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Everything posted by Trapper

  1. Trapper

    Resistance "Counterstike" - Jipped out of kills

    Shouldn't this bug already be fixed by one of the patches?
  2. Trapper

    Casualty report

    First you need an array of the units you want to count, something like: eastsoldiers = units officer1 + units officer2 + units officer3 + [agentX] + [guba] Then before the mission ends, count and store the result in a global variable: ceast = {!alive _x} count eastsoldiers Display a hint, radio message or titletext with the result: hint format ["Casaulties East: %1",ceast] Wait a moment and end the mission.
  3. Trapper

    CWC campaign promotions

    I can't remember, but I don't think you can earn promotions by good scoring in the CWC campaign. However you'll be promoted further in the CWC story. And you can lose the campaign if you screw up to many missions.
  4. Trapper


    When you namend your group before (alpha=group this) then it's only: "_x setpos g1" foreach units alpha "_x setpos g1" foreach units bravo
  5. Trapper

    COMBAT! HMMWV Pack Released

    IIRC there are different scripts named in the readme, only one will be the right one. In my mission I was definitely able to texture the M240B's. Ignore the scripts and use the setobjectexture commands straight: recon1 setObjectTexture [0,"\CBT_HMMWV\mark\1a16i"]; recon1 setObjectTexture [1,"\CBT_HMMWV\mark\c11"]
  6. Trapper

    COMBAT! HMMWV Pack Released

    This is a "bug" of the texture script. Wait at least a full second after mission begin for execution of your texture selection. Otherwise it's overriden by the default random selection. This info is missing in the readme.
  7. Gravity game logics are supposed to attract Zombies when they are not hunting a target. This causes them to concentrate around the game logics over time. Just like the mall in Dawn of the Dead. I don't know if they were already functional in the last release of the Unified Zombie Mod. To reduce lag in your Unified Zombie Mod missions keep the gblAllTargets array always small and the number of Zombies low. There's nothing more you can do while making missions. When you know about the Gravitational game logics you're probably using the most uptodate Unified Zombie Mod Beta 3 Release. Otherwise you can download this last released and most performance optimized "official" version here. The original Unified Zombie Mod is inactive for a long while now, maybe Scott Tunstall returns with Armed Assault. You can ask your BW Mod question directly at http://ofp.gamezone.cz/_hosted/bwmod/index.php
  8. Trapper

    Rearming static weapon

    I don't know. As I said before, this is more a question for the "Config & Scripting" board, related to addon editing.
  9. Trapper

    Cold Steel

    Fiction doesn't automaticaly have to exclude realism in it's non-fictional parts. Our discussion is becoming pointless. I'm out before it becomes personal.
  10. Trapper

    Cold Steel

    Of course, these WWII Operations had casaulties like every military action. For sure even more, as they were difficulty ones. But I'm sure these Generals weren't acting objectively mad. They didn't plan their operations like this because they wanted the most difficult but shiny solution. They will have picked the option with the highest chance of success by a suitable risk. In Cold Steel the picked option is the shiny one. It has a low chance of success and comes with an unsuitable risk, but turns the CO into a legend should his plan ever succeed. My point is that I'm judging the mission plan in reality not in OFP, because OFP missions still need to be plausible for me. Without retrys, everytime-brand-new repairs, tanks reaching an unexpecting HQ and high ranking enemys not beeing able to hide before. - The CO would exhaust his last tanks for a goal they are never able to achieve. Making himself finaly inferior and sealing his fate to become a prisoner of war sooner than he and his forces could evacuate the island. Both of my suggested options, have at least the same small chance of survival and to achieve the main goal, while not leaving the US totally defenseless if something goes wrong. EDIT: Yes I know, there are no BlackOps available. But it would always be possible to improvise and find three volunteers.
  11. Trapper

    Rearming static weapon

    But your final goal is adding new magazines to the mortar. AFAIK ammo trucks don't carry any specific ammo loadout to be functional. They only have one value in config, how much their rearming capability for any kind of ammo is. So if the mortar can't be rearmed when an ammo truck is near, the problem will be located in the mortar addon.
  12. Trapper

    Cold Steel

    I'm trying to keep the discussion part on this board. And I see this could turn into an unending discussion. I've enjoyed the mission and got a little bit 'inside the situation-story' while playing it. But still the plot is so far-fetched for me that I just can't accept it. For me it's difficulty as end in itself, lacking rationalistic realism in the underlying background story. Or in other words the mission is technically good but the plan is too unrealistic in my opinion. The only thing you could do about it for me would be adding a mad CO as main character, pursueing his next medal at all costs. He's playing 'all or nothing' while there are obvious other tactical options left. When the tanks fail on any part of his plan, the whole US presence on the island will be erased. The atmosphere is too normal for this crazy plan, turning everyone into cannon fodder without a chance of success. The soldiers seem to know about the retrys.
  13. Trapper

    Rearming static weapon

    As long as you're not looking for a script workaround, this question is more addon editing related. 3. mymortar addmagazine "wmortar" would be the heart of a script workaround.
  14. Trapper

    Blue Skies I

    Now that's embarrassing. I really killed one of those guys at the roadblock after he hit me with a rock. It wasn't an emotinal act but impulsively. The many Tonalis were way too close and after hearing the first strange gun shots (without seeing any weapons on the civilians), I felt a direct threat for me and my group as soon as the all around aggression hit me directly. - But still it was only a rock. I've got to tell you that the last mission of the campaign turned out to be repetive and boring for me without beeing too difficult. I guess that was because I'm often playing hard core missions were I'm able to use all my OFP tactic skills. In Nightstalker III I wasn't able to do that, because the dense Tonali jungle makes controlling OFP AI almost impossible. Plus the enemys are almost invisible in the jungle with nightvision. Some problems with triggers/scripts I've noticed: Brother in Arms. I had to restart the mission until Hudson started shooting after his speech. Ending Sentinel I. After the briefing I wasn't aware that I've got to spot all three truck drivers to end the mission. Had to read the beta testing for that. Used endmission cheat. Ending Sentinel III. I've waited forever on our hill after the mission was done. Until I found out that I had to visit the village to end it. Either you need to be more clearly in some briefings or the triggering of events has to be more flexible and user friendly. Oh and please, no "follow him" hints for Blue Skies II anymore. Just let the guy talk if he wants the player to follow.
  15. Trapper

    Blue Skies I

    After finaly playing Blue Skies, I've read through the beta testing thread and this one, to see if I wasn't the only one who noticed special things about this campaign. So my reply will continue some older discussions. First I would like to compare it with Revolt 1998, as both campaigns focus mainly on the same things: Quality and using the BAS Addons on Tonali, in a modern war against terrorism scenario. Revolt 1998 has the better mission design. They all have an adequate duration, offer good game play, tactical freedom and seem to be relative realistic from the military point of view. The cutscenes, voices and story are never below the original CWC quality. All this makes it a very good "standardized" campaign. Blue Skies' missions are more like an interactive movie. They are (supposed to be) easy most of the time, and don't feature the best possibilities of OFP engine game play. But the camera/sound/music work is superb and the story is... well, it's the first OFP campaign that affected me like a movie or novel. So this one is better described as somekind of special OFP art not only as campaign. While beta testing someone wrote that he doesn't like how the US soldiers are shown. I think that's resulting from using Vietnam war stories on a modern scenario. I've noticed so many 'nam movie things, it seemed for me your whole "movie" was patched together from them. The overall atmosphere and Conrad comming from Apocalypse Now/Heart of Darkness and everything concerning Charlie Teams' daily life comming from Full Metal Jacket/The Short Timers. Maybe it's true that nowadays all US soldiers are volunteers and don't act that much demotivated/unprofessionel like conscripts in Vietnam. Or maybe that's just what current movies like Black Hawk Down make us believe. I mean what about The Green Berets movie with John Wayne? Only perfect soldiers there. For me it really looks like you've created the counter part of Apocalypse Now in OFP nominesine. Like that movie, your campaign could be criticized for unrealistic/unbelievable military work and reviling "our" soldiers. But the story is fascinatingly disturbing and in every rumor is a little bit of truth. More than ever, when I think about that you already worked as a war correspondent.
  16. Trapper

    Cold Steel

    I've noticed this style similarities to the Spearbounce campaign very early in the mission. It's interesting that mission makers seem to be stuck to one style with their creations. I'm no exeception. In Spearbounce I was able to soothe my thoughts about unrealistic expectations with the fact that I was playing a former special forces guy. The experience behind this character let me arrange with the bloodcurdling tasks I was ordered to accomplish. Here I'm ordered to do a surgical strike with a tank platoon. That's a discrepancy itself for me and I can't find an explanation in the played character why he should be able to survive this last stand. But luckily we've got the retry positions. ..secure all conquered places.. My wish is based on the counter attack experience while refitting. I was busy for minutes to heal and repair everything at the 'base' and when I was almost finished, it rained rockets. I lost one soldier and everything was in the same bad state as before. The securing infantry only shot a few bursts afterwards and didn't move much. Also beeing able to refit even further in the enemy territory requires to hunt down every single soldier myself, so they won't kill the support vehicles later. Seems not like a very realistic task of tanks for me, in such a mini blitzkrieg. But my wish would change the mission entirely. No surgical strike, but a full assault to conquer that part of the island. The tank platoon as spearhead destroyes armor and fortifications. Then the infantry follows to search for remaining enemys and to occupy the area. This creates areas where it is really save and realistic to refit the tanks. Or when I had to keep the strength/objectives you defined for the Cold Steel scenario, I would use the tanks only to conquer the 'base' and send the Cobra or a BlackOp team to attack the HQ. IMHO their chances would be way better. Without savegames there wouldn't even be the slightest chance for the tank platoon as their support lines are streched too thin. And after all these difficulties caused by realism there's still the OFP tank control difficulty left.
  17. Trapper

    Cold Steel

    Yes, I've just finished my comment on OFPEC. Damn this was hard again. Couldn't you make it a more normal tank mission? This was a bit like James Gastovski on tracks. What about much more infantry effectively securing all the conquered places afterwards? At least until the 'base'. Nothing was more frustrating than to be refitting everything at the 'base', when a russian counter attack began and the securing infantry was no protection at all for my refitting soldiers and tanks. A tank mission is no real fun for me when I've got to kill every single enemy myself. It should be more like kicking the door in for the infantry which then secures the area effectively so I can feel save to refit there.
  18. Trapper

    Cold Steel

    Create a mod folder with the addons you need, but without the winterofp-Mod. Your error looks like winterofp-Mod includes Winter Nogoyev, which will be incompatible with it's older version Winter Kolguyev.
  19. Trapper

    Trapped On Malden

    I've had a look at your files. And you've made a bloomer while clearing the addon sections. You can't just remove all the entrys there, because some are needed for the "addons" coming with the original game. And it's not the only place you've to edit for removing previously used addons. Removing addons in a mission: 1. Remove them on the map, in triggers and scripts. 2. Save the mission. 3. Clear the addon section of mission.sqm in notepad completely. Save. 4. Reload and play (complete! ) the mission in editor. Save it again. Now all remaining and/or default "addons" are automaticaly listed in the addon section again and won't be reported missing later. 5. Afterwards test the mission yourself with a clean OFP, to see if all inofficial addons are removed correctly. (=not one error message) MASH_E: Inofficial Addon. (official east mash tent is MASH) But at least three of your missions I've checked (1,2,7) still include this inofficial addon as an item. Because you only removed their entry in the addon section of the mission.sqm's the mission is already playable/(somewhat) editable without the addons. On the editor map the object is invisible until changing it in the mission.sqm to a default object. - Preview in editor isn't possible until you've done this. When playing the campaign, this object just isn't existing in the mission and the error message appears. bis_resistance: Official Addon. Needs to be listed in the addon section, otherwise an error message shows up when playing the mission. While previewing and saving a mission, so it became readded automaticaly, I found out that "g36a" is added, too. Another official addon which would have caused the same kind of error when it would have been the only thing missing in the addon section. c130v1a: Inofficial Addon. Mission 12_1 and 12_2 include this vehicle. Probably a Hercules plane. Again the mission is playable without the addon but with an error message, because the addon was only removed from the addon section. The same problems as MASH_E.
  20. Trapper

    Trapped On Malden

    Finaly, the first Zombie campaign out of nowhere. A good story, though it shows all over the limits of zombie systems in OFP. Where wide areas and large numbers are an advantage, close encounters have to remain oversimplified. This often requests too much imagination from players not attached to zombies. I was very happy to find out that all missions are playable without switching to cadet mode. You should edit missions with veteran mode in mind, before adding waypoints and hints for cadet mode. - Or don't even add these things, I believe most people play in veteran mode. One big bug was that before almost every intro and mission a missing addon error showed up. Remember to delete them from the addon sections in mission.sqm when you used them in the mission before. Addons reported were some east tent, bisresistance and a C130.
  21. Trapper

    Need help making config.cpp

    Right, you defined it as hunger1. I was wrong. When your sound is played anonymous but it's not working with say, your config.cpp should be ok. Maybe there's only a typo in the moan scripts. (But I didn't find a typo in the one above)
  22. Trapper

    Need help making config.cpp

    Alright, now I know: 1. Triggers can't talk (play a 3d positioned sound themself). Only Objects and units, maybe gamelogics can. 2. <s>Not bad, but you defined your sound class as "they hunger - groan1" and not "hunger1".</s> Well, it should work... 3. Triggers can call/play sounds anonymous, because then those are not 3d positioned, they are just played.
  23. Trapper

    Need help making config.cpp

    I've no idea right now. But better keep the sound names short, simple and without spaces to avoid other problems. ("thgroan1")
  24. Trapper

    READ THIS!!! Speed problems

    this setvelocity [0,5,0] in the initline of the plane will accelerate it for a moment with a speed of 5m/sec towards north. You can push the plane around like this, but the AI will work against it and maybe the plane does crash. It would only look good in a short cutscene.
  25. Trapper

    Drop weapon on death script

    In OFP it isn't possible to fix the 'new magazines are always full' and 'one ghost magazine remains' problem. Maybe some workaround with an unending number of fired eventhandlers could at least help to keep track of all rounds, but not more and again a step further towards lag. I would like to see as much men as before in a mission with this script. But mission authors are limited to keep their missions small or medium sized when they want to use performance consuming eye candy scripts. So it's very likely that they just don't use it. (I'm thinking about Abandoned Armys here, the biggest mission ever.)