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Everything posted by TheRedBaron

  1. TheRedBaron

    Ruger mini 14 custom released!

    looks nice but you should send it to ofp.gamezone.cz so i dont have to register just to download it
  2. TheRedBaron

    Config.bin mod for inq_weaponpack

    i cant get mod to work. already downloaded it and unziped it to operation flashpoint folder but not working
  3. TheRedBaron

    C-47 carrying ammo

    go to www.ofp.gamezone.cz then go to tutorial and down load the helo transport script. just put the transport.sqs into your mission folder(if you dont know how to activate it look a the sample mission) just sub in the ammo crate for the hummer and it should work, didnt test this.
  4. TheRedBaron

    Blood addon for v1.85

    there is a blood addon that ups the gore factor by spraying more blood, but if is only for v1.90 and up.I have 1.85 and dont want to upgrade to 1.9 because it only fixes multi player issues and i dont even play multi player, besides its another 14 mb i dont need. can sombody please give me a link to download a blood addon for 1.85.
  5. TheRedBaron

    High detail weapon pack released!

    wow to bad cant download them
  6. TheRedBaron

    Blood addon for v1.85

    but 14mb would slow my computer down ,have to many addons as it is
  7. I want the basic format for the comand that would assign some thing for every one on the western side. like change every western units gun to one gun.this is what ive tried. "_x remove all weapons this" foreach units west so that all western unit would no longer have a weapon. what im really trying to do is give all my western units one gun, I know what i just wrote was hard to follow but if you know what im trying to do please reply.
  8. TheRedBaron


    if you want him to stay alive get the object number of the building and have it colapse and have a shell hit it at the same time. shells do not hurt you they are just for show but you might want a bigger explosion. just do: object obj# setdammage 1 and plug shell into the camcreate instead of laserguided bomb.
  9. TheRedBaron

    Helo pick up/drop off

    try making the helo join the group. put a waypoint to where you want the helo to land and a way point for the squad,the squad would have a join & lead and the helo would have a join waypoint. then syncronize them and once the helo in your group get in and go to the next waypoint.
  10. TheRedBaron


    Ok, im doing stunts where i jump off a motorcycle and open my parachute. I dont want scripts because i can do it with comand lines. Ive done it before. I looked it up and mine is exactly the same. What im doing is seting a parachute 5000m in the air to float while im geting ready,and i have a trigger that says this: para setpos [getpos bob select 0,getpos bob select 1,(getpos bob select 2)]; bob moveindriver para bob being my guy and para being the floating parachute. The parachute is transported to just above my guy but he will not move to the driver. what is wrong? oh and i want to set off the trigger with radio alpha. Nevermind figured it out
  11. TheRedBaron

    Nepoleonic mod

    Thanks CT it was just what I needed.
  12. TheRedBaron

    Nepoleonic mod

    I know there are some Nepoleonic addons out there because I remember reading a guys post that he needed to know how to line his troops up. So if anyone knows where to down load Nepoleonic troops or weapons please give me a link.
  13. TheRedBaron

    Nepoleonic mod

    I know there are some Nepoleonic addons out there because I remember reading a guys post that he needed to know how to line his troops up. So if anyone knows where to down load Nepoleonic troops or weapons please give me a link.
  14. TheRedBaron

    Creating a large mission

    there is a script snipet at OFEC that allows you to put a large number of units. they appear when you get within a certain distance, but i think you can tell them when to appear.
  15. In real battles there are more wounded that killed, but in ofp its the exact opposite. Is there a way to may AI shot at a target just long enough to wound it instead of shooting the target until its dead. This way I would have more wounded than dead,the medics would actualy have something to do and it would make a much more realistic mission. Any suggestions?
  16. Does any one now were I could get revolutionary or civil war soldiers and guns. Links if possible,Thanks.
  17. Does any one now were I could get revolutionary or civil war soldiers and guns. Links if possible,Thanks.
  18. I downloaded the command refrence booklet for ofpec but can not get them to work. here are some things I have tryed but dont work. trying to get guy(jim) to say he is low on ammo ? jimammo <= 10: jim globalchat "I need more ammo" Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â or... to find the distance I used "jim" distance "bob" if this makes no sense then help me figure it out please. Oh and wich line do i put it in (activation, deactivation,etc)thanks.
  19. TheRedBaron

    Command refrences

    thanks for the help junker
  20. TheRedBaron

    Give medics a job

    thanks sanctuary,even though its a bit complicated
  21. When you set a waypiont there is a line at the very bottom that says script. What is it for?
  22. TheRedBaron

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    ...how do you put your pic on this reply
  23. TheRedBaron

    Adding faces

    Ive searched but have not found answers I downloaded faces to use but do not know wich folder to put them in please help.
  24. TheRedBaron

    Random bombing

    ty think that should do it
  25. TheRedBaron

    Deleting missions

    how do you delete missions from single player and mission editor. is there a way to put a machine gun on the front of a civilian plane without addons or scripts