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Everything posted by Trapper

  1. Trapper

    System Crashes

    You know, it's all about the Ampere values on the different rails and never about those max output marketing Watts. Really difficult to find out which power supply you could trust. Big manufactures labeling their ones lower to have some reserve. Small companys buy them and label them up for resell. Even an expensive power supply is no guarantee.
  2. Trapper

    Computer Crash

    You can still edit the .armaprofile files in your 'my documents' folder. Maybe some basic settings are restored if you just (backup and) delete them.
  3. Trapper

    System Crashes

    For me such crashes were caused by a new noname power supply. All heavy tasks rebooted the system after a while. Sometimes it wasn't even able to load windows completely before the next reboot. It needed a few minute "cooldown" then. Now I've returned to my old noname power supply, which is still noisy but reliable.
  4. Trapper

    Computer Crash

    If you want to read the blue screen disable 'automatic reboot' on system error in the Windows settings.
  5. Trapper

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Whats up with the signature rules? It seems to me they're becoming bigger and bigger these days.
  6. Trapper

    What are you guys reading?

    "Heeresbericht" by Edlef Köppen, a WW1 novel. Köppen himself was a veteran and volunteer. It's about a German volunteer, 21 years old. A few days after his arrival at the western war zone his artillery regiment receives an enemy barrage while they are practising. They return fire and then it becomes quiet. The Captain orders a Sergeant to continue the exercise and is already leaving as a last single round hits the position. - Volunteer Reisiger sees that the Sergeant, barking orders just a moment before, has been wounded... [...]Reisiger is trembling, he chokes. So that's the war! There's a human standing, loud and strong, provokingly brave. The sun is shining and the sky is blue. Suddenly the human lies on the ground. And blood is splattering. And the human will go home and never again in his life he's going to have a left hand. Well, that's disgusting![...] But still the book remains a little bit aloof compared to "All quiet on the western front" IMHO.
  7. Trapper

    AI FOV

    Maybe you're just looking for dowatch or setdir?
  8. Trapper


    BTW isn't that the guy who fought with a bear in the earlier versions of his armor? Probabyle most of the parts are just protectors? Anyway they always remind me of the Battlesuits in Fallout. http://home.ica.net/~mordeth/compendium/fallout/armstat.htm
  9. Trapper

    Gamma Correction, a massive change.

    As a little reminder, there are gamma settings in games, in image editing software and in windows desktop settings. So it's possible that the examples above look different for everyone. You're also able to capture such screenshots with low gamma in game and rising it afterwards in an editor. And still you don't know how optimized the desktop gamma of other viewers is. But overall the right gamma setting (which is just a combination of brightness and contrast settings) is the key to a realistic image on monitors, that's right. It's just a different one for every hardware.
  10. Trapper


    Well, hamsters would die in a microwave oven, wouldn't they? http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=mg18725095.600
  11. Trapper


    They're already working on the AutoCannon for your Mech. Metal Storm Electronically initiated, "stacked projectile" weapon technologie http://www.metalstorm.com/index.p....9031f80 http://www.metalstorm.com/index.p....9031f80 http://www.metalstorm.com/index.p....9031f80
  12. Trapper


    There's an addon loaded which will be missing another .pbo file. It's probably an unofficial addon. You'll have to find out which one it is and install it with all required files. Edit: Or the addon causing it is of bad quality and just bugged.
  13. Trapper

    Night Vision = only green

    Adjust brightness instead of gamma. Probably really sunny scenes are too bright with your setting, too.
  14. First create screenshots of the ingame map. (Press Print, Alt+Tab to Windows, past the screenshot in Paint and save it as .bmp) Download a free/trial picture editing software, e.g. Paint Shop Pro. Merge all screenshots to a complete map picture. Resize/shrink this picture to 256x256. Save it as .tga. Hopefully the free software of your choice supports this format. Otherwise you should save it again as .bmp and find yourself a free bmp>tga converting software, too. Here you can download texview to convert the .tga to .paa afterwards. (Bottom left "Editing")
  15. Trapper

    Final Countdown

    I've looked into the scripting of this mission in the german version when I found the same soundfiles you found before. There is no optional ending right now. The plot for it is already there but it'll always be skipped for now. Also there is a glitch in the timeline of that skipped news plot. Paying attention to Albert Delmar's case, it seems this is not an alternative ending, but the second last news cutscene before the "happy end" which is the only one shown to us in 1.02. Heavy Spoiler Warning I think even the campaign screenplay wasn't finished before the german release because there would need to be at least one mission between the last two news reports. One which clears out all the differences between the US and Southern Sahrani. Or probably the end we know was just created for the rushed release and before the campaign was supposed to continue in a very different way with much more missions from there on.
  16. Trapper

    No Christmas trees... bah humbug

    At least there was this Santa in a factory chimney.
  17. Trapper

    Firefight Sounds

    So after "realistic" sound mods already have been created, all movies until now suggested bullets passing by have a whizzing sound, ricochets are louder than a fly by and even OFP didn't have those supersonic "clicks" in anyway... Is the new ArmA sound atmosphere the most realistic recreation of firefights ever? Or are these "clicks" totaly overdone in volume? They're absolutely dominant when under fire.
  18. Trapper


    As far as I know Placebo is off-duty since a few days ago and I doubt anyone else will make a statement.
  19. Trapper


    *signed* Or maybe you could even create an official zombie attack animation BIS.
  20. Trapper

    The "engineOn" command

    Engineon only returns the engine status and doesn't affect it.
  21. Trapper

    Anyone at BI know how to disable HDRR?

    Set HDRPrecision=0; in arma.cfg to disable it.
  22. Trapper

    Best camaign ever made?

    IMHO Revolt 1998 could've been released as official addon. High quality work. And then there's Blue Skies I with the most atmospheric plot ever, but the missions are easy to complete.
  23. Trapper

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    It comes with an ingame browser powered by game spy.
  24. I'm posting this if someone should need ideas how to tweak his settings, or just wants to know if he should buy a new rig for ArmA. AMD Athlon XP 2700 (2154MHz) ATI Radeon 9600 Pro 128MB 640MB 166MHz DDR RAM 1408MB Virtual Memory Windows XP Home German ArmA Version 1.01 Startup Parameter -maxmem=640 View Distance 912m Display 640x480 / 4:3 / 75Hz Terrain Detail very low Object Detail very low Texture Detail very low Shader Detail very low Postprocessing low Anisotropic Filtering deactivated Shadow Detail low Antialiasing Deactivated Blood Detail high It's hard to read any text on screen but still possible. However it's playable. I've got stable 11FPS in busy situations, 35-40FPS at best and drops to 6FPS sometimes.
  25. Trapper

    Mod FOlders Not Working

    Are your addons located in ...\@ATEF\addons ?