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Everything posted by Tigershark_BAS
Guys...let's try and bring this back on topic shall we? I'd like to reiterate STs comments and make a few of my own. Thanks to all for the positive comments, troubleshooting and the constructive criticism. Although it is EXTREMELY flattering to have our work compared to BIS, let's not be too harsh on them. Remember they made their UH-60 whilst making dozens of other objects and units for the game. They also had to stick to tight deadlines and commitments. We have spent months making just this helo so it's not fair to be so critical of them. Also keep in mind that they also had to code the engine that allows us to make these great addons for you. Without the forethought of making the engine extendable (although, not without lots of effort) you also would not be enjoying the BHs. Again....thanks for the compliments and comparisons...but just be aware of the commitments BIS must have had and even have now. Their efforts in OFP2 will bring all our work to new dimension and they are implementing a lot of stuff based on our input. We may be showing them up a little now...but they have the keys to the source code...and I can guarantee what they have planned for the future will make our addons look like Tonka toys :-)
Yeh thanks for the 'extra' gift BAS. tankie....given our mods co-operative spirit....I'm assuming you were making a joke.....right?
Hudson....you da man! Thanks for the help
Get better Ale!! I can tell you are sick coz you posted 3 times
Keep up the great pics guys...nice to see our babies being put into use...and in such visually appealing ways
There is always one  This coming from someone who is the starship troopers mod...mmm....lot of credibility.
DOH! Among his other talents....Evisc is also adept at making me look like an idiot. *takes foot out of mouth*
problem there is the reliance on SOAR and JAM...which kinda violates the rules of AAE...we need to discuss with the BIS crew to get their feeling on making this AAE compatible.
PS.....the team needs just a little ( <-- understatement) of a break before we even THINK about another addon.....so give us a little R&R would ya.
DUDE! WTF???....you just got the BHs....go and play with them!!!!....and keep this thread on topic about the H-60s and their release. Ask questions in the other "thread of the damned" in Addons Discussion.
He he he...not bad
DOH! Double post. Sorry.
And as Willem Dafoe said in Boondock Saints "We'll start the ass kissing with you!" *points at the whiners, detractors and naysayers of BAS* I really wish there was a way to selectively choose people who could use an addon....there are a few people I'd add to the Addon Ban List if this was possible. *Tiger goes off to play with H-60s and dreams of a day when people will ease off a little and remember it's all about fun*
Read it....nice..but a little inaccurate in some places...but a good read :-)
It's an OFP engine issue dude...can't be fixed
I had the priviledge of MP testing a VERY cool MP mission we plan to ship with JAM as a little added bonus. Guys...it is awesome......between the Mh-60s, JAM and new units flowing out after JAM you are gonna think all your Xmas' have come at once. Trust me on this....or my name isn't Unky Tiger.
Guys...guys....guys....I know this thread is for questions...but let's focus on one thing at a time ok. At the moment we aren't thinking much past MH-60, JAM, Upgraded De/Ra's and SEAL Team 8. The Littlebirds are going to be given a significant overhaul. There are scripts to be added, texture tweaks to be done and perhaps a new variant being added........despite this...we really haven't sat down and discussed the design yet...just played with ideas. Based on the reaction to the MH-60s (miniguns, fuel tanks, scripts) we will make some decisions on what the upgraded LB pack will contain.
Be careful Sxep....we may take you up on that :-)
Seriously...not long. If before was dangerously close....now is life threateningly close
You are correct. There may have been times when have responded in a "in an inappropriate manner, often in a patronising, criticising tone and/or formulation." However, I can guarantee you these responses were not without a trigger to activate some of our natural human emotions when discussing our work. Those responses would have been as a result of one or several of the following reasons: 1) The issue had been covered in the readme....which has obviously not been read. 2) The issue had been covered in the thread...which the person was too lazy to read through (after hundreds of hours making an addon is 30 mins to read through a thread too much to ask) 3) The criticism was phrased in such a way that it easily provoked us to jump to the defence of our work, rather than illustrate to us an issue and some suggestions on how to fix it. Reference some of Jacobaby's examples in the previous pages. eg. There are crappy white spots all over the helo. Shabby work..I expect this to be fixed immediately. As opposed to: I noticed some textures missing. Here is a screenshot. Perhaps you forgot to add something to the LODS. 4) Demands have been made. We volunteer our time and dedicate a lot to our work...however, demands from people for something that is offered at no personal cost are very rarely welcomed with a smiling face...no matter what the environment may be eg. OFP, Christmas, life. 5) Someone has questioned our integrity and dedication to what it is we do. We sacrifice much which is generally unknown to the OFP community. To suggest that these sacrifices (which remain unknown) are not enough for someone is an insult.
No immediate plans....as to do this helo right...you have to totally remodel the interior of the aircraft.
On the contrary.....it is so simple to summarise this issue that a high school dropout could do it. Shashman's Argument Summary -Addon makers always complain about getting criticism. -He has the right to complain -Why does BAS not accept criticism in the thread but wants only praise -Just because the addon is free doesn't mean we can't complain about it. -When going to a restaurant the chef doesn't ask you to cook your own meal if you don't like it. etc.etc. BAS Team Argument Summary -We do and always have accepted constructive criticism -We don't care about your perceived "right" to complain. This is your opinion. However, because we pour hundreds of hours of work into these addons we believe we have the "right" to ask that you help us out by following a few our suggestions regarding how to offer feedback. Whether you choose follow these suggestions or not is your "right", but seeing as you are getting something for nothing it should raise the question as to whether you are someone of manners, moral fibre and character. -We will accept criticism of our addons through the feedback mechanism on our site in order to best categorise and respond to bugs. -We would repectfully prefer that people use the thread to discuss unknown features and share experiences with the addon rather than report bugs, for which we have a preferred method for logging with us. -Those are paid services....send us a cheque with a donation and we will give you a special, individual email address with which your every whim can be logged and we can respond to.
Only 8 posts and already I like you As Jacobaby said...it:s this kind of attitude that encourages addon makers to go the extra mile. You know what the most disheartening thing is about non-constructive criticism.....the lack of appreciation for the HUGE volume of work that's gone into the addon. Forget the modeling, forget the texturing.....the MH-60 went through 15 (now 17) beta versions alone!! That means ST, TJ and Ebud had to tweak, test and recompile the same unit 17 times so all the BAS members could beta test it and pick out bugs. Then think about how long the model must have taken to build from scratch....and how long the 100% customised, from scratch textures must have taken. Hell....the amount of manhours put into this chopper.....well....I wouldn't want to find out actually. It might force us all to think about why the hell we do this
While I agree with some of your points, you have to think of it from their perspective. Â Let's use your restraunt analogy. Â Say a friend of yours spent a lot of years refining his cooking skills to the point where he has become a gourmet chef. Â Now this friend decides to open a five star restraunt. Â A day before he officially opens, he holds a test run and invites all of his friends for a free meal to see how they like the restraunt. Â Everyone gets dressed up for the occassion and shows up. Â Meanwhile the chef has prepared for weeks for this occasion. Â He selects the finest ingredients, painstakingly plans the meal, selects the wines, and spends hours upon hours preparing the meal according to the utmost of his cooking skills. Â He literally has placed his pride and joy into the creation of a lovely dinner for his friends. Â His professional reputation is at stake and his ego is wrapped up in the project because he desperately wants to share his abilities with others and watch them recieve pleasure and gratification from his efforts, thus rewarding him for all the years he spent honing these skills and making them seem worthwhile. Â He serves this fine meal to all his guests without charge and sits back to watch them enjoy it. Â The pleasure they recieve from it his only reward. Â The guests, who contributed nothing to the effort but their opinion, bitch that the wine isn't good enough, the silverware isn't a pattern they like, the music he picked for atmosphere sucks, the chairs are too uncomfortable etc... Â Then they tell him he's a lousy chef and to go back into the kitchen and fix the problems immediately or they will eat at someone else's restraunt from now on. How would you feel? I'd be willing to bet that you would take comments like that as a personal insult. Â First of all (as with a new addon), a lot of the criticism had nothing directly to do with the effort itself, but with peripheral details. Â Second, because those details are not always completely sorted out, or their are unanticipated problems with the debut of any venture requiring an extreme amount of skill and effort to produce, the critics trash the effort in its entirety, which is just flat out stupid and the undeserved. Â Lastly, those doing the crticisizing paid nothing for the product they recieved, they put no time into it, lack the skills to produce anything remotely similar themselves, and recieved it solely for their own personal enjoyment and benefit. Â And yet they still have the balls to trash the effort! Â It show a complete lack of tact and regard for other people. Â These individuals have simply never progressed mentally and morally past the age of four year olds who have the mindset of: "The world revolves around me. Â Every one here is here only to meet my needs and provideme with gratification. Â I want it now! Â I want it my way! Me first! Â Me!, Me!, Me!" Â See what I mean? So while constructive criticism or comments are probably appreciated, they should be given with these ideas in mind. Â What you are criticisizing is somebody's labor of love, produced solely for you to enjoy, at the expense of countless hours, with no reward. Â The reward to the maker is that you enjoy what they have made. Â If you don't, it can be disturbing and hurtful, so make sure you critisize tactfully and respectfully, and not rudely or stupidly. Dude...you just made it into my signature....thanks
So basically you want us to heap praise on your addons and shut up about bugs, in this thread... Â You're such an ass....did you even bother to read what TJ wrote?...When have we not listened to the community and fixed bugs and issues reported with our release....hell sometime you get fixes within 12-24 hours of the issue being identified. We would prefer they are logged on our page rather than on the forums. Is that so much to ask for free addon?