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Everything posted by Tigershark_BAS

  1. Tigershark_BAS

    Mi5 jobs for brits

    Scary reflection on the calibre of MI5 operatives. What lie did I tell you again....oh yes...the surgeon one...well...I was operating on this Eastern european man, whose name will remain anonymous, let's just call him A. Ratonovich...no wait....let's call him....Anton R. Anyway.....I had just grabbed the gun...errrr....knife...and...
  2. Tigershark_BAS

    A-10 to stay?

    Alternatively, A-10s are also able to avoid MANPADS if used properly. This hardly an academic argument. Every MANPAD has a chance of failing against an aircraft using chaff and flares, not matter what the speed. Granted, its harder to hit fast movers....but alternatively its harder for fast movers to hit CAS targets repeatedly. OK...now you have a point....I have no problem with an organic defence system and yes...the A-10 is more vulnerable to these than a fast mover. But you mentioned IDS before...which is a whole different ball game and one that the A-10 would not be a part of. Perhaps....if not taken out by SEAD first....the emphasis would be on avoidance. The MANPADs and organic AAA defence are the biggest threats and not ones that I believe the A-10 is ill equipped to deal with as you suggest.
  3. Tigershark_BAS

    A-10 to stay?

    Im a bastard. LOL....OK.....you're right. You ARE a bastard
  4. Tigershark_BAS

    A-10 to stay?

    This was never the intention for the A-10. It was designed from the ground up as a CAS aircraft and was never expected to penetrate modern IDS. @Tovarish Exactly! The whole concept of the single engine fighter should have died with WW2. I'm not disputing the capabilities of aircraft like the F-16. But what you can dispute is their survivability in a CAS role in a hostile environment. The A-10 can sustain a lot more damage than a F-16 and the attack speeds are much slower allowing them to perform a much better CAS role than a fast mover like the F-16. Navy has got it right. Name a modern Navy plane with only one engine....anyone...anyone?
  5. Tigershark_BAS

    New bas thread

    Smartass. I leave town for a little while, and you sneak comments in like this. Â But hey, I dance around in a flightsuit for you, don't I? I mean, come on. That doesn't do anything for you? Damn. OE *rubs temples* Think of a happy place....a happy place.
  6. Tigershark_BAS

    Real life photography/photo editing

    LOL Â Nice pics Killagee...that Lion one is worthy of a newspaper pic...very well done.
  7. Tigershark_BAS

    Ofp news parody pages

    Yes..very amusing Waiting for someone to write one about Blackdog
  8. Tigershark_BAS

    Military plastic model kits

    All my Navy jets are weathered using this technique.....for newer jets like the Typhoon simply choose a lighter colour chalk....a gray that is slightly darker than the paint. It works very well...and like I said....you can't screw up. Also works well for weathering spokes on wheels...and for weathering the wheel bays. In the Typhoon pic...the airbrake well would benefit greatly from this. You can also use the ground up chalk and a Q Tip (cotton bud) to rub chalk onto areas (like around gun ports) to weather gun powder exhaust emmisions and engine exhaust. Again....if you screw it up...some water and little detergent gets it right off. Big fan of the artists chalks  Another technique is use a pencil to draw along panel lines. Gives a nice effect. Also if you can get a hold of a Pentel Gel Silver rollerball pen...this is good for metal scuffs and wear (used this for the Corsair) Even better still is a kind of paint marker called Gundam markers that from Japan. They have very fine tips (used for painting Gundam robot models) and any mistakes can removed using a pencil eraser. My advice....get yourself a cheap model...paint it up....and use it as a test model for various techniques...see which one works for you and which don't. I got a cheap 1-72 F-14 expressly for this purpose.
  9. Tigershark_BAS

    Military plastic model kits

    To tell you the truth, I am really bad at weathering...  Unfortunately I cant afford an airbrush so I do them by hand  Thanks for the nice comments though. I am trying to find a 1/48 NH-90 Helicopter or JAS-39 Gripen as my next project, but I cant find anyone who makes them... Dude...a very simple technique. Find some artists chalks....get a gray and brown colour chalk. Scrape some off into a dish....add a drop liquid washing detergent and enough water to make a sludge. Use a brush and brush into the panel lines...dont worry if you make a mess. Let it dry for a couple about 15 minutes. Then take a wet tissue and wipe off the excess around the panel lines. Works great and you can't screw up...if you feel like you have...simple run it under the tap and wash the chalk off. Nice simple technique and gives impressive results. Heres an article for ya http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/tnt1....026.htm
  10. Tigershark_BAS

    Military plastic model kits

    Looks sweet!! I was going to say "needs more weathering" but seeing as these things will be brand new...it's probably perfect. Nice work dude.
  11. Tigershark_BAS

    The "community"

    Time for me to exercise the wisdom gleaned from Denoir's quote.
  12. Tigershark_BAS

    The "community"

    Ooooo....nasty...saucer of milk for table CanadianTerror....meeeeaaaaaaooooow. Nice to see this isn't getting personal at all.
  13. Tigershark_BAS

    The "community"

    Aaah...the incomprehensible musings of bmot...I missed ya man Keep me away from the Danish beer...just the women please.
  14. Tigershark_BAS

    The "community"

    You need to lighten up dude.
  15. Tigershark_BAS

    New bas thread

    Sure thing You can find plenty of mouth watering pics here: www.af.mil
  16. Tigershark_BAS

    New bas thread

    It's the only thing that makes working with ofpeditor tolerable
  17. Tigershark_BAS

    New bas thread

    That expalains the psychadelic camo I made for them last night then....mmmmmm
  18. Tigershark_BAS

    The "community"

    The squeaky wheel always gets the grease. Think about it....it's very deep. And while you are thinking about that, what is the sound of one hand clapping? *Tiger enters zen-like state that feels vaguely familiar* .....familiar like...being drunk....must have been all that golden liquid Zen juice I drank last night
  19. Tigershark_BAS

    New bas thread

    Big Daddy Tiger has been traveling the world with his work. But can now focus on finishing the remaining 2% left for the Pavie. Your patience will be rewarded my young Paduan. *takes his medication* Pill lady.....yes you..pill lady....can have some more of these purple ones?
  20. Tigershark_BAS

    The "community"

    Alas...this forum and its management no longer finds humour in the images I used to post...I got the 4 nice little boxes next to my name to prove it Thanks for remembering them though dude...used to have a lot of fun with those.
  21. Tigershark_BAS

    The "community"

    Nice one Denoir! * Tiger adds it to his notebook of quotable quotes...right next to "You can give a monkey a banana but you can't stop him from shoving it up his ass" *
  22. Tigershark_BAS

    The "community"

    Well......except for the kiowa addon perhaps
  23. Tigershark_BAS

    Anyone play star wars galaxies

    Just wondering if anyone plays this...considering venturing into Massively Online gaming and wondered if this was a good start.
  24. Tigershark_BAS

    Anyone play star wars galaxies

    Thanks for the feedback Baron....great stuff.
  25. Tigershark_BAS

    Military plastic model kits

    Pajama, Thinner is used to lower the viscosity (thickness) of the paint mainly for airbrushing. To use paint in an airbrush it needs to be made the same consistency as milk and typically paint is MUCH thicker than this when you buy it. If you are brush painting you may not find much use for thinner although thinned paint for brushing will mean you will not suffer from brush marks or weird paint build up on the model. If you are using paint cans thinner will not be necessary. As to paint...well...the jury is still out on that one. I almost exclusively use acrylic based paints and not enamels. Mainly because they are less toxic and SOOOO MUCH easier to clean up after use. I use Tamiya acrylics which are VERY good quality and sometimes use Gunze Sangyo acrylic paints as well. Model Master also make great acrylics. If you are starting out...I would recommend these over enamels simply to make things simpler whilst learning. Enamels "lay down" or spray better than acrylics generally, but have longer drying times and are a little messier to work with if you are a beginner. Hope this helps