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The Frenchman

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Everything posted by The Frenchman

  1. The Frenchman

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Wow thats neat. Its my wallpaper now.
  2. The Frenchman

    The north korea thread

  3. The Frenchman

    Favorite videogame music

    I like in resistance: Track 1a Track 2 Track 3 Track 8 In regular OFP: Main theme organ works The walk *ill add more once I know the names of other games music
  4. The Frenchman


    Like the AK77:
  5. The Frenchman

    New bas thread

    I wanna see it!
  6. The Frenchman

    Man, this feels weird...

    I dont get it.
  7. The Frenchman

    Aef campaign teaser movie

    Noooooooooo.......... It uses DivX.
  8. The Frenchman

    1985 cwc campaign revisisted.

    I havent noticed a big difference besides some missions like alert being easier or harder. ... Wait a minute, how do we know if the FDF mod didn't change the campaign? J/k
  9. The Frenchman


    After reading that, can I test the water too? NTlapoint@aol.com
  10. The Frenchman

    Gummi's landtexture pack released

    Hahaha This is funny. While I was playing with the editor a few minutes ago I was wishing for someone to make new textures for islands.
  11. The Frenchman

    Bm-13 katyusha

    It's a TOW as far as the launcher is concerned (visually anyway).In reality it just fires a big bullet, it's not actually a missile. Its good enough for me. :;); Anyway, id be neat if it were a pack that would have ww2 soviet versions and FIA versions.
  12. The Frenchman

    Attention addonmakers!

    Here here! Only use installers if a pack is extremely large like a demo or an actual modification would be apreciated. Die unnessisary installer die!
  13. The Frenchman

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    What island is that? Edit: Dang you Milkman, I was so close to having my post the first on the 200th page!
  14. The Frenchman

    Bm-13 katyusha

    It is possible since OPGWC made a hummer pack that has a hummer with a TOW.
  15. The Frenchman

    New bas thread

  16. The Frenchman

    Real duty calls

  17. The Frenchman

    Bm-13 katyusha

    Then what the heck is this? <--- Click smile.
  18. The Frenchman

    Uk farmer who shot burglar freed

    I want one of those! Now!
  19. The Frenchman


    OFP:R came with a motorcycle.
  20. The Frenchman

    You want cas? you got cas

    Maybe a russian on the res side? Â [Wish]And maybe a new pilot to go with the plane.[/wish]
  21. The Frenchman

    Cold wayne crisis

    Possible, if the KGB once sent an agent to kill a radio show host since he lived in the eastern block countries and moved to england and talked about the horrors of communisim then anything is possible.
  22. The Frenchman

    Cold wayne crisis

    Here here!
  23. The Frenchman

    Cool cars

    Holy spam sandwitches! We will have a ingame London soon.