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Everything posted by Trapper
It's the most thought out onmapsingleclick unit control script I know. To keep things simple the basic CoC controls are: ALT + Left Click a marker - Select unit SHIFT + Left Click anywhere - Move order for the selected unit
I've squeezed the CoC Engine v1.22 into your mission. - added one Machine Gunner - replaced one Apache by a Cobra - changed starting positions of the groups - reorganized the groups for better control Space Invaders CoC Additional Addon needed: USMC Symbols CoC Player Manual CoC isn't compatibel with ECP Mod! EDIT: General Barron's Custom Formation script was available at OFPEC. You can create new group formations in missions with it. That way the E.Ts won't have to walk around in the human wedge formation.
You could use the CoC Engine for controlling the army but unfortunately I can't find a working link. Anyways you should get rid of the "Where is X?" entrys in the action menu, it's overloaded. It would be better if the units' map markers were working. I suggest renaming the Fallout Weapons into something alien. It's not important for the rifles but for the Needler pistol firing explosives instead of flechets. There's an option to command my soldiers as pilots into the landed motherships. I didn't try if it works but I don't think you want something like that to happen. Maybe you want to use General Barron's custom formation script to create a new formation for the aliens. Afterall a it's a very original mod and mission.
14secs sound normal for a T-80. BMPs and T-55s take very long to reload. Maybe reload time is affected by skill of the AI crew.
http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....dynamic http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....dynamic
Remove equipment from briefing
Trapper replied to limmy3's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I tried it but I still had the items. And gave an Error! Well, slow down limmy, let me explain... Foreach is really too much work for a single unit but it does work. First of all a script has to be correct and you still had the items because of that error. These error messages are usefull most of the time. The problem is the line Player = [Player]: 1. look above, you were told to write nPlayers = [Player]. 2. You're trying to store an array as a global variable named Player. That's impossible because Player is an OFP scripting command. (You're already using it in the following "word" to add the player unit to the array.) 3. As no array nPlayers exists, foreach can't do anything. -
Create a rising and lingering dust effect. You're free to create whatever you need with the drop command: http://www.ofpec.com/OFPReso....ial.zip
Questions on unified zombie mod
Trapper replied to Zombie_Mod's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Best would be to depbo your sound addon and then to include the sound samples you need in your mission. When you look into the config.cpp of the sound pack, you will see that some of the included .oggs are not defined for ingame use. -
From my scripter's point of view this persistent smoke is nothing fancy. With the drop command of OFP you can select the duration of any cloudlet and all current smoke effects are based on the drop command. So it's only a matter of taste and performance for the desginers in old OFP.
Remove equipment from briefing
Trapper replied to limmy3's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Now I've got the point.(?) You want the blackops to start without pipebombs and NVG. The items were never listed in the gear storage but you weren't able to remove them from the units right at mission start. It just confused me that you mentioned the briefing screen. Sven's script lines right in the init.sqs are one way. The syntax is correct. Make sure your blackops are named w1, w2 and so on and don't end the array with ,......] like the example does. A file named init.sqs in the mission folder is the first thing beeing executed and has effect on the briefing. The init lines of units are executed afterwards and in a specific order but still before the briefing. -
Remove equipment from briefing
Trapper replied to limmy3's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
This time you have to edit the description.ext. You should find pipebombs and nvg listed in it as they are currently available. Remove them there. To check the briefing in editor hold shift while clicking preview. -
Edit2 Try "CombatStrokeGun".
Remove equipment from briefing
Trapper replied to limmy3's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I'm sure a total write protection was present in the past for me but you're right Metal Heart, alt+tab did work when I tried it now in 1.96. -
Remove equipment from briefing
Trapper replied to limmy3's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Saving the game as *.sqs ? It's a *.pbo, isn't it? Probably you don't know that exporting a mission from the OFP Editor is very nasty: It works only once per OFP session, afterwards the created .pbo remains write protected until the OFP session is closed. - And the editor does never tell you that you're no longer able to export any new changes. Also saving a mission under a new filename won't copy the scriptfiles into the new folder. You've got to do that manualy. -
Remove Magarines from AmmoBox
Trapper replied to limmy3's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Yes you have to call all this anywhere else but not in the description.ext. That file is only for the weapons in gear selection. And don't forget to correct these lines with "]" at the end: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Ammo_1 addMagazineCargo ["HKMag", 10]; Ammo_1 addMagazineCargo ["GlockSMag", 10; Ammo_2 addMagazineCargo ["HKMag", 10]; Ammo_2 addMagazineCargo ["GlockSMag", 10; Ammo_3 addMagazineCargo ["HKMag", 10]; Ammo_3 addMagazineCargo ["GlockSMag", 10; Ammo_4 addMagazineCargo ["HKMag", 10]; Ammo_4 addMagazineCargo ["GlockSMag", 10; -
I've made this mission in 2002 and released it only in german (7-20_GD_T-Island_V1.0.Abel.pbo). It didn't establish because of it's realistic approach, which will work best with a group of 20 disciplined and cooperating players in voice chat. I was bored today and so I decided to give this mission a second, international try. For this rushed english release I've only translated the texts. Anything else is still the original mission design and my rookie scripting of that time. But to be true I've known much more about multiplayer editing in the past than I do now. If any bugs show up, fixing could be a problem for me now. 5-20_GuardDuty_V1.0 Addons: none Island: Malden Mission Type: I don't know, perhaps PVP Coop? At night 14 West players have to guard the US Island Base near Malden for 25 minutes. 1 East player has to fly the helicopter which inserts 5 Resistance players (disguised Speznaz). They have to sabotage one or two of many available targets on the island and evacuate in 25 minutes. Respawn: none Players: 5-20 With five players everyone would have to play a group leader and command the ais. But the mission wasn't really designed to be played like that. Important: 1 East and 3 Resistance have to be present at mission begin (ai or players). Otherwise the mission will be failed immidiately.
Remove Magarines from AmmoBox
Trapper replied to limmy3's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
The commands you're looking for: There'll be something wrong with the killed units. Probably they're not carrying Glock mags because of a wrong magazine name or they're carrying Glock mags and your weapon needs silenced Glock mags. Magazine names are GlockMag and GlockSMag. -
Sounds like Fade was activated. That would mean your copy detected itself to be not legit.
Need help on Facetex2
Trapper replied to demonhunter212's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Have you tried to rotate your image file in steps of 90 degrees until it fits? -
Markers not changing pos in MP
Trapper replied to Rommel's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Metal Heart is right. You don't fully understand the scripting language and mp enviroment. Just because you've got it work in someway by trial and error it doesn't mean you've found the right way. 1. M1 = {heli1} setmarkerpos getpos heli1 This line will give you an error message in game. OFP variables can't store a direct command line. You would need a tricky combination of string varibale/format for this. And to make a script execute on the server only you have to place a gamelogic on map, name it server and make the first line of the script if (! local server) then {exit} 2. this exec "script.sqs" is run on every connected PC. When you add this for 12 group members the script is running 12 times on every PC. 3. There's no difference in adding this exec "script.sqs" to all soldiers of a group or a single {_x exec "script.sqs"} foreach units group this if done correctly. -
Markers not changing pos in MP
Trapper replied to Rommel's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I don't have the slightes idea what you're doing there with variables M1-M4. Just move the markers local on every client. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #loop ~1 "heli1" setmarkerpos getpos heli1 "hummer1" setmarkerpos getpos car1 "hummer2" setmarkerpos getpos car2 "Respawn_West" setmarkerpos getpos Field_Aid goto "loop" -
Is it overcharging to publish the current themes without forcing a registration?
Questions on unified zombie mod
Trapper replied to Zombie_Mod's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
You can try but I don't think that units ordered to domove will obey it, no matter where. -
Questions on unified zombie mod
Trapper replied to Zombie_Mod's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
That video doesn't show the Unified Zombie Mod addon. You'll have to edit your own zombie addon to change the animations. Walking animations are included in UZM RC Beta 3 but they are unfinished and therefore not activated. Commands like setspeedmode will never effect the UZM zombies because their ai is based on a continous script that will override any normal user commands. Also notice that Cervantes' zombies seem to be scripted only for the movie, I didn't see one with ai. They all get up and begin walking in the direction they're facing. None of them hunts the player.