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Everything posted by terox

  1. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?179326-How-to-Bypass-Steam-Browser-find-a-server-and-remote-connect-to-it
  2. typically a home firewall allows all outgoing but filters incoming, set the requires ports up for both transmit and receive and you should be fine. There are a LOT of threads in the server forums about steam reporting that you should fine useful
  3. if you fill the information out as per the template suggested on that thread, then yes
  4. terox

    Terribly slow server browser

    There are countless threads about this guys, this is not new
  5. while{call compile format ["Iris_Active_%1",_serial]}do { .............. };
  6. terox

    Nobody Playing Arma 3?

    if you want to play the arma engine for what it was truly designed for then DEFINTELy do not filter for life, try coop, that gets rid of the X amount of butcher shop players and french players drinking coffee on the corners of streets:)
  7. From a purely best support perpective, Windows all the way. B.I are always very slow to bring Linux support on board, sometimes many months from a new engine release. We used to run Linux back in OFP for hosting the VR engine. No more, you simply miss the boat on the influx of new players when the game is released. Windows also has more Community made utils for it and most folks like GUI's From a performance perspective. I don't really know. I would suspect both sides would argue equally In a windows environment though, I believe the best performance achievable is when not running VM
  8. if you create a mission while running jsrs it WILL create mission dependancy, depending on which vehicles you have used. This is the most likely cause of your issue (Browsing through the server.rpt file will show this) 1) ALWAYS runs pure vanilla when making a vanilla mission, 2) Also when creating a name for your mission in the editor, never leave a space because, when saving The file co 11 Operation becomes co%2011%20Operation. 3)Also if you go in and edit it again, or change the version number most likely the new mission will not save the files, the only file in the mission.pbo folder will be mission.sqm Finally use a consistent and useful (To server admins) naming convention. E.G co_xx_mymission_v001.Stratis.pbo TvT_xx_mymission_v001.Stratis.pbo replacing XX with no. of playable slots co_0x is used if less than 10 player slots(Preced with a "0") (Never add any content to the Mission editor\Advanced Intel\Name field) if this field IS NOT empty, it is this that is shown in the Mission selection screen on the server, not the filename Issues then occur if you create a newer version with a version number difference in the filename and both version are left on the server The server admin has no way of distinguishing between the 2. It also makes it easier for the backend admin to police his MpMissions folder After saving the mission and exporting it to your MpMissions folder, this is where you can edit the filename safely, removing underscores etc. As an example of how this benefits a server admin, here is a sample of our mission list, taken from the backend folder directly co 07 Operation Stonefish.Stratis.pbo co 08 Pegasus Raid-MkIII-JIP.Altis.pbo co 08 Plutonium-mkIII.Stratis.pbo co 10 cheeseburger-hill-altis.altis.pbo co 10 Clear Marina.Stratis.pbo co 16 liberation-oreokastro v01.altis.pbo co 16 Operation Romeo.Altis.pbo co 16 saving-recon-one.altis.pbo co 18 hearts and minds v8.Altis.pbo co 18 Operation Nightshade.Altis.pbo co 21 Sunshine.Altis.pbo co 26 Presence Patrol v01.Altis.pbo co 28 Operation MILF Feres.Altis.pbo co 28 Operation MILF Panagia.Altis.pbo co 28 Operation MILF.Altis.pbo co 28 TFZ Dyson.Altis.pbo and then when a server admin wants to browse the missions in the ingame mission list browser, he sees exactly the same list in the same order (Island specific) I run an app that that removes all the underscores to make it more easy on the eye Windows A3 servers don't have a problem running a mission file with spaces in
  9. terox

    idea for making a mission

    co 11 mymission, when saved in the editor becomes co%2011mymission.altis.pbo co_11_mymission when saved in the editor becomes co_11_mymission .a;tis Dont use spaces You can always remove them after saving for transfer to a server (We replace all underscores with spaces)
  10. try the scripting and editing forums or MCC thread
  11. Ours runs 1.22 and ours shows as down
  12. Filter for servers that are "Down" I suspect you need to give them your Steam query port, I had to do this for Gametracker
  13. If you are going to compare results, then I would suggest you will need to set some more parameters For example. No. of players must = X (Anything above 30 will defintely start seeing performance hits with 150-250 AI) Uptime: must be Result A: after a server restart Result B: after X Hours (Uptime does have an effect) [*]Hardware and connectivity must be defined in the reply posts etc
  14. For those of you hosting a server for your mates to play on, the following thread may be of help A3 Server tutorial
  15. Our servers are showing as being down Could you please add/edit your query list please if this is possible Server - IP - .............................. Game port - Steam query port #No1 - arma.zeus-community.net: 2302 ........... 2301 #No2 - arma.zeus-community.net: 2402 ........... 2401 #No4 - sprocket.armz.inf ............. 2302 ............ 2301 Thankyou SWEC for your many years of hosting this service
  16. change the vote threshold, try 110% or comment it out to revert to the default setting, although I dont know what the default value is This may not remove the message but it should stop voting in admins
  17. terox

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I personally use Eliteness by Mikero. Packing the addon folders into a .pbo file is fairly easy. The real issue is when running a dedicated server, unless your running it for a clan with a passworded server and even then, you should be running with verifysignatures=2. This requires bisigns and bikeys which should be available with the mod. For this to happen the devs need to release a "version". on a fairly regular basis (maybe weekly). Without this "release candidate version or beta patch branch patch version, there isnt going to be much beta testing on a decent scale. The only groups that will be able to test it are small teams of just a few players who dont have Bikey security on their servers. There are of course workarounds and the server admins can sign the addons themselves. But this requires work for a server admin, who generally doesnt have the time to do it. I run a fairly large community and am unable to test the github repo builds for this reason.
  18. There is nothing to stop you editing the wiki yourself m8. It was myself that created the A3 dedicated server wiki page. Anyone can edit/ add content to the BiKi, you just need to log in. Its a community resource.
  19. terox

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I am wanting to use the later builds for a dedi server, but i only seem to be able to download unpbo'd folders. This in itself isnt an issue, but the lack of bisigns is Is there a later build available with bisigns than the 0.9?
  20. Thanks for keeping us informed and looking forward to any future updates.
  21. terox

    Where to start? - new player

    I believe you need to have "some" history on the forums before you can by replying to threads etc. Not sure how many you need to reply too, but its not a lot
  22. terox

    Init.SQF Optimization

    This may help. It will explain timings of some scripts and what occurs when. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?176096-Zeu-Debugging-Tutorial-amp-Foundation-Template Specifically, the following sections: Flow of code (Timing) A Little about code optimisation