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Everything posted by Trapper

  1. Trapper


    Military compasses are that precise but the numbers are used for navigation purposes when placed on a stable gorund. No one would wobble around with his compass under fire to report the enemy's position. Well, maybe a leader or artillery spotter would have to but not a rifleman. Anyway a rifleman wouldn't be issued neither a compass or a map. And not beeing able to use a hand held compass while driving a vehicle isn't that unrealistic.
  2. Trapper


    You should update ArmA to at least V1.05 so you can play it in English.
  3. Trapper

    im a nwb, Ive a question

    Here are all the posts a search in the User Missions Forum returned: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....7c090f6 Maybe you can find some more about ctis in the Multiplayer Forum.
  4. Trapper

    im a nwb, Ive a question

    Here are all the posts a search in the User Missions Forum returned: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....7c090f6 Maybe you can find some more about ctis in the Multiplayer Forum.
  5. Trapper

    GPS is useless

    Can you please show me a screenshot or something of this "GPS" you're talking about? The only thing in ArmA I know as GPS is the little green tool on map screen when available, showing nothing more than map coordinates.
  6. Trapper

    [R]evolution download?

    Nice one. What is that? Didn't KillJoy ask for his mission not to be released modified to public until he was able to finalize it?
  7. Trapper

    How can I change my nickname?

    You should be able to create an unlimited number of additional profiles with any name you like.
  8. Trapper

    How to make FACE PBO?

    Servers with addon restrictions will reject you for your own face.pbo but not for a face.jpg.
  9. Trapper

    is it bug - mines

    Well, then start scripting your mission and everything should be fine. Check that the satchels are close enough and when they explode drop some shells for explosions on the mines' position and delete them. If you can't detect the satchels add actions like "Place Charge" to every mine that has to be found. On the other hand you could add this directly to the bug tracker if you really want it addressed.
  10. In the German release (1.05 now) the music is playing in menu but on such a low volume it's hard to notice at all. Probably another bug.
  11. Trapper

    Convoy Attack; can't fly chopper

    Yes that's the editor. In the editor double click on the map and place the unit you want to play, then click preview.
  12. Trapper

    Commander Single Mission

    I can't remember that mission. Did you order them to disembark before?
  13. Trapper

    Where are you?

    It will only happen when you're squad leader. The AI trys to tell you that it has got far "away" from your formation/position. Just wait somewhere until it closed up again, or to be sure select that ai and give it a move order to where you are. It could happen when you've ordered it to go prown and run away then.
  14. That was more comprehensive. Forget about the connection problems. I was thinking about short breakdowns ect but you're right it seems to be a problem with the game. When you say spectator you're talking about a seagull? - I've heard that the copy protection kills you often and forces you to be a seagull most of the time. Do your weapons also lack any accuracy?
  15. If there's a problem with installed addons you wouldn't be able to reach the lobby. I think your installation is ok. Maybe join in progress is disabled on that server? I've never heard about it before, but as you say you can only join on mission start. Otherwise you should check for firewall or internet connection problems.
  16. Trapper

    ArmA Disappointing

    Am I mistaken, when I believe that no one of the community members which are working on CWR will be paid? The game itself cant be worth it's cost, because the only thing that was sold 2006 is a bugged engine then.
  17. Trapper

    ArmA Disappointing

    I can't stand how obstructive the grass is and that veteran difficulty is bound to a minimum of ai skill 0.75 Even good custom missions are a continuously "bang bang you're dead" experience just because of the human disadvantages compared with the ai.
  18. Trapper

    GameSpy review

    Well, I think this is a mission most OFP/ArmA players criticize for being absolutely unrealistic.
  19. When it was a problem with a mission file (never heard about that) you should be able to join the server as soon as another mission is running, shouldn't you? It's the server of your clan? Ask the other members if they're having similar experiences. It's impossible for me to join some servers with Qtracker, they only work with the ingame server browser. Some missions like Evolution can take me up to 15mins without response until I've entered the game. (1024kbps connection)
  20. Yes, I seem to recall that ArmA/OFP will always select the 0/default Windows game controller if there are more than one connected.
  21. Trapper

    Ammunition dumps - guard duty

    Yeah, Arma players are really the most patient and disciplined of all. All the more it's worse that the only missions I remember that are not bugged in such a situation are user made OFP missions. Just forget about the official Arma missions, they suck, every single one. The exception is "Blood, Sweat & Tears" in the 505 release but its not a BIS mission. You better try "The Cause" or "Perpetua" for Arma immediately.
  22. Trapper

    Javelin launcher, which wepons crate?

    You'll have to add it manually, it's not fully included in the current Arma version. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....javelin
  23. Trapper

    Have people stopped making new maps??

    Maybe this can help you to shorten the progress of your very own MP mission Dudester? BAS MP Framework http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=59444
  24. Trapper

    Have people stopped making new maps??

    Maybe this can help you to shorten the progress of your very own MP mission Dudester? BAS MP Framework http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=59444
  25. Trapper

    1.06 Changelog?

    At first I've overlooked arma.cfg and added a second hdrprecision 16 setting to my .armaprofile What at first looked like removing all annoying hdr effects, was actually without effect. In a second run I've noticed a sun flare, so I was still running at 8bit and just thought everything had turned to a better. Maybe I'm getting used to the hdr effects over all the months. In a second test, at exactly the same position and daytime the only difference between 8 and 16 that I was really able to see was the missing sun flare. I've got a Geforce 7600GT / 93.71 Drivers. My hdr isn't as bad as in that youtube video but I think I was able to replicate those problems once, when I've messed up my Gamma and Brightness settings. Everything looked better in special situations when I didn't move but when hdr was changed it turned out to be way too bright or dark with blurring colors. Now I'm playing with small changes (gamma=1.227798; brightness=1.136341)