed to return fire due to this restraint and it has cost many lives in the past...this is where we need to be allowed to let us take the kid gloves off and let us do our job. We need to be swift and take care of the aggressions against the military & Iraqi people in Iraq before it gets to a point where it is overwhelming. One thing that everyone needs to remember is that that civilan control sent us to Iraq. When you send in your attack dog don't try to pull him out when he isn't finished with his job. The jobs not done until that country has a stable government and the agreesive forces are eliminated.
  17. TheMarshal=TOB=

    The Iraq Thread 2

    I wasn't trying to say that this war was anothe vietnam.(yes it is still classified as a war...we never ceased the war with Iraq, just the major military engadgment.) I was merely making a comparison on about gurilla warfare. Fight fire with fire, so to speak. Basiclly what I'm trying to say is the only way to gain full control of Iraq is to pull the kid gloves off and do what needs to be done. The military is held back so much due to "Public Pressure". In my opinion, screw the public opinions, they are not the ones in there risking their lives to do their job. This is combat and bad things happen, and people die, military and civilian. It's a cold hard fact that everyone must face, but when the general public hears about how acivilian died from a bomb blast or cross fire in a battle zone they shun the military and tell us how bad of a job we are doing. Here's something for the general public to think about (a little something I saw in the phillipines last year). When I was on detatchment to the Phillipines we were taking heavy small arms fire while coming into our flight path to land in our airfield on a US military base (suspected the cause of fire from terrorist group MILF). The crewchief on my plane searched for the source of the small arms fire, when he found it he told our pilot and requested permission to fire. Our pilot said no due to the pressence of civilians in the area. Due to this our helicopter took alot of damage from the small arms fire. We got lucky and so did our dash 2 (second helicopter) there were no casulties, no one even got a scratch. Now imagine if there were casulties in the back of our helicopter, or worse the small arms fire took out a flight essential system and caused the helicopter to crash. Then what would the public opinion be ... "why didn't they shoot back". We are dmaned if we do and damned if we don't. Now to me if you are a civilian and you are standing there watching someone shoot at a military vehicle or aircraft you are just as guilty if you stand and watch and not try to stop them. Even if they are unarmed they could at least flee the area...they just stood there and cheered...the same civilians that we were told that were in the area...so you see the problems we have...we are held back because public opinion tells us that it is unacceptable to open fire due to a few civilians, who either want us shot down or are to stupid to run, are in the area. We are held back by your opinions of how we should fight a war. To be totally honest the main people who disaprove of this are people who have never served a day in their life in any branch of the military (no matter what country they live in). This war, conflict, disagreement, or whatever you want it to be called would have been over a long time ago if the public opinion did not reflect how we had to fight. Now before it comes up, I'm not saying we go around and shoot first ask questions later, or just become ruthless thugs, but the military needs to be allowed to do it's job without fear of being crucified on TV by every press corps in the world every time a civilian gets killed or something bad happens that the general public disagrees with. The US military trains us to do one thing, kill the enemy and we do a dman good job of it....when we are allowed to. Why train an attack dog and then leave him in his kennel the rest of his life? Sorry for the long post...just saw some stuff that riled me up on CNN that made me start thinking about all of this.
  18. TheMarshal=TOB=

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Who says I'm new...LOL been around these forums for a long time, just under my old name (302_Dragon) I mainly post in the addons forums and the OFP Combat Photography forum. No need to be moderate...lol I'm a big Boy I can handle my own, as USMC Sgt Wulf found out the hard way. Â On topic: As far the Stryker, if the Army wants to keep them from getting trashed they need to keep them out of the cities. Thats where they are getting hit the most. The only way to go against gurrilla war tactics is to use them ourselves. everyone thought this war was going to be like the first Gulf war, go in airstike for a week and call it quits. Well we did more then just push the Iraqis back into Iraq, we went in after them, into their homeland and took over...the military and the public should have expected this to happen. Anyway before I lose track of what I'm trying to get at...I think that we should keep our big armor out of the cities as much as possible. The US and coalition forces have enough technology to take on any enemy force without heavy or light armor. We tried to over come North Vietnam with heavy armor and airstikes and accomplished very little in the big scheme, but as far as our ground troops, they were pushing the VC and NVA back...they fought a gurrilla war the way it should be fought, we need to do the same thing in Iraq or we won't get anywhere and that country will get thrown into the middle of a huge civil war. Thats my 2 cents
  19. TheMarshal=TOB=

    Booting players

    Thanks for all the great advise guys.
  20. TheMarshal=TOB=

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Check your PM
  21. TheMarshal=TOB=

    Punisher skin/model

    Sounds like a good idea for an addon....be bad ass to run around as the punisher just blasting the shit out of people...yeah! sorry got away from myself again.
  22. TheMarshal=TOB=

    Booting players

    don't get a chance to stay on a server long enough...lol I was on a server tonight (finally after two hours of being booted) and my ping was 104 on that server and at times it was 88 to 98. I'm not sure what the cause of this...maybe that server is closer to my location (how I don't know, I'm smack in the middle of the damn pacific ocean lol) or maybe they had a really good server or maybe it was due to the fact it was 8:30 pm here I have no idea. If it is upstream bandwidth what can I do to stop it?
  23. TheMarshal=TOB=

    The Iraq Thread 2

    "SORRY THIS IS THE LAST TIME I POST OFF TOPIC" Don't be to hasty to think that Baron. While I was in Japan on deployment two North Korean Subs did go below the DMZ line into South Korean waters. My squadron and 3rd Marines were put on call and were getting ready to go to Korea before they turned around. It was at the height of the whole nuck scare the North Koreans were putting off. They were testing the waters to see how far they could get, when the South Korean police helicopters spotted them and then called in South Korean gun boats and US Naval ships. North Korea is a very big threat whether the world believes it or not. They are a starving, cold, and poor country. It's like finding a dieing dog in a back alley with just enough strength left for one last kill and he's storing it up. North Korea will cross the DMZ. The scarey thing is when will they do it. They are more of a threat then the old soviet union, because they aren't scared to use nukes to get what they want. If the Unites States hadn't given in and given them money and help they would have used them.
  24. TheMarshal=TOB=

    Booting players

    Hawaii. The wierd thing is OFP is the only game that the ping is high. I play GR, DF2, DFLW, BF1942, MOH:AA and a slew of other games online and they all have good pings, but as soon as I get into OFP my pings go up...wierd.
  25. TheMarshal=TOB=

    New name for network

    How about http://www.ofp-mods.com you host a lot of Mod sites or because of your work with the Combat phtography forum http://www.ofpcp.com (OFP Combat Photography) just a thought