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Everything posted by T.S.C.Plage

  1. T.S.C.Plage

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    What a dumb comparison! I'm not only talking about mercenaries but also logistics and so on. Back to the point. Do you think that so much ordonance, that so many MRAPs, UAVs and what else not would have been bought without these wars? At least I'm quite sure that our intelligence agency wasn't and isn't involved in the drug business.
  2. T.S.C.Plage

    Can't play in Utes in OA

    Sounds like you haven't installed OA into the same folder as your ArmA 2. If you do that Utes and Tcherna will be available.
  3. T.S.C.Plage

    Flying Attack Helicopters with AI

    #1) Try if "this flyinheight 50" written in the init line of the helicopter works. #2) I heard it should be possible but have never tried it myself. #3) You can use the TAB key to cycle through the known targets.
  4. T.S.C.Plage

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    That's what they want you to believe. Infact it was to secure the resources and nothing else. And much more got through because of the war. Not to talk about all the related "contractor" contracts that wouldn't have been signed if the wars wouldn't have taken place. Don't tell me I should do research if you're the person that knows nothing about what we're talking here. Some people here started to claim that the war against drugs is also a relevant part and I just show you that your very own institutions are involved in this stuff. Maybe you should clean your own front yard before you go to the next village and tell the people there that their yards are dirty.
  5. T.S.C.Plage

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    You've massive understanding problems! With a "few people" I meant the Taliban and tribal leaders or do you think that the normal Afghans knew or were interested in who Bin Laden was and what he was doing. You sound like you belive that 90% population were directly involved in his sheltering. I'm quite sure he was there but it seems he wasn't anymore as you started the invasion or why didn't you caught him so far? I don't know how you can make up this "punish" comment from what I wrote but it just underlines that you understand nothing or not much of what I wrote and write. Btw, the CIA is in to traficking drugs since Vietnam.
  6. T.S.C.Plage

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    If not for economical reasons (oil) why Iraq? It surely wasn't for WMDs or the democratisation of the country. Same goes for Afghanistan (google "Unocal TAP"). Besides that how many military contracts got pushed through because of these wars. Economical interests at it's best or better worst!
  7. T.S.C.Plage

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    But you've to admit that the choosen locations for interventions are a little strange. There are surely more rotten places on this planet then Iraq or Afghanistan. I can't aware the feeling that it's maybe because these others aren't so interesting on the economical side or simply because they're maybe a little "too tall" for the USA?
  8. T.S.C.Plage

    Mmmmmm ambient occluuuusion....

    I'm not so into the materia but as far as I understand it you need to have baked AO maps to get it work. The only thing I found are some ambient shadow ("_as") textures but I don't think these are occlusion maps or am I wrong? /edit: The screens make it quite clear but I still wonder how it works?
  9. T.S.C.Plage

    Mmmmmm ambient occluuuusion....

    How can AO work if you don't have any AO maps?
  10. T.S.C.Plage

    Music Recommendations

  11. T.S.C.Plage

    Javelin Missle Sound

    But they should have added a randomly... ;)
  12. T.S.C.Plage

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    Sorry but I don't see a direct relation between 9/11 and Afghanistan here. The terrorists weren't from Afghanistan and I've a problem that a whole country should be held responsible because some few people provided shelter for the leader of Al-Qaeda (proof is actually still missing by the way). We know that things work diffrent down there. There are unwritten rules which simply don't allow the extradition of a guest no matter what he has done. We can discuss how we've similar laws which don't allow the extradition of lets say war criminals (f.e. US soldiers wanted by Spain) or child abusers (like Polanski). Fact is there are other countries which are much more related or even responsible for terrorism. Why didn't the USA attacked these too or even first? Oh, I forgot they're your so called allies. About the drugs I just can say does somebody here really believe it's possible to ship thousands of truck loads of opium around the globe without the knowledge of intelligence agencies and governments? Stop dreaming! I suggest you read a book written by Alfred W. McCoy called "The Politics of Heroin. CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade". Have a nice day...and open up your mind!
  13. T.S.C.Plage

    War made easy...

    Because it doesn't really fits into the US politics or any other thread on that matter I post this here. War made easy (Google stream - 1:10:15)
  14. T.S.C.Plage

    helicopter rearming question

    Land close to the truck, turn off the helicopter, switch to manual fire if you haven't already and a white "rearming" (or what ever it is for you) will flash up at the lower screen as long as in process. It may helps to face the truck.
  15. T.S.C.Plage

    Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb

    ^ First shot is great! These both aliens just had a quite loud "argumentation" in front of my door. The black one won and the other one limped away with a wounded leg. The black seems to be the boss here. He's hanging around here in the evenings quite often...chilling on the stones which got warmed up by the sun. ;)
  16. T.S.C.Plage

    Buying a new PC for ArmA II

    Don't buy anything of the shelf. To build or better put the parts for a PC together isn't exactly rocket science. I'm quite sure you can find somebody in your vincinity who can do this for you and that for half the money you'd to pay at the Aliens. ;)
  17. T.S.C.Plage

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    And who tells you that the names haven't been altered by wikileaks or the source already. I mean the source made it quite clear that he/she/it has gone through all the stuff personally and altered such things and I don't think only the coalition side is included here. The source asked wikileaks and the medias that got the stuff before the release to do the same. That's your opinion. I like to differ. The persons who in first place have put these lives (and many others) in danger is the former president of the United States and his coatholders. You surely are getting overboard. That's not my personal opinion that's a fact! You're from a western country which has democracy and Christianity written all over its flag. I'd suggest you act like that if you stand behind your constitution.
  18. T.S.C.Plage

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    You could inform yourself before you post but to answer your question. No, it's the New York Times (US), the Guardian (UK) and the Spiegel (GER).
  19. T.S.C.Plage

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    I don't think so because much has been cross checked by analysts from notable news medias. I don't think they are perfect and can't make mistakes but in this case the stuff should be legit.
  20. T.S.C.Plage

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    Because it are notes from ongoing operations and such. Nothing that was ever ment to become leaked to the public. Therefore the military had no need to alter these notes. What do you think you can trust more the official blah in the medias or the "unofficial" informations of these records?
  21. T.S.C.Plage

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    Of course it is but it wouldn't be if the truth would be told from the beginning. At first the government lies or simply holds back informations which would have been important to know for the general public. If the public would know everything before actions take place most of these actions simply wouldn't take place because of a massive public uproar. Think about this! I think the saying of Dr. King "A time comes when silence is betrayal" somehow fit here quite well.
  22. T.S.C.Plage

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    If your really think that you should get banned or at least get an infraction IMHO. Why? This is not the place for death wishes and this kind of attitude! If there wouldn't be people risking their life (not automatically meaning death but other things like imprisonment, loss of live standard etc.) to leak such informations then we would still think that f.e. the Gulf of Tonkin resolution was right. God bless there are people out there who are willing to sacrifice theirselfs for the better and bigger.
  23. T.S.C.Plage

    JCOVE Lite for free

    Is the HET (tank transporter) shown in video not included in the download or am I just to unable to find it?
  24. T.S.C.Plage

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    As some people always need it black on white. Please note that only the period from October 7, 2001 - May 31, 2003 is included here and that the lowest estimation of coalition (US) inflicted CIVCAS is 3.073 and the highest 3.597. You may also visit the "The Afghan Victim Memorial" websites listing the names of Afghan civlians killed in the consequences of coalition (US) actions. 1: List of Individual Victims – The Bush years- October/2001 - January 20, 2009 2: List of Individual Victims – The Obama presidency since January 21, 2009
  25. T.S.C.Plage

    War made easy...

    You didn't watched it or simply didn't got what was said in there. Besides that which part of my "may it be pro or contra" comment you didn't understand?