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Everything posted by T.S.C.Plage

  1. T.S.C.Plage

    War made easy...

    Oh, a real contibution. ;) I know very well who said that but many people won't be able to draw the line between this and what is happening today. I'd think that if you look what happend in the past, yes, the average Joe should be very interested in the truth but unfortunately many people are simply indoctrinated to believe everything they get told by their "superiors". Some even know that something is wrong but prefere to stay blind for patriotic reasons. Besides that too many people have their own (for them) more important problems. Not to mention that people simply get blunted by the medias. Some have simply stopped to care because they think "Hey, what ever, I can't change a damn thing". Obviously not too much but I think the reason is more the missing transparency and not the missing interest. I myself would be very interested to know what the economy, the politics and media are negotiating behind the curtains but I'm afraid this would just fuel my suspicions against the "ruling class". In a modern, free and globalised world the people should be interested in what's happening around them but actually the opposite seems to be the case. So the answer is too much.
  2. T.S.C.Plage

    War made easy...

    I still don't understand what you're mumbling about and how it should be related to the docu. But maybe that's what you're up to...abstracting from the important points.
  3. As you seem to be in the knowing. Has BIS never released pre-rendered screens and videos?
  4. T.S.C.Plage

    ive started my own hand to hand combat style based off....

    Maybe his son? ;)
  5. T.S.C.Plage

    War made easy...

    Thanks Mr. Hotair.
  6. T.S.C.Plage

    ive started my own hand to hand combat style based off....

    Nice demo? I only see an overweight guy who doesn't even seems to be able to get his foot in the height of his chest and who gets out of breath after moving around a bit. I definitly don't see years of martial arts experience here. Yes, of course it somehow is an own style but that's simply because you can't do it better and nobody else with a bit knowledge, training and experience would do it this way. Watching the first video I felt more reminded of one of these backyard bare knuckle fights then anything related to martial arts.
  7. T.S.C.Plage

    War made easy...

    You noticed that this documentation is about US politics and how they influenced the medias after both world wars? Actually I believe you didn't even watched it. So please stay away from this thread if you don't have to contribute anything usefull (may it be pro or contra).
  8. T.S.C.Plage

    Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima'

    Of course it has to be a sanitarian or other "3rd world" problem. In an other forum some people even were so bold to state that these birthdefects are caused by incest because the Iraqis all merry their cousins. I really don't know what the people need to comprehend what happend.
  9. T.S.C.Plage

    Could we get the demo island in Arrowhead

    I pbod it wrong (completly with "ca"). It works fine now, thanks. Maybe it's worth to rework the config (paths) to get rid of the doubled stuff in the Data folder? Btw, is the "worldId" somehow important? Just asking because it has the same number (6) as the Takistan map.
  10. T.S.C.Plage

    Could we get the demo island in Arrowhead

    Doesn't works for me. Except that I'm using Eliteness instead of cpbo I'm doing everything like you suggested but it simply doesn't shows up in the editor nor does it give me an error message. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
  11. T.S.C.Plage

    A few ideas to upgrade ARMA II CO

    Danny, I'd suggest you take a look into an editor-guide because everything except the motorcycle part and the ragdoll physics are already in game/possible. For some of your wanted actions you'll simply have to put the right commands in the init line of a unit (f.e. "this moveindriver vehiclename") and others are simply avaible by a single click in the editor (f.e. already flying helicopters or placing in larger radiuses). I think the motorcyle/shooting out of vehicle idea would be a great addition but ragdoll is definitly not needed. I really don't want to see dead enemy bodies rolling down 500m hills or what ever.
  12. T.S.C.Plage

    NOH-6A - The forefather of the ULB

    For the interested... NOH-6A "The Quiet One": The NOH-6A (Night Observation Helicopter) was also called the Hughes 500P ("P" for Penetrator). It was a special version build for the CIA and was optimized for nighttime observations. Therefore it got all kind of IR/Nighttime observation devices (like a FLIR). Besides that it also got an acustically optimized engine, rotors, smoothed out gear and transmission and all kind of sound-proofing materials for a better noise reduction. Two helicopters of this type were build. A NOH-6A infront of its hangar at PS-44 Front view of "The Quiet One" During evaluations With an upgraded FLIR ...
  13. T.S.C.Plage

    NOH-6A - The forefather of the ULB

    First some small corrections. The designation NOH-6A was just for the prototype and the two delivered versions were called NOH-6P. The last photo in the first post shows the one at Ft. Belvoir around 1990 with an updated FLIR (not used in '72). If you rework this photo a little bit you can see the number 17825 on the engine housing. Now look what I found...click. ;)
  14. T.S.C.Plage

    NOH-6A - The forefather of the ULB

    If you would have actually read the full story then you'd know where at least one is. McDonnell Douglas has NOTAR versions (MD 520N and 600N).
  15. T.S.C.Plage

    Help! empty CH-47 jumps up and explodes

    The "get in bounce" is normal. It happens especially with aircrafts as you've already noticed. As far as I know there's no way to get rid of it. I'd say that the CH-47 in your mission must have or gets in contact with something that makes it bounce that hard. You can maybe try to keep it in place with a "setpos loop" but I don't know if that'll work here.
  16. T.S.C.Plage

    ARMA II won't install on Asus G73jh

    The moral of the story is don't blame others if you haven't ruled out that the problem maybe is on your side. Welcome to the club!
  17. T.S.C.Plage

    Daytime thermal use - 'cheating' ?

    AH-64D FLIR 16:20 Not that much contrast like the original but quite ok if you ask me.
  18. T.S.C.Plage

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    co30 DomiOA! West Revive [2.17] No addons at all (server and client). It's not my server but I'll ask if I can get the RPT.
  19. T.S.C.Plage

    NOH-6A - The forefather of the ULB

    The cockpit got FLIR monitors for pilot and co-pilot The optimized 5-blade rotor for better noise reduction The optimized tail-rotor with 4-blades. Actually it are two rotors with two blades each to better counter the produced noise (the same system used on the AH-64 "Apache" for the same reason). ---------------- Additional informations... http://www.airspacemag.com/military-aviation/the_quiet_one.html?c=y&page=1 or http://www.air-america.org/Articles/A_S_Mag_Black_Helos.shtml (same article)
  20. T.S.C.Plage

    Daytime thermal use - 'cheating' ?

    Something you guys may want or should read. http://www.flir.com/uploadedFiles/ENG_01_FOG.pdf
  21. T.S.C.Plage

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    @ Xeno: I encounter some smaller bugs while playing yesterday. 1: There's a sidemission where you've to take care of some Takistani SpecOps but if you don't get to the location very fast the SpecOps will start roaming around the map. This means you've to search them all around the area and if one or more hide well you'll never be able to finish this mission. 2: Wreck Repair, Chopper and Jet Service constantly "hang up" after a couple of time so no services are available and wrecks will just pile up on the repair point for example. 3: Lifted vehicles have the tendency to bounce of the ground and then crash into the lifting helicopter or will just become wrecks.
  22. They're all around the maps (Takistan and Zargabad). The problem is that you'll only notice them if you're very close to one. You can't see them from the air for example because the pink will "pop in" only at a very low distance to the field. This one here is in Nagara for example.
  23. T.S.C.Plage

    ARMA II won't install on Asus G73jh

    Thousands of people have installed this game without any problems but in your case it has to be the developer that's responsible. Did you ever came up with the idea that something is wrong with your system?