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Everything posted by terox

  1. terox

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    The HC uses a client .exe or rather (arma3.exe -client). This requires the steam client installed and running
  2. Some Bug Reports. 3.1 RC evaluation version HC Had issues getting the HC to take control of the A.I. 1 success in 5 sessions This was confirmed by using Freds A3 monitor running on the HC and the server. I also noticed the HC was the last to fully load at the briefing stage. Maybe (Purely a guess) the issue is the HC code / enemy AI creation is run too early after mission start. When the HC did take control, if it disconnected, it did take over the AI again on reconnection. When it did it's job, I saw the serverside FPS jump from low 10-15fps to nearly 45 (Low ground ambience, showing a max number of AI somewhere in the region of 120 If the HC didn't take control at mission start, it would never take over the AI, no matter how many times I restarted it (I forgot to take screenshots of the A3 monitor, sorry :-) VAS No "Laserbatteries" available INTRO The cutscene runs what seems to be a good 30 seconds after mission start GROUP LEADERSHIP Tthe leader loses control of the group to a JIP (I havent looked at the code, but maybe a suggestion.. use a setvariable to define unit as a group leader ("GrpLeader") and then on JIP or respawn, reset the group leader based on getvariable "GrpLeader" . The Squad GUI could then also setvariable when a new group leader is defined using it. SERVERSIDE PERFORMANCE When not using HC and with 40 players + 120 AI, serverside FPS dropped to a minimum of 8. I added most of these points to the DEV tracker.
  3. You will be more than welcomed to the Zeus server on our twice weekly scheduled sessions. (Thursdays & Sundays) I wouldn't say we are the best server out there, far from it. But we are very experienced at getting good teamwork going in a public coop environment. I would say that coming and videoing the session, and then adding your overlay and other content may very well show a lot of players out there, that there is something else to Arma than DayZ, Wastelands, Altis Life and free for all lonewolfing. I personally am very sad to see so many RPG servers out there instead of milsim servers
  4. terox

    Why this game sucks...

    This is down to the server you are on, the quality of the admins presentand the standard of organisation. As far as elitist is concerned, comparing 1) a player on a server who has patience, follows commands and is on comms with a 2) Newcomer who hasnt even played the campaign, doesnt have a mic, has no idea about the games ability and possibly doesnt even understand the language used to me is like comparing 1) The SAS to 2) Some Wanabee gangster Help is given to those who try, those who don't... why would you even want to waste your time with them when there are others more thankful. For anyone who runs a community server, time is precious. We aren't kids who come home from school at 3pm and have all evening to play around. We work for a living, have families and spend some of our free time to run a server for non profit reasons. (For me its just a hobby) There is no way I personally will spend more than 30 seconds dealing with an idiot who is wrecking it for others and neither should the admins who help me run the servers
  5. Quick Basic installation tutorial 1) In your Your server Battleye folder you need to create a file called BEServer.cfg Example content RConPassword ABC123XYZ MaxPing 200 // maximal delay to server before BattlEye autokicks 2) Restart the server 3) Download and install EMPRcon tool anywhere on your client 4) Start the client 5) Select the "Connect" >> Connect To Tab Fill in the fields for IP Port (The port is the same port number you defined as -port in the startup parameters (Default 2302)) RConPassword You should then get a message in the RCon log window stating something like Timestamp | RCon admin #0 (Your IP & Port No.) logged in 6) Then select "Favourites >> Add Current Server" 7) Then select "Favourites >> Edit Favourites" 8) Edit the "Name" field to something you recognise for that server instance and cllck "Apply" 9) With this version there seems to be an issue with the .xml file in C:\Users\Yourname\AppData\Roaming\EPM DayZ RCon Tool\settings.xml You will need to edit the following entry so that the Options >> More options tab works <Cooldown>0</Cooldown> to <Cooldown>15</Cooldown> When you have done this you will have access to the Teamspeak notification system and much more. I also found the .xml does not save correctly, so I manually edited it again. If you are going to do this, the following can be used as a template, replacing the blue text with the appropriate content Job done repeat the process 5-8 if you have more server instances on different ports etc. Features Allows remote connection to the server without having to log on to either the backend or ingame You can then Send chat messages to individuals or all See chat messages in Global, Command, Side, Group, Vehicle and Direct. Copy players Name, IP, GUID. Kick , Ban Players Load a mission Lock/Unlock/Reassign/Restart and shut down the server Logging options Overall. Very nice tool for server admins. Thanks for the effort
  6. @Sensityy. Just a suggestion, there seems to be a lot of queries on how to set up a "Life" server. Maybe you could create a tutorial thread on how to do it
  7. terox

    Querying A3 Servers?

    got a link for you, thanks to Brad Simard https://github.com/Austinb/GameQ
  8. Will give you more detailed feedback later Roy... Quick review. Wow things just got a whole lot harder :-) Ambient enemy is, dependant on param settings (We tried medium & High)... very testing even with a very organised and responsive all arms group Movement to and from the A.O now has to be done carefully. This is by far the best public style multi objective scenario available to Arma3 Excellent job and thanks for the effort Technical feedback FPS with high player numbers, 30 - 35 was a minimum of 15 serverside (This is without HC on an older Xeon x5570- running Freds 2GB memory allocation dll's 4.5 hours stable gameplay without any major issues. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ In the Patrol_Ops_3.sqf is the line highlighted in red correct? It doesnt seem to have a value attached to it but doesn't cause an entry into the .rpt nor a black box error when running -showscripterrors
  9. terox

    Zeus gaming Nights

    Tonight (Friday 21st February @ 18:30 hrs UK time) We are running an unscheduled session tonight, to test an evaluation copy of Roy's Patrol Ops All welcome @ZClient addon pack allowed
  10. Just a headsup to those who have been invited to the evaluation testing. There is a JSRS addon dependancy in the mission. This is unwittingly created by editing missions while the sound mod JSRS is being run This can easily be fixed with minimal editing There are 2 entries for "jsrs2_amv7_marshal" in the addons and addons_auto section of the mission.sqm as seen below Simply delete the red entries and also you need to remove the comma at the end of the blue line "A3_Animals_F_Rabbit", in the addons section Save the file, relaunch the mission and then pbo it (Save to MPMissions) Am sure Roy wiill notice this post MORE URGENT ISSUES There is an OnMapsingleclick in the mission scripts which is enabled that allows players to teleport anywhere on the map every time they single click on the map making this unplayable To fix this edit the Patrol_Ops_3.sqf changing Po3_Debug to FALSE
  11. Respawn combo, eg type of respawn set and disableAI in the description.ext For example, if respawn is enabled but not of a certain type (eg group instead of base, although not sure which combo actually causes it) you can have an issue where a player disconnects, the unit he was playing dies and the playable slot the unit is there for disappears from the unit selection screen.
  12. your players may be be autoslotting into the HC slot Even if you turned autoslotting off you may not be able to stop this see https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#joinUnassigned
  13. ALTIS LIFE has its own official thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168139-Altis-Life-RPG
  14. The mission defines the required addons. These are added automatically to the mission.sqm addons and addons_auto fields as the mission is developed by the mission maker Any addons you want to allow that is not required by the mission, need their bikey installed into your server's "keys" folder if you are using verfifysignatures = 1 or verifysignatures = 2
  15. terox

    Patrol Ops?

    the link takes you to the official thread A3-Patrol-Operations-Official-Thread
  16. terox

    Zeus gaming Nights

    Thankyou very much. Hope to see you again
  17. terox

    Why this game sucks...

    To a certain extent the mission isn't important, its the way the server is run, the quality and experience of the admins and players on there and the amount of effort they put into it to pull it off. Just because a server is running XYX mission doesnt mean its going to be organised or not organised or is a a good or bad server. Logging on and listening into the command and control is the dead give away. If there is no voice comms, whether that be voip or Teamspeak there is no control period. Some admins just want to see there server at No.1 on the most populated server list. This is fairly easy to accomplish if your server has a good ping and decent performance. Simply whack a wasteland mission on there and have an admin kick players occasionally. It requires very little management and very little effort and time. And for whatever reason players flock too them. I believe they have a negative effect on the community, much in the same was ac CTI did when it was first released back in OFP days. IMHO its a lazy admins mission.
  18. terox

    Looking for a persistent PvAI mission.

    closest i would say would be Patrol-Ops This is purely player v ai but is pretty damned good Resistance-(FIA-vs-CSAT) This allows ai recruiting but you will need a decent force as the enemy AI can be quite heavy in numbers
  19. terox

    Why this game sucks...

    The typical newcomer to Arma, starts up the game, gets themselves to the server browser and looks for a busy and accessible server Unfortunately, these servers tend to run "public" style missions with little or no admin presence and a very disorganised sessions.. This is not the place to play if you want something organised. There are some very good and well organised servers out there and some of them, including ours opens their doors to the public. The reason most don't is because the average newcomer picks up all the bad habits in the wasteland / domination type servers and then comes to an organised server and tries to play in the only way they have experienced which can wreck it for the more experienced players. For this reason a lot of servers are not open. We don't have the admins to run the server 24/7 nor the energy to control public play every day, so rather than just drop in if you see us busy wait until one of the regular sessions and then come and play. So, if you are really serious about wanting to play in an organised session you could come visit us on a Sunday or Thursday session after say 19:00 hrs UK time get some experience and then if we aren't your cup of tea at least you will understand the basics of the organised servers expectations of the players. Some advice for anyone who is looking to be treat with respect and invited to join communities. This is a quick list of do's and dont's This should be the behaviour on any server you join, however unregulated badly adminned servers wouldnt even notice a) When you join a mission, introduce yourself to the group leader via group (green) voip chat b) Unless asked to do otherwise, always follow him. If you don't know where he is double tap "Escape". You will then get a double chevron icon in 3d view, this is where he is. (always stay within 30 to 40 metres of him at max c) Do not get into a vehicle unless asked to do so d) Do not lonewolf e) if they have a teamspeak server, ask for the details and join it. f) if you are not sure what to do ASK g) Never teamkill, or destroy friendly vehicle assets Normally I would say just filter zeus in the server browser, but because of the new DLC, that's causing us some issues :-)
  20. terox

    Variable max ping

    I'll give it a shot. If I wanted to do this, this is how I would go about it Firstly you need two research two issues a) ascertain if the Battleye\BE.cfg can be overwritten while the server is running b) ascertain if the server reads the updated/overwritten version of the BE.cfg when a player connects If it can then it will be possible to write a batch file that will continously run and then when the Time parameters you have set are met, it would either a) delete and then recreate the BE.cfg b) move 2 versions of the BE.cfg in and out of the Battleye folder c) simply rename the 2 versions of the BE.cfg from say something like BE.cfg1 & BE.cfg2 to BE.cfg Option B would probably be the best --------------------------------------------------------- If the BE.cfg cannot be overwritten while the server is active or the server doesnt read the updated version of the BE.cfg then you are a bit stuck because you will then have to restart the server when you want to switch versions of the BE.cfg
  21. That's already been pointed out m8 Love to know what "-gtqueryport=2304 " does
  22. I would contact your hosts then. You are afterall paying them for a service which you are at present unable to use. Before you do though, just make sure you are using only the ports that they have assigned for you. Most importantly, post back with the fix so that others don't struggle as you have
  23. the server has started up ok, loaded all its addons and is in the ready state for a mission to be loaded Are you renting a complete dedicated box or are you paying for a slot server? The command line you are using has some oddball entries which i have highlighted in red -profiles=*path* -config=server.cfg -port=2302 -IP=*ip* -world=empty -gtqueryport=2304 They are either something specific that your host needs you to use or they are simply wrong. At this point i would go back to your host and ask then to sort it
  24. You didnt provide the .rpt file which can be very helpful This is an extract from the Dedicated server tutorial, (top of the stickies in this forum) It relates to ports, yours could very well be conflicting In your config.cfg you are using default arma3 ports for your steam ports this should be changed eg steamport = 2303; steamqueryport = 2304; try instead steamport = 2300; steamqueryport = 2301; -gtqueryport=2304 is not afaik a command line option should perhaps be -port-2304, although the default arma3 port is 2302 I would have a word with your host and make sure the ports you are using are correct and all ports are open in the firewall