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Everything posted by The_Captain

  1. The_Captain

    Your thoughts: retail multiplayer ofp addon

    There already was a lawsuit against the publishers of BTL, for the same reasons, and it was determined in court that as long as no material belonging to BIS or Codemasters (or other people, for that matter) was included on the sold cd, then it would be legal to sell in stores. They don't like it, but it's *legal*. However, the issue of addons post release hasn't been decided, and if that becomes an issue, then no packs will be released, simple as that.
  2. The_Captain

    Your thoughts: retail multiplayer ofp addon

    Well, it won't be released in stores until december, and I'm finishing the code in about 3-4 weeks, so there's plenty of time for a nice, long, free beta.
  3. The_Captain

    A request for an f-22 raptor

    I was a HUGE fan of F-15 Strike Eagle II back in the day. Oh how I would love to take a mudhen to ground level and kick some ass. Of course, I'd rather the AMRAAMS be replaced with Mk-84's/82's... =) mmm... pickling on convoys...mmm...
  4. The_Captain

    Your thoughts: retail multiplayer ofp addon

    I find *all* opinions valid, so I don't get defensive when I read constructive criticism. The original reason I started was that I was making a small project based on "a better counter strike mousetrap" so I could learn the engine and how it works, so I could make a few of my campaign/dynamic SP addons I've been tossing around for a while. I admit that the premise isn't original, it's not supposed to be. It was originally supposed to be a learning experience. As soon as resistance added in sidearms and dialogs did I realize that such a mission would be 'simple' to develop. Of course, that was about nine 60 hour weeks ago. =) All the popular-and-released flashpoint projects are ones that started and finished small, and built on earlier success. Iterative design is a beautiful thing. I have full documented designs for the below concepts, but I eventually realized that I didn't know enough about the engine to start a project right off, and I decided to start something small and finishable, rather than try a failure-bound ubergame. I could write off the top of my head a few dozen pages on each design, however, I know from experience that starting a mod in an engine that's not friendly to your ideas is no picnic, and trying to think up 'cool ideas' without knowing limits of a game can be disastrous. A few of my design ideas for non-profit single player mods: Cyberpunk action/strategy (Miniguns, command from airships, and cybernetic enforcers. Oh yes, and remote mind control of your assassins, so when they die, you don't.) Post apocalyptic RPG/RPS (What if those scuds DID launch? 20 years after the fact, it's time to play.) Vietnam navy seal tactical strategy (SEALs. SEB Nam Pack. Resistance Dialogs. Dynamic coding from HS.) Modern day mercenary tactical strategy (Now THESE guys actually have to buy their equipment ) Dynamic alien invasion "Updated X-Com" (Just make a scaled down world map and you're good to go) I'd do an AvP mod, if I hadn't already skirted some nasty legal issues with my starcraft>AvP mod oh so many years ago. I'm a fan, and I could see how one would work well in the OFP engine what with realistically done USCM troops, but I've had enough Inteletual Property squabbling for my lifetime. Plus, OFP isn't indoor-friendly. At least my avp mod was never foxxed though. I'll eventually pick one and develop it, but HS is my priority for now. An aside: If the user made mods idea doesn't pan out, I won't put them up for download in the future, it's that simple. However, the retail product will be playable, and hopefully fun, with original flashpoint content. I will include new islands, though, regardless of adding new weapons/vehicles/statics.
  5. The_Captain

    Your thoughts: retail multiplayer ofp addon

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Oct. 01 2002,00:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">A. The choice of weapons is up to the mapmaker. Since you've obviously been playing on Stoner's, you know that Tactician is very choosy in what equipment he puts on maps. There is no need to create an entirely new mod just to restrict access to weapons. And, as a sidenote, the G36 is standard issue for the Bundeswher, so I don't see why it's so unreasonable for NATO troops to be equipped with them. B. If it is a CT vs T game, then you are going to have to limit it, otherwise it aint gonna be a CT vs T game. How many terrorist incidnts have you heard of required a CT to guide PGMs into their target? Or fly a jet? Or any of that other stuff you mentioned? I hate to burst your bubble pal, but you have been watching too many bad movies. C. I would like to reiterate that CTs will be equipped with the best weapons and equipment available, so limiting them is self-defeating to the concept of your mod. Terrorists will be badly equipped (usually) but in CQB, the difference between a G36 and an AKM is minimal (and BTW, the Skorpion is a widely proliferated weapon that is very popular with terrorists). D. Your mod doesnt sound a whole hell of alot different than what any talented mapmaker can accomplish with current units and scripts, so I doubt you will have much success marketing something that can just as easily be made for free (and without legal disputes).<span id='postcolor'> In reply to Tex: A) I enjoy tactician's maps, and I realize that he's choosy. However, the vast majority of maps just have a bunch of vehicles and weapons on one side and a bunch on the other, with a few well or not-so-well thought out C&H points in between. The idea is not to crap on the current maps, just to offer players an alternative. B) It's actually closer to military counter terrorism supported by US/Nato equipment going against terrorists rather than dedicted urban CT units. And there won't be any flying of planes, although as I said there *may* be a flyable unarmed helicopter or two. The thought is going more into the gameplay than the realism. I could buck for complete realism and have twelve guys with G36's on one side of a building, and twelve guys with ak-47's on the other, but something would appear to be lacking there. =) Although Chuck Norris and his Squadron of Bad Screenwriters won't make an appearance, I'm bucking for a less limited version of T vs CT gameplay than the otehr opportunities out there. After all, if you want hardcore small arms realism, you play rainbow six, and for a less realistic small arms setting, you look at counter-strike. I'm trying to offer more alternatives, keeping a . With a lot of the equipment, certain classes get the opportunity to get them before the rest. For example, the assault class is the only one that can buy the skorpion in round one, but by round three, all classes have the opportunity to buy one. C) It once again comes back to balance issues: If the terrorists were terminally underequipped and the counter terrorists had the best equipment, then there would be large balancing issues. D) True, with a lot of work, you *can* create a duplicate using current units and scripts. However, the more changes to OFP gameplay you make, the more bugs and balancing issues you introduce. As well, since this mission is only 1/4th of a pack, anyone who buys it is, in a sense, only paying about four dollars, of which I get about $0.10-$0.20 to siphon back into servers. As to captain moore's post, I will no doubt ask codemaster's/BIS before I release any free addon packs. However, the question is that how am I to directly gain money from addons that have been released for a while, are not being directly sold, are not limited only to paying customers, and have no outcome on the sales themselves. If the addons were included on the cd itself, then there would be major issues. Also, if I compiled an addon pack (with consent, of course) that was for use *only* on the free beta server and not on the retail server, by the logic expressed to this point, it would be completely free of all legal issues, yes? Once again, the proof is in the pudding. If the gameplay itself isn't fun, then what's the point of trying to bolster it with addons? "Sure, if I add a hundred weapons, a not-fun game will instantly become lots of fun!" I've always been an advocate of gameplay over flashy content. I've seen lots of crappy games that have huge bullet point features lists, and seemingly cool content.
  6. The_Captain

    A request for an f-22 raptor

    A plane that would have more use in OFP, though more on the novely side, would be an F-15E. Gimme a mudhen with a few sidewinders, a handful of mavericks, and as many cluster bombs as it can handle (somwehere on the order of 20, i think), and I'll give hell to some T80 and AA guns, and blow away a few hinds while I'm at it. Oops, I went on topic
  7. The_Captain

    Your thoughts: retail multiplayer ofp addon

    Do you mean other addons or the OFP engine itself, as to the intelectual dishonesty? If I have enough time on my hands, I'll likely make my own suite of units/weapons, and no doubt islands. I would never use an addon publicly without an author's consent. I know that all addon authors do what they do without thoughts of money: It's all because they love the game. In the same respect, I'm not expecting much profit at all, and what I do get will siphon towards servers. Addons aren't used online much at all anyway, outside of clan severs. I've seen public servers damn near explode when they have a map that requires gunslinger's addon. I want a lot of these addons to be used online, and if that means paying through the nose to set up servers, I'll do it. The addons are, like I previously outlined, optional downloads, free for anyone to download, not just people who have bought the pack, but addons that also happen to be used by the game servers. No work belonging to other authors (including BIS/Codemasters) is actually sold on a cd or in stores. These packages would be available for download for anyone to use them in their own full fledged missions, or screwarounds on desert island, will the full documentation by the original authors, and no pretenses that it was I who made the content. It's very cheap to take credit for other's people's hard work. If addon authors want payment for their work, I don't mind negotiating, but that aspect would need to be investigated further. I'll research the morrowind development. Also, if the majority of servers are set up for the original game, then that implies that owners of the original, non updated version can play to their heart's content, but if they *do* want to play an enhanced version, then they can download the addon pack(s). As far as I know, the publishers that made "Between the Lines" discovered in court that if you don't include anything made by any other party in the pack, it's legal to sell. Of course, all that legal effort was wasted on BTL... =) As to the T's/CT's buying weapons, I've also always said, gameplay over realism in certain circumstances. In traditional OFP gameplay, everyone always outfits themselves with the best possible equipment,which amounts to some equipment not being utilized, and also a fair share of 'whoring'.
  8. The_Captain

    Your thoughts: retail multiplayer ofp addon

    Well, it is, as you said, limited, but methinks in a good way. You still have access to just about all the OFP weapons and vehicles (*perhaps* on large maps there will be flyable aircraft), though they are doled out to the players over time so they don't instantly go for the top of the tech tree. Honestly, who uses the M16A2, or tokarev or M113 when they have the obvious choice of a G36, skorpion, or M2A2/Abrams in MP games? Since there's no cost or penalty for picking the more advanced variants, the less advanced ones are just underutilized filler. Also, most OFP maps only use a tiny portion of those whole islands, which has bugged me to no end. HS uses a significantly larger portion as a whole, each scenario are ranging in size from standard OFP deathmatch boundaries to games on the scale of some of the mid-sized Stoner's C&H games, like drymouth. And I must reiterate, it's limited *less* than R6 or CS, with laser guided air strikes, paradrops, static setuppable defenses, vehicle convoys, dynamic objectives (a bit more than capture and hold)
  9. The_Captain

    Your thoughts: retail multiplayer ofp addon

    As to the public beta, I'd say "When it's done", but according to BlackDog, that would probably violate one of Sierra's copyrights. Â In actuality, I'd say about 3-4 weeks to clean up balancing issues and defeat a few nagging bugs, as well as finish up work on the classes. True, a lot of people don't buy unofficial addons, but the unofficial addons I've seen have demos so underwhelming as to turn people away. A public time-unlimited beta helps curb that. I can say for myself, I never buy games until I've spent about 40 hours on a demo. =). Not to mention, I'm going to try to not limit the beta version *too* much (other than the fact that there'll only be one server. heh. heh. heh.). Demos that are *too* limited just plain bug me. I'll probably leave out the cool finale missions, the nifty cutscenes, and limit some of the class features, and not use all the mission locations, perhaps 2/3 out of the normal 10-15. And the beta also won't support future islands/settings, but it should be enough to let people know whetehr or not they like it.
  10. The_Captain

    Your thoughts: retail multiplayer ofp addon

    There's always a way to tell when someone doesn't read the whole post, although I admit it was a bit long. 1) I already mentioned that I'm not selling any addons, they're just used to enhance gameplay down the road 2) "Plan on making"? It's already in alpha, the only reason alpha != beta, is that any alpha has more bugs and a few features left out. 3) I'll marry the next person to copyright an 'idea' or 'concept' for a game. Why do you think there are so many crappy clones of any successful game out there? 4) Wide open scenarios + vehicles != Sierra Studios/Valve. Personally, I'm sick of static mazes in MP games where the person that sniper whores and camps wins because he found the perfect camping spot... Randomized maps and open settings help defeat this sort of "knowledge = winning" gameplay. I think a good quote to use is one I found anonymously on the net: (props to whoever wrote it) "OFP: Because real life is not a maze"
  11. The_Captain

    Will you buy unofficial expanition pack?

    Well, I just posted a topic along similar lines, and I'd like thoughts on it: Multiplayer Addon Topic
  12. The_Captain

    Your thoughts: retail multiplayer ofp addon

    Well, it's more of a general question on thoughts about paying for a retail addon, but you're the moderator . As to the playing/not playing of multiplayer, I'm putting in a single player training mode because not everyone has broadband. Was terrible for me until I shelled out for it. But, a multiplayer game in single player mode doesn't exactly compare to actual people running and thinking. I may *gasp* do a free campaign in the future, though. And to all who will bring it up, BTL made me cringe. I'm a firm believer in releasing something when it's supposed to be released, damnit, not rushing it out the door for fourth quarter sales quotas. Random thought: Anyone else here a former PCXL junkie? Those are MY retail product standards. If it were buggy, I'd not release my addon or cut the buggy features rather than release buggy bullcr*p on fans so I can 'make money'. And in reponse to placebo's next post, I should have looked. *groan* Also, if community response is good, these are the addons that I would be honored to make Homeland Security support (with author consent, which I will ask for in due time) FliPer's M4A1 Pack (Rocks! Scopes are for G36 Whores, anyway. Iron sights all the way.) Fliper's M4A1 Masterkey (My favorite small arm ever. I have an airsoft one in my garage I *love* how Fliper coded it so people fly in he air. Endless souce of entertainment. BOOM... chak-chak) The Hk Pack (Holy CRAP Vipersheart put a lot of time and energy into this! One of the most flat out amazing addons I've used. If he lets me use it, I'll have to balance the OICW with something for the terrorists. Powerful sh*t. Holy Crap. AND he made new units. More wepaons than BIS could shake a stick at, and GOOD weapons, too.) Kegety's Russian Weapon pack (Damn, PK47 and scoped AK's, a handgun and that kickass RPG-7.) Kegety's S/W pack (.44 Magnum! hell yes! Reeecoil! OTW's Machine Guns & Handguns (They animated weapons! They animated weapons! PLD's P90 (P90 as a handgun, smart cookie, works great) DS's Desert Eagle (The ds mod die, but the handgun is -nice-) Win's UZI (because an uzi is a handgun. Word.) DKM Mod's Mossberg (Shotgun! Shotgun! Shotgun! Captain Moore's Little Birds (I wish... *drools*) TJP's UH60L DAP (Black Black Black Hawk... down.) I doubt I'll get to use all of those, but they would make for some sweet balancing. (And hey, you would still be able to AWP whore with VH's G22... until the CT's got an M2A2. Heh. (launches TOW at muzzle flash)) Once I nail down features and get balancing done, (balancing *never* ends in a multiplayer game...heh...) I'll get back to WRP edit and make some new islands. A full urban setting would go great with VH's mafia killers...
  13. Here's the deal, I've often heard a lot of rumblings about how people feel that retail addons are a bunch of hooey. Well, I'm just letting you all know about mine, because I'd love to hear your thoughts. Before I say anything more, I'm going to mention that all my meager profits are going right to maintaining official servers, so don't bitch about evil people making money off of unsuspecting fans. This multiplayer addon is going on a campaign disc, with 3 good quality campaigns. (I'm not promising the campaigns are as kickass as the BIS ones, but they are worth your time). The pack should retail for around $15. Another note: There are NO addons included on the cd, the map uses original flashpoint content. However, addon packs will be released later. Here's the official box blurb: HOMELAND SECURITY The Ultimate Terrorist vs. Black Op. Multiplayer Battleground Team oriented, class based online warfare Gameplay: Earn funding for equipment by making kills, completing objectives, and winning scenarios Scenarios: Play Five minute rounds grouped into themed scenarios, with custom ten minute finale missions with unique objectives Objectives: Defuse/place the bomb, capture/rescue hostages, VIP assassination, steal inteligence, and more! Mission Generator: Creates randomized scenrios on the fly for the ultimate in replayability Classes: Six unique player classes: Officer, Commando, Recon, Sniper, Heavy, Demolitions Equipment: Purchase all flashpoint weapons and vehicles: Berettas to jeeps to grenade launchers Abilities: Set up machine gun nests, call in laser guided air strikes, parachute behind enemy lines, snipe from helicopters, purchase and lead convoys of vehicles Dynamic Updates: Instantly download updates, keeping game balanced and adding new features Description of classes: Officer: Limited weapon choices, (ak47/gl or M16/GL) but leads players into battle, buys vehicles and interventions (parchute respawns of dead players, ammo crates, air strikes) at the beginning of rounds, and calls in interventions during gameplay Commando: Has cheapest rifles, and can carry lots of extra clips, (others usu. 4), weapons limited to rifles, sidearms grenades, and a law in later rounds. For an extra charge, can choose to parachute over the objective rather than landing at insertion zone like other players. Only unit to have AA launcher Recon: Can heal other players, and carries GPS locator which pinpoints enemy locations within 50-150m to all friendly units nearby (must buy upgrades to increase range). Weapons limited to grenades, smokers, and silenced smgs. Has cheapest NVG's/binoculars. Can buy laser designators to call in airstrikes (officer must approve and send them though) Heavy: Weapon choices limited to M60/pk and sidearms. By default carries two sandbags he can deploy. Can buy A/V mines. Can buy M2 .50 machine gun which he can deploy/pack up anywhere. Only unit to get skorpion in round 1. Can pay extra to be gunner in orbiting blackhawk, or use 20mm grenade turret on a cessna. Sniper: Weapons limited to HK G3/Fn Fal, sidearms, and m21/dragunov. Can buy 'cloaking' device which hides him from recon GPS for 15 seconds/30 seconds/60 seconds (based on upgrade). Demo: Explosives! Gets access to AT launcher, LAW/rpg before other classes, rotational grende launcher, M16/AK with underslung, and gets hand grenades in round 1. Also gets time bombs and satchels. w00t! Because of time issues, the map will take place on the island Nogova, with rural north european terrorists. 4 New islands/locations will be added in the future. I'm planning in the future to include addon content from *consenting* addon authors that will be available for free download by anyone, ("Counter Terrorist Compilation Pack, etc.) but will be mainly utilized as serverside addon packages that are used exclusively by the map. The packages I'm planning are: Ultimate Weapon Upgrade (50-60 new kickass weapons), Desert Warfare, Jungle Warfare, Urban Warfare, Arctic Warfare. The goal of those packages would be to expand use of really damn cool addons in multiplayer, as well as facilitate gameplay. Some of these addons are just really damned awesome, and they aren't used outside of clans or groups of friends in multiplayer. The idea is NOT to 'make money' off of other's hard work, but to make the addons a larger part of the general public's OFP experience. Now, you probably ask why it's going retail instead of being just for free: 1) To maintain balanced gameplay, there need to be official servers that download the content to player's machines. 1 Server is manageable in the cash department, but 5-10 a month can put a drain on the pocket book. 2) To actually use the addon packs I outlined, there have to be, once again, at least one server per package so folks actually use them online. Otehrwise, the addons would never get used. More $$. 3) I'm putting up at *least* one free beta server, which has a slightly feature limited version of the map so people can try it out and play for completely free, no addons required to play. 4) If it goes retail, that means a larger audience gets the chance to play it, rather than just the people that peruse a website and download a map. I'd really like to hear your thoughts. Once I work a few more bugs out, I'll set up my public beta server.
  14. I'm working along a mission using the SEB Nam pack, which plays similar to X-Com or Jagged Alliance 2. (Thank you resistance dialogs! Custom GUI's WHOOO! It's seton the Ia Trang island. As the leader of a SEAL team, you build little firebases, command *up to* 12 seals (you'll need to rise in the ranks to command the full platoon), call in air strikes, support teams, etc, and participate in large missions. Your superiors run inteligence and objective based operations, giving you missions absed on the information you discover. If you find out information, from prisoners, or by stumbling on it during a mission, or from generating your own custom recon mission, command generates one for you to go on, and you choose which ones to accept. However, inteligence degrades with age, and your intel is only as good as what you discover, though there are occasional day old intel flyovers... It centers around a mythical island in the mekong (Ia Trang... I know that wasn't in the mekong, deal with it), which was taken by the VC after the marines failed to establish a beachhead, and you have to go in there and liberate it with minimal civilian casualties. Since seals used funding, I'm thinking on a combined weekly funding/command rating to allow the player to buy/request new stuff, which is periodically shipped to the airstrip. Of course, you have to retake the airstrip straight off... =) Villages are full of civilians, and you can train local militias to fight off the VC. Napalming civvie/vc filled cities is a bad idea. Takes at least half a day of accelerated game time (likely 1 second game = 1 min real life) to request replacements, equipment, etc. When you piss off your superiors, your funding starts to dry up. The more 'bullet points' that you accomplish a day/week/night, the higher your funding for your time period. If you capture/interrogate officers, destroy arms caches, and wreck supply lines, that weighs in a lot more than just slaughtering vc. It's a bad thing if the VC retake/harass towns, and if you lose your airbase, you're cut off. Secondary firebases save you if you lose a main base. The main goal is to force the VC off the island, or cripple them to a point that the marines can come in and save the day. It's set in south vietnam, so I'm not using the NVA. The riverine regions of south vietnam were feared by us forces, with lots of swamps, heavy underbrush, and wraith-like VC that would harass and wound the hell out of them until they ran. That's what the seals were for, and that's what this addon is about. You'll 'unlock' weapons and equipment as they become available, I'm accelerating the nam timeline, of course, to make the early equipment only available at the beginning, and the later war toys available towards the end, even though total game time may only be 2-3 months. I wanted a mission along the lines of seal team, EA, 1993, but now that I finally figured out how to use dialogs, sky's the limit... Hopefully it'll be completed by the time Nam pak 2 is released, which means all I'll have left to do is add in the new units; sampans, machine guns, etc. I'm debating whether to let the player control whoever the lead seal is on any operation, or that his character has to be part of the operation to take part in it... for gameplay's sake, the 'take control of any op' seems like it would work best... Sound interesting? The dialogs make this all easy as pie to use. Strategy wargaming, in ofp! =)
  15. The_Captain

    Random Weather in MP

    Heh, I spent about a month on just this problem, and i still happens on slower machines (desyncing). Took me a hell of a long time to fix. =) Of course, then a thread like this comes along adn solve sit after the fact. =)
  16. I know this is a simple question, but I've never really used the radio much in my missions before, so bear with me. I'm making a SEAL Team mission where the player runs out on an operation, and I only want him to be able to call in air strikes/extraction/etc. while actually 'on' the mission, not while in the insertion/extraction craft. However, showradio false doesn't seem to work.. Help, anyone?
  17. The_Captain

    New seb huey - spec op version

    Speak for yourself, doggy. I care. =) *plays with stoner in his head* *blows up random sampan*
  18. The_Captain

    New seb huey - spec op version

    What i was referring to about the two choppers, is since OFP can only handle one gun at a time, you make a 'left gun' version and a 'right gun' version of the same choppper (Two separate unit types) so it's a bit more 'realistic' or whatnot, and a team of choppers traveling in one direction can *as a group* cover both sides. Shouldn't be too tough to swap the guns around, because as far as I know there's a gun *modeled* on each side... Also, now that both sides are open on the huey, can troops get in from both sides as well?
  19. The_Captain

    Download console for ofp:r

    I love you. Holy shit, I was wondering what dialogs were all about, but I was too busy creating this shitty interface to realize how powerful they are. You have shown me the light (And, more importantly, the syntax)
  20. The_Captain

    New seb huey - spec op version

    There's a few ways to do it, and the OFPEC (still down) knows most of them. =) And easier way to do it is to make a 'limited' speed waypoint before the landing zone, and add "this flyinheight 20" to the 'on activation' field. Then for the 'unload' or 'transport unload' waypoint, put an invisible h pad and and this flyinheight -1; this land "getout" , and the next waypoint after (probably a move), make it full or normal speed, and make sure to put a new flyinheight. I think this all works, and it makes you land 'nicer' Also, you can use a repeating script that setposses the chopper lower each time, I'll elaborate on that later.
  21. The_Captain

    New seb huey - spec op version

    I'm not sure if you're doing this (a few posts are a bit unclear) Will you be making versions of the Huey w/ M60 door guns, where there's a huey with the left gun active, and a separate huey with the right gun active? That would allow choppers flying in one direction to cover both flanks. Has anyone here used GFX707's mortar? *grin* *bigger grin* It's best when used in a VC camp with a .50 (12.7mm =) ) and a mortar, and a few gusy with RPK's. Also, I have to ask the "RPG Guys Shooting at Hueys" question, if I didn't already. Any way to make an RPG that can target air units but is not manuverable? So ground units can shoot at air with rockets and smoke trails, but rarely hit them unless they are mostly static? Those hueys are awfully vulnerable on a standard landing (without setpossing it down or using limited speed/flyinheight waypoints). And seeing smoke trails buzzing around choppers would just be damn cool. Also, as far as I know an RPG doesn't usually take out the chopper in one hit...? =)
  22. The_Captain

    New seb huey - spec op version

    Random afterthought: I've been library hunting, resurrecting old books I used for a SEAL Term paper ages ago, and it turns out that seals often used the stoner weapons system, and the XM148 precursor to the M203. The SEB pack said in the readme that they weren't common in vietnam, but maybe they could change the name to XM148 & give it to spec ops...? Minor detail. =) Also, did Seals use NVG's or not? I know they used starlight scopes, but I can't think of a damn way to get night vision to only pop up in the "v" weapon view... On the one hand, it would make things easier for a four man squad to decimate infantry (though it gets dicey with super AI on... damn SKS) with Night Vision, it might be kind of a cheap shot. However, when playing OFP at 'night', you can't really rely on the full battery of senses that SEALs used, so you're stuck with spotting them before they spot you, and the AI just seems better at picking you out at night. Goddamn black pajamas. Would you nam fans mind if a seal or two used NVG's, or is there a way to use starlight scopes, even simulated....? What color were the seawolf choppers? I know they were navy, but does that mean they were grey, as well? B7W photos, kids. If they were grey, is there any hope of a grey huey working it's way into the pack? One more thing, I KNOW there was a damn 'carrying dead bodies/injured soldiers' script somewhere, but I cant for the life of me find it, especially with the ed center down... I'm planning on working into the campaign iof one of your seals 'dies', and you carry his body to the extraction, he eventually heals and you can sue him again, but if you leave him there he 'dies'. Anyone know where that script ran off to...? Yet another question: What the hell does Super AI do? I've heard some rumos, but as far as I can tell while playing it makes troops detect you easier and be more accurate in shooting... even when their skill is notched down to zero. I've been having a hell of a time pitting 4 seals against 6 NVA guarding a village without taking regular losses... Another question about the SEB hueys, and something I love... With martin's old huey you guys modified, you can't damage troops or pilots from the ground. It's a good and bad thing. What I love is when the chopper gets down to maybe 10% health, the pilot often dies, and the chopper careens towards the earth and explodes. I don't know if that was an intentional touch, but I love it... =). Doesn't happen much in normal opflash because machine gunners don't normally take down choppers, but it sure works great with hueys and VC/NVA.
  23. The_Captain

    New seb huey - spec op version

    Heh, whoops. Damn parenthesisesisies. In Nam pack 2.0 I know they're adding in LSSC's and other boats, as well as some nice gunships. I've got a phantom that 'works', the hueys, the seals, the VC, the island (Though, I would prefer the mekong delta or the rung sat special zone to the Ia drang, but hey, who's picky?), the weapons, and the mission engine. All I need are sampans and a hush puppy... =) I'm planning to toss in a proximity activated 'capture' function, although I don't know if you'll ever be able to get that close to the enemy... perhaps it would work best on enemies shot in the legs... Options for Insertion/Extraction: Huey (Seawolves, I wish ) LSSC PBR (I'd say parachutes but if I rememebr correctly, SEAL para insertions were rarely done....) Mission Objectives: patrol (patrol waypoints) ambush (take down group of enemies) observation (Confirm a target and it's location, friendlie's blow it to hell) capture (capture a high ranking official. Phoenix comes to mind...) demolition (Blow something to hell and back) rescue (POW's,. downed pilots, or cut off troops need YOUR help! recover (Locate some object [weapons cache, documents, etc.), and earmark it for a support team to get it.) Enemies: Locals (VC mixed in with villagers) VC Squad Small VC Base w/ patrols VC 'Convoy' Large VC base (2-3 squads, few emplacements) (Of course, if the shit hits the fan, VC assemble from nearby patrols/camps and zero on your position) Support Teams: Artilery Phantoms (cluster bombs/napalm) Cobra gunships UH1-C Hueys LSSCs/PBR's (water permitting) I'm still pinpointing the different mission locations, but there should be around 10-15, with a few special ones. (IE, NVA/VC attacking an important firebase). There will probably be a few beach area missions, a few near the NVA 'base' mountain, a few riverine missions, a few near LZ's, and a few deep in the jungle. Depending on the mission, there may also be friendlies. For example, a group of downed troops holding out near their crashed chopper, or a nearby seal team (rare, but possible). Aircraft may be conducting raids on positions, and if the mission takes place in an area where air cav or regulars might be present, they'll be autonomous and fighting on their own. If the mission is supposedly taking place in the Mekong or the RSSZ, there won't be troops on the ground. Yeah, the army taking foot soldiers into the lion's den. (It was suicide to take troops into those heavily infested regions). However, if it's a generic vietnam location, there should be friendly ground troops for fun's sake. I plan to have different concentrations of the vietnamese on the island, if I use the Ia Drang. The NVA will be located on the large mountain, and the forces will disintegrate into VC, and local VC militia as you progress towards the north east of the island, with americans having a small to moderate concentration at the SF firebase/airbase. During missions, battles will occasionally take place independant of the player, or in conjunction (IE, make this distraction so troops divert towards you and we can attack here, or since they're fighting here, you should be able to sneak in and do A-B-C.) I should get it into a playable state in about a week or two, and I'll integrate the Nam Pack 2.0 once it arrives, and 'feature complete' beta should be done in 2-3 weeks. However, feature complete doesn't mean feature creep won't rear its ugly head.... Oh yes, and EXTREME praise to everyone that helped make this pack. It's just as awesome as those before me have testified. By the way, you an download the manual in PDF from that underdogs link. =)
  24. The_Captain

    New seb huey - spec op version

    Now THAT'S what I'm talking about! I'm making this mission that's based on EA's SEAL Team from 1993 ( http://www.the-underdogs.org/game.php?name=SEAL+Team ), which I felt was an awesome game, though lacking in certain areas. (graphics, combat, etc.) Well, I've got my dynamic mission generator working (I borrowed it from my Homeland Security mod/map, based loosely on CS), so it picks the date/time, mission name, type of mission (patrol, ambush, observation, capture, demolition, rescue, recover), an insertion method, extraction method, fire support method, mission location, enemy strength, and occasional friendly-enemy battles in the background, etc. etc. etc. I've got the four man seal team outfitting working well, however... There's no option to silently take down guards! I could make my own hush puppy, but it would be easier if you guys just threw one in the pack Fofr now I'm just using a capture option, where you get close enoguh to the guy and he's turned into a weaponless prisoner who follows you around. But I still want a hush puppy. Oh yes, and what about sampans? I could probably make my own, make it have a few guys in cargo, and the gunner be a guy kneeling holding an ak47... Oh, and major thanks to everyone who made mods that I'm using for this. The La Drang Valley, SEB Nam pack, martin's hueys... It's all wonderful
  25. The_Captain

    New seb huey - spec op version

    Dumb question, but are you including a hush puppy for the US Spec Ops? They don't have any silent options otherwise, and the hush puppy was widely used blah blah blah blah...