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Everything posted by T.S.C.Plage

  1. T.S.C.Plage

    Mapfact.net releases An-12 pack

    I'm sorry but there's no "wreck" included or planed! I also want to mention that the addon is surely not a high quality one but it's of course good enough to "fill up" an airfield and fly around with it. Greetz Plage
  2. T.S.C.Plage

    CSLA 2 Update1

    I'm really sorry to hear that...really, really sorry. You know your mod always was and still is my favorite. I wish you all good and luck for any future projects you may work on and want to say a big thanks for all your work. It really is an enrichment for OFP. Greetz Plage
  3. T.S.C.Plage

    NIMOD Dynamic Weather

    Yes, really great work and a great addition to OFP...won't miss it and will use it all time now. Good job! Greetz Plage
  4. T.S.C.Plage

    Mapfact Nogova Mine Ltd

    The real Mapfact-Nogova...ah yes!?! Greetz Plage
  5. T.S.C.Plage

    Mapfact discussion thread

    Sorry, a bit late but better then never! The doors of the hangar aren't placed if you load the map. To get the doors you need to load the "Demo - Start" mission which is included in the "Mapfact-Nogova" download. If you want to have the doors you need to start the "Hangar01.sqs" which is included in the "Baracks" addon. The code should be... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[object NUMBER] exec "\Baracken\Hangar01.sqs" It should be possible to start this script from the island-config, so the doors are placed when you load the map. -------- And just to mention it. The DC-3 pack is currently in the final testphase. The release is not far away but I can't give you an exact date for it. Please have some more patience. Greetz Plage
  6. T.S.C.Plage

    Csla 2

    What's your mission OFPCAT? Insulting mod-makers!?! It would be really nice if you could simply shut up and keep your opinion for yourself! Guys like you should be... Greetz Plage
  7. T.S.C.Plage

    Csla 2

    Nice that you with your 30 posts speak for the whole community. Or what should I suggest if you say "we"? If you would have read this topic a little then you would have maybe noticed that the "West" units are not made by CSLA but from other helpfull communtiy members that allowed the CSLA team to use them in their mod. ----------- Generally I think you should be a little more polite to the people that are spending much of their spare time to provide you with a free mod instead of just demanding an immediate release of something that's maybe not ready! Have a little bit patience! Greetz Plage
  8. T.S.C.Plage

    An-72 Coaler

    Hey Footmunch as far as I know Aeroflot normally didn't flew with a redstar on their planes...click. I also would prefer if the Aeroflot version could be found under "Civilian" and not on the "East" side because I would count Aeroflot more to the civilian part of aviation as to the military even if this has always been mixed up a little. Greetz Plage
  9. T.S.C.Plage

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Addons: BW-Mod - Leopard 2A6 CJE - Winter Nogova Mapfact Nogova v1.22 Greetz Plage
  10. T.S.C.Plage

    Csla 2

    Some more screens... Greetz Plage
  11. T.S.C.Plage

    military photography

    I stumbled about these pics in a German military-forum... ...and followed the URL to this report on the official Czech Army homepage (http://www.army.cz/scripts/detail.php?id=6182). I asked Edge (from the CSLA-Mod) for a translation of the report and here's what he wrote... Thought it's maybe interesting for some people!?! /edit: Placebo, you've a programm you run to check the picture-size, or what? Can't believe you checking everything manually! Greetz Plage
  12. T.S.C.Plage

    An-72 Coaler

    Nice plane! The "east side" really needed some mid-size transporter. The actual camo is quite cool and nearly "fits all" terrain. I'm also interested in the Aeroflot sheme. Do you plan a normal "blue" one or a "red" version? Would be nice if you could improve the steering (air and ground) and make it turn a little better. Maybe you're searching for an other camo-sheme then the common "eastern" ones? Here's a relativly new one from Afghanistan. Greetz Plage
  13. T.S.C.Plage

    Csla 2

    Greetz Plage
  14. T.S.C.Plage

    Csla 2

    Some more screens... ...
  15. T.S.C.Plage

    BF2 Criticism and Thoughts

    I don't like it...simply to primitive, senseless action with no playing depth. Greetz Plage
  16. T.S.C.Plage

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Addons: BW-Mod EC-135, Bo-105 and Marder Greetz Plage
  17. T.S.C.Plage

    Csla 2

    Greetz Plage
  18. T.S.C.Plage

    Csla 2

    Hello, some screens of the new units... ...
  19. T.S.C.Plage

    Depleted Uranium (DU)

    @ FireflyPl: I'm bored of you but... You always are referering to the "unknown" professor and that he's no authority in this area but it simply sounds like you doesn't believe him because he's German. However I picked his studies and reports because I knew about him from a TV-documentation (http://www.wdr.de/tv/diestory/archiv/2004/04/26.html...guess what, German only!) and this simply was the last important and alarming source I could remember. As mentioned you can search the web for DU and you'll find about 80% of pages that tell you DU (and especially it's dust) is dangerous and only about 20% which tell you it's "not such a" danger and these 20% are mainly military or "US-related" institutions (which I also count the WHO to, as you already noticed). And just to mention it again. The last revised version of the report is from over two years ago. Is the WHO unable to do some more research and disprove all these newer theories, studies and focus a bit more on the dust then DU itself? And just to show you I read half of the WHO-page... From here...http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs257/en/. Strange recommandations for a such harmless thing don't you think!?! I could give you many other links but you simply would say this is "green, antiglobalistic, anarchistic propaganda" so I simply leave you with a link to Wikipedia...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depleted_uranium (check "Health concerns"). I slightly overread your other stuff so don't expect me to answer to it! Greetz Plage
  20. T.S.C.Plage

    Depleted Uranium (DU)

    @ FireflyPL: It's not my problem that you're so ignorant and don't see the facts. The report you refere to is from 2001 and during this time new studies have been made. There're many other studies besides the WODUC and WHO ones and most of them come to very dangerous conclusions. I simply don't close my eyes and trust anything an institution under US-custody is telling and repeat their propaganda like a parrot. Ask all the victims how they care about the WHO-reports! The US government has enough reasons to keep this "case closed" because they will get in serious trouble from many sides if they would acknowledge what DU-dust really does. If you want I go that far and tell you it's a conspiracy of the government, military and the economy. I'm laughing at you if you're so indoctrinated that you believe anything the government and official institutions which only exist because they get payed by the government will tell you. But I can understnad that...they took the cover of your cage away just a short-time ago so you maybe didn't got enough time to get the "feeling" how bs or the truth smells even if it hits you in the face! Greetz Plage
  21. T.S.C.Plage

    Depleted Uranium (DU)

    @ FireflyPL: In this report there's no oxid or dust mentioned...they tell the truth but left the main-part away. Don't you get the point that I'm not talking about a peace of DU as it is. How often I've to tell you that the substances produced during the reaction at an impact are the dangerous things? And this here must be a joke... Some of the tanks etc. were destroyed close to roads, in villages and so on and not "in the woods". How should the people stay away from such wrecks when they're in their direct surrounding? I'm sure the author of the statement never saw kids playing on such wrecks! Not to mention that the author did forget that his WHO-friends already stated that DU can make it's way to the atmosphere and is not an areal problem. /edit: And concerning your Chernobyl theory...how can only 15.000 people get harmed if more then 150.000 soldiers were directly involved in the clean-up after the accident and a city with about 50.000 people was so close to it? Anyways there's no direct connection between both things, so please stay on topic. If you want to discuss about Chernobyl please open a new thread. Greetz Plage
  22. T.S.C.Plage

    Depleted Uranium (DU)

    The particels are defnitly highly chemo- and radiotoxic and can lead to genetic/heirs-disease and many other illnesses if the particels get into the body. It's not only a "heavy metal pollution" that's caused by DU. Greetz Plage
  23. T.S.C.Plage

    Red Hammer Studios

    Yep...please continue here. Greetz Plage
  24. T.S.C.Plage

    Depleted Uranium (DU)

    "Inspired" by a post from FireflyPL I want to start a discussion about the (mis)use of Depleted Uranium (DU) in the military sector. I just quote some important posts at the beginning so we've a starting point and know what was said before... Parts taken and translated from "Curse And Tragedy Of The Uranium Misuse (German; Version 1.3)" by Prof. Dr. A. Schott (Head of the World Depleted Uranium Center - WODUC) http://www.woduc.de/Html/Downloads_DE.htm @ FireflyPL: You didn't understand what I wrote! You're maybe right that DU as itself is relativly harmless and is used in medical-equipment for example but what we're talking about is Uraniumoxid aka Uranium-dust that is produced during the chemical reaction at an impact of a DU-projectile. As I wrote above particels are produced that can be inhaled and absorbed by the human-body and will defnitly cause cancer and other physical and psychological problems! The man I mentioned in my post above (Prof. Dr. A. Schott) is as stated the head of the WODUC and was Professor at the Free University of Berlin and did research for German governmental institutions. He and a team of other scientists visited Iraq and took samples in the near of tank-wrecks that were destroyed by DU-ammo. During this shorttime of three weeks he already absorbed so much radioactiv and toxic material that he and some of his team already got irreparable disease...think about the people that (have to) live there for years!!! For example there's a village in Bosnia which name I don't remember. Serbian tanks were in position close to that village and NATO-aircrafts attacked and destroyed these tanks with DU-bombs. A couple of years later 1.500 of the 3.500 villagers died from cancer. And you think there's no relation!?! Please read and visit: Submitted Evidence Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Resolution Toxicologie of Uranium - Research for the German Scientific Institution of Agriculture Generally http://www.woduc.de ...check the "Links" page for other usefull infos. I'm really not "green", a pacifist or whatever but this is a really alarming thing and I think it's important to know about what's going on. It's defnitly not harmless!!! Greetz Plage
  25. T.S.C.Plage

    Red Hammer Studios

    Inform yourself before stating bs!!! Parts taken and translated from "Curse And Tragedy Of The Uranium Misuse (German; Version 1.3)" by Prof. Dr. A. Schott (Head of the World Depleted Uranium Center - WODUC) http://www.woduc.de/Html/Downloads_DE.htm I could give much more infos about this but then we should really continue in the off topic sector of the forum! Greetz Plage