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The Frenchman

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Everything posted by The Frenchman

  1. The Frenchman


    I just saw an interview with the creators of bushin30seconds.org on CBS Evening News. They showed a few of them.(Blackdog's favorite being one of them.)
  2. The Frenchman

    The sims 2

    This is where the wonders of modding kicks in.
  3. The Frenchman

    Anyone play combat mission?

    The results?
  4. The Frenchman

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost

    They also added a few screenshots and concept art of the winners's creations of the Monster's Ball Contest.(They had the community come up with monsters and they picked the best 10 to be in the game.) Tark (former horse) Snark(Former Human) The list can be found here. I suggested the killer bunny rabbit from Monty Python in their forums.
  5. The Frenchman

    Next time you think sci-fi, think again

    I hope we dont stumble across something that we might regret later for finding us there.
  6. The Frenchman

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost

    It seems that the devs have added a new pistol to the game. Beretta 92FS
  7. The Frenchman

    The sims 2

    Those little bastards.
  8. The Frenchman

    Ww2 french airplane

    I cant wait to fly that thing.
  9. The Frenchman

    Absolutely tasteless

    I see that Ralphie feels that his postcount supremecy is threatened.
  10. The Frenchman

    The big snow

    ....and I thought Buffalo had it hard.
  11. The Frenchman


    Like the child unit in Empire Earth that can survive 14 nukes?
  12. The Frenchman

    Anyone play combat mission?

    Anyone have any strategy with Axis on the desert map with CM:AK? I have 20 panzers taken out by 5 M3 medium with no casualties for Allied and having all my tanks taken out.
  13. The Frenchman

    Absolutely tasteless

    Just great. Now they are going after me. Damn you Red vs Blue!
  14. The Frenchman

    Absolutely tasteless

    I thought I would find inteligence from the people at RedvsBlue forums. Oh its funny eh? Oh yes it is soo funny. Hey! How about someone photoshops a photo of dead Special Forces being dragged through the streets by dressing the Somalies as Elves?!?! Everyone will think thats funny and will buy thousands of fucking Christmas cards!!!!!!!! Â Â
  15. The Frenchman

    Absolutely tasteless

    I shall inform the good folks at Red vs Blue about this! They have 30,000 members.
  16. The Frenchman

    Absolutely tasteless

    Why did I get a strategy guide for SOCOMII?! <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>Signé !</span>
  17. The Frenchman


    True In my case, these are some of the explanations of what 9/11 was, pieced together of actually what some of the teachers found out and then turned into Middle School-style gossip(The goddamn school admidistration didnt bother tell us what happened!): THIS IS MADNESS!!!!!! (All the above is true. Everything)
  18. The Frenchman

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    My birthday is on the 15! It's not going to be Operation Frenchpoint day! IT IS GOING TO BE OPERATION FRENCHPOINT WEEK!!! Â
  19. The Frenchman

    Anyone play combat mission?

    There is a demo? Anyone have a link? Is it free? I wanna try this out.....and see if I can add a person to a pwnage list.
  20. The Frenchman

    Nogovan Armed Forces Project

    Yeah, next we will be making Nogovan Space Ships.
  21. The Frenchman

    Return of the king

    Things you shouldn't do while watching ROTK in a theatre 1. Stand up halfway through the movie and yell loudly, "Wait... where the hell is Harry Potter?" 2. Block the entrance to the theater while screaming: "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" 3. Play a drinking game where you have to take a sip every time someone says: "The Ring." 4. Point and laugh whenever someone dies. (going to be very hard not to do ) 5. Ask everyone around you if they think Gandalf went to Hogwarts. 6. Finish off every one of Elrond's lines with "Mr. Anderson." 7. When Aragorn is crowned king, stand up and at the top of your lungs sing, "And I did it.... MY way...!" 8. Talk like Gollum all through the movie. At the end, bite off someone's finger and fall down the stairs. 9. Dress up as old ladies and reenact "The Battle of Helms Deep" Monty Python style. 10. When Denethor lights the fire, shout "Barbecue!" 11. Every time Elrond appears, shout out (in your best 'Dobby' voice) "Clothes! Master gave Elrond Clothes!" 12. In TTT when the Ents decide to march to war, stand up and shout "RUN FOREST, RUN!" 13. Every time someone kills an Orc, yell: "That's what I'm Tolkien about!" See how long it takes before you get kicked out of the theatre. 14. During a wide shot of a battle, inquire, "Where's Waldo?" 15. Talk loudly about how you heard that there is a single frame of a nude Elf hidden somewhere in the movie. 16. Start an Orc sing-a-long. 17. Come to the premiere dressed as Frankenfurter and wander around looking terribly confused. 18. When they go in the paths of the dead, wait for tense moment and shout, "I see dead people!" 19. Imitate what you think a conversation between Gollum, Dobby and Yoda would be like. 20. Release a jar of daddy-long-legs into the theater during the Shelob scene. 21. Wonder out loud if Aragorn is going to run for governor of California. 22. When Shelob comes on, exclaim, "Man! Charlotte's really let herself go!" 24. After the movie, say "Lucas could have done it better."
  22. The Frenchman

    Favorite weapon?

    Official: Dragunov(sp?) Sniper Rifle, M60 and stroke fist. Unofficial: INQ M60
  23. The Frenchman

    Looking for some alien stuff

    They're mod seems dead. The site doesnt work.
  24. The Frenchman

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Iraqi Convoy moving torward the front.
  25. The Frenchman

    Political test

    I am exactly the same as Harnu. Does this mean that good ol' Harnu is a communist like moi? Â