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The Frenchman

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Everything posted by The Frenchman

  1. The Frenchman


    Im not really sure what you're talking about. I just made it a mix of my favorite two planes:The F5 and the Mirage F1.
  2. The Frenchman

    Nogova... virus

  3. The Frenchman

    Which addon has been done to death?

    Sorry for being offtopic but I wish the BKM mod all the luck in the world. They are doing something that no other mod is doing.
  4. The Frenchman

    A working dog yayayayay

    Finally we can have The Lion King in OFP.
  5. The Frenchman


    Oh yeah! The Frenchman's Main attack helicopter
  6. The Frenchman


    Aw screw it! Im coming back to Nogova. I need to stay with my equals. Sorry. In my graditude, I will sell 10 N-1 "fluffybunnies" to all members of Nogova for 1/4 the price. And 20 for our UN delegate for 1/8 the price.
  7. The Frenchman

    Ask a mod

    Ah, yes I almost forgot that.
  8. The Frenchman

    Music composer

    NOOOO! For the love of spam sandwitches not Coldplay!!! Every weekend I have to close my ears shut while my sister listens to it on volume level 10. .
  9. The Frenchman


    Double post
  10. The Frenchman

    Navy poll

  11. The Frenchman


    Ignore post
  12. The Frenchman

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Thats neat BD.
  13. The Frenchman

    IM:UC Mod Thread

    Is it just me or does it looked streched? Anyway, we are still in search for another texturer. If you can help, contact me,RTR_Commander,Lt. HuNTeR or any other member of IM:UC.
  14. The Frenchman


    *Speaks like a zombie*:Yes....join us iNeo.......or we will destroy you.
  15. The Frenchman


    Ah so your the one with that "most interesting of flags"
  16. The Frenchman


    Well actually this is what I ment: The black circles are areas that we all control which is the center building in Lipany and the island in the river. I claim the dark blue area!
  17. The Frenchman


    What the heck? Whats that?
  18. The Frenchman

    Thinking outside the box

    Well first may I welcome you to BI forums. Well lets see......hmmmmm There is mercenaries in the HK pack. Im not sure if anyone made some new spooks..... As for green berets I would use the BAS rangers and replace the arm texture.
  19. The Frenchman


    I give you comrades of Nogova, the N-1 "Fluffy Bunny"! http://www.martinsvillesoaps.com/thefrenchman/LightCAS.GIF Cost:$100,000
  20. The Frenchman

    Camera tool

    Where can I get that UN pilot and that UN Huey?
  21. The Frenchman

    Bis & war veterans

    Well BIS?
  22. The Frenchman

    Favorite videogame music

    Sorry for going offtopic....but ooh yes, i know this game. a friend and me played through it in one nite...ah crazy times   The only thing i can remember is a really difficult level. It´s the one where you have to jump to the top of a huge cylindric room using some steps at the walls...not a big problem normally, but the damn gamecamera and after some beer´s and joints...well u know.. we heard the friggin deathscream of the character so many times...aaarr  but anyways it was a great game  Ok, last offtopic: Well I got pass that part and Im stuck at this thing that is cross between Barney and an ant. *Waits for Lee H. Oswald to show his photoshoped pic of a monster cross between Barney and an ant.
  23. The Frenchman

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Dont tell me this is going to be your new "exploding tank" pic.
  24. The Frenchman

    How many of the old flashpoint players

    It would be hard to tell if all the originals are around. I still consider myself a no0b (Am I? Someone tell me ) Anyway some people are still here like the avon lady and recently Viperheart came back. But some left the community or have left it temorarily like Klink.
  25. The Frenchman

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    First time I saw this one, I thought it was real.