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Everything posted by T.S.C.Plage
The Osprey in real simply can't turn as fast as a helicopter because of it's design. I'm flying with a Joystick and even with the axis sensibility/range at max the rudders of all aircrafts don't turn to their max deflection like they do if controlled by mouse (on the ground). I guess this is a bug that already appeared with ArmA (1)? Anyways, you can perform very nice VTOL or rolling starts/landings with the V-22 depending if you chose the "auto hover" function or not and play with the flaps. Of course it would be great if the "opposite direction" feature mentioned by Max Power would be integrated some day besides some other small tweaks of the generally great flying model(s).
Will my PC Run this? What CPU/GPU to get? What settings? System Specifications.
T.S.C.Plage replied to Placebo's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS
I tried to get more familar with my new system and maybe something I stumbled about is also interesting for the AMD PhenomII (X4 955), AM3 socket mainboard or especially Gigabyte "UD5P" users or possible buyers. As first a sidenote: The BIOS of the mainboard had to be flashed with the newest version (f3k) to even recognize the CPU correctly. I used the easy to use Gigabyte "Q-Flash" Utility to do this. After doing that there're some new options available. I'll list the most important BIOS menu points below. MB Intelligent Tweaker (M.I.T.) Advanced Clock Calibration (ACC) -> EC Firmware Selection "Normal" or "Hybrid". The last enables advanced overclocking of the CPU (in %). I already saw people running @4800MHz but with extreme cooling and it's not recommend to go over +4% (standardly it's running at -2%) with normal cooling. CPU NorthBridge Frequency -> "Auto" or "Manual" (*X). "Auto" is set to 2000MHz but the board should support 2600MHz max. So far I've manually set it to 2200MHz (*11) which is a slighty improvement. Note that the "HT Link Frequency" has to be set to the same value as the "CPU NorthBridge Frequency". Elsewise the system will reset the NorthBridge Frequency to default (2000MHz). Set Memory Clock -> "Auto" or "Manual" (*X). "Auto" should be set to 1033MHz (*5) depending on the used RAM and if it's supported by the board. Max is 1600MHz (*8). I hope the board will support more in the future because I'm currently running at max with no problem. Note that this option will also be alvailable under the next mentioned menu point again together with some more specific RAM settings (latencies etc.) I'm not mentioning here any further. DRAM Configuration -> DCTs Mode "Ganged" or "Unganged". The selected mode is depending on how you configured your RAMs on the slots of the mainboard. The system should normally suggest the selected mode or has it preselected. Unganged slot configuration [] [] || - Both controllers work as independent 64-bit channels (Dual-Channel). Ganged slot configuration [] | [] | - When this mode is selected the controller operates both seperate 64-bit channels as single two-channel 128-bit system. This theoretically doubles the bandwith and should be an advantage with memory intensive applications. ( [] = RAM in Slot ; | = emtpy Slot ) I'm currently running my system "Unganged" but will change that the next days to see if it helps with handling ArmAII. *** System Voltage (NOT) Optimized *** Here you can manually adjust the voltages of various system parts. For example some RAMs can be operated with a higher voltage as the mainboard standardly provides. Changes should be made very carefully and according to the manufacturers references. I changed the voltage for my RAMs from 1.300V to 1.800V for example. Besides that it seems like Gigabyte has the tendecy to show a little higher values in the BIOS and utilities as actually are really provided. ---------------------- So far I haven't overclocked the CPU but will maybe do "slight" tries in the next days and see if it has any measurable effects maybe together with the "Ganged" RAM mode. I've so far also not touched the graphic card. With the other slightly improved settings, turned of V-Sync and the settings shown in the screen down below I came over 100 fps but it's also dropping to less then 50 or even 35 in some situations like for example in a fast mover above 600km/h "low-level" across Chernogorsk. Compared to the stats with V-Sync the fps are sometimes much higher without but also drop to the same levels like when it's turned on. I can't even aware the feeling that it's maybe even running a little smoother with V-Sync on (?). Anywass, compared to GTA IV for example ArmAII doesn't seems to harmonize with my system. I also got 16391 points at 3DMark06 so far whichs isn't quite bad. But maybe there's help out there. The stuff is really new and not only BIS will work on patches/updates. Btw, when I try to capture a video with Fraps (2.5.1) the frames drop drastically into the "red" area (<30) which I didn't even experienced with my old Athlon64 X2 5200+ (2x2.6GHz), 2GB PC2-800 CL5 RAM and a Crossfire X1950 (Crossfire Edition 512MB + XTX 512MB) combo at lower settings but the same resolution. I checked all Fraps settings, tried diffrent HDs as saving locations but no change. I noticed that it's running on just one Core like it should but I even tried all four but also with no effect. That's a little curious for me. And some data for the interested. . -
In the Catalyst Control Center it's the option "Wait for vertical refresh" that has to be turned to off.
I actually have doubts that this "missions" is still representative. AMD PhenomII X4 955 (4x3.2GHz) 4GB OCZ Platinum PC3-16000 (DDR3) @1600MHz (only 3,25GB adressed because I'm running XP) Sapphire HD4890 (1024MB OC version) First result with recommended settings: Second result with recommended settings (mission restarted/preloaded): Third result with my settings: The diffrences between the results aren't that high and I'm really wondering about some of the other results here. Some systems aren't much or even better then mine and put out marks over 3000? I mean maybe XP is a bottleneck and maybe ArmAII really runs better on an i7 but I guess some machines have to be overclocked to the max or some results are simply hoax. ;)
ArmA II & OA Photography I - No images over 100kb - Pictures only NO comments.
T.S.C.Plage replied to Placebo's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
First shot with my new system... 1680x1050 -
HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ HQ Addons: Project RACS UH-1N v2.7 (updated) - Background: Project RACS F-16, Puma and AH-1 Greetz Plage
The USMC versions... UH-1N UH-1N GAU UH-1N FFAR ------------------ While playing around I noticed two things. At first the rotor rpm may fit now but it looks weird (shutter effect). Second is that the RACS Spec Ops version has a grey "background" behind the open doors and a grey antenna (see screenshot above). Besides that I would have appreciated if you would have done a version in RACS camo. IMHO this would have fitted better then this "dark grey" Spec Ops version but that's just personla taste. Another small thing is the small blue stripe on the tailboom of the civilian version. I guess it would look better if the stripe would pass across the whole side like it does on the civilian Puma. This would also make a better visual diffrence compared to the UN version. Anyways, these choppers are a great addon and I really appreciate what you've done for us. Thanks again! Greetz Plage
Thanks for the update! RACS UH-1N FFAR RACS UH-1N RACS UH-1N GAU RACS UH-1N Spec Ops Civilian Bell 212 UH-1N UN Greetz Plage
Some inspiration? USAF USMC USN
@ wld427: Can you maybe do a RACS camo version? It would look nice besides the Air Force Puma.
Thanks mate...my pleasure! If you (or any newspage) want to use them no problem. If you want or need more just tell me. Greetz Plage
Great stuff you've produced so far. I really like the PRACS addons. Keep up the good work! UH-1N CAS UH-1N UH1-N GAU Greetz Plage
Addons: RHS-Hinds Greetz Plage
Woodland BDU soldiers by Zerg63 - Click here to enlarge BW International Sahrani Security Forces by gi.Zmol.ia - Click here to enlarge Greetz Plage
Click here to enlarge Addons: Woodland BDU soliders by Zerg63 Greetz Plage
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Addons: BW Flecktarn units by ViconX Greetz Plage
Addons: BW Flecktarn units by ViconX Greetz Plage
Greetz Plage
Addons: Norwegian Jeger by Freddern Greetz Plage
Nice that you like the screenshots. They're just slightly edited (a little sharpening (10%), a bit more contrast, less gamma and of course resized). Here's an original screenshot for example...click. My Arma is not looking better then most others I guess. These screenshots are just focused directly on the units (no distance view on trees, objects, sky etc.). If you want to know my systemspecs. I'm running an AMD Barton XP 2500+ with 1GB Dual-Channel RAM (FSB 333MHz) and an ATi X850 Pro 256MB (AGP). Defnitly no top of the notch equipment. Addons: HePCaT's MARPAT Soldiers Greetz Plage
SFF Recce units (by RavenDK) Greetz Plage
I've searched for a list of all "portable" weapons and couldn't find anything so I decided to make my own. Here's what I got... All weaponspecific commands from OFP still work fine. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">removeAllWeapons this name removeWeapon "Weapon" name removeMagazine "Ammo" name removeMagazines "Ammo" name AddWeapon "Weapon" name AddMagazine "Ammo" ClearWeaponCargo this ClearMagazineCargo this this AddWeaponCaro ["Weapon",Amount] this AddMagazineCargo ["Ammo",Amount] I've made one or better two demomissions about this topic. Both mission are identical except that one mission is for the editor and the other one is a singleplayermission. From the editorversion you can see how to equip units and ammoboxes and the singleplayerversion shows how to enable weapons via description.ext and how you assign and select them in the briefing. A textfile listing all weaponclasses and a complete description.ext with all above mentioned weapons is also included. Download -> Weaponclasses (21KB, .rar) /edit: Lester told me that this stuff is already available at Biki...http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Armed_Assault:_Weapons. Unfortunately I couldn' find it as I searched there, that's why I posted it here. Maybe I selected the wrong term for searching...what ever. Greetz Plage
Setpos getpos not working?
T.S.C.Plage replied to Vänskä's topic in ARMA - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
For objects... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this setpos [(getpos this select 0),(getpos this select 1),1] ...should work. I Tested it with a static M2. Greetz Plage -
Hello, after a long time of absence I finally found the time to finish a project I had on my harddrive for a longer time. It's a pack of five Antonov 12 cargoplanes. The model and the grey texture are originally made by the "Bloody Days Mod (BDM)" and was released at OFP.info a long time ago with the permission for others to finish it because the mod unfortunately "died". The pack contains five versions of the An-12 (three real and two fictious paintings) which are... - An-12 Redstar (east) - An-12 CCCP (east) - An-12 FIA (resistance) - An-12 Aeroflot (civil) - An-12 United Nogovan (civil) The pack perfectly fits to the "Mapfact.net DC-3 Pack" which is also needed to make this addon work. You can download the addon via Mapfact.net (just check the news) or by clicking the links below. An-12 Pack (6.24 MB .rar) -> needs: DC-3 Pack (30,37 MB .zip) And just to mention it. Mapfact.net has also released a couple of other interesting addons (some of them are unfinished but work fine) on their side. I also want to mention that I'm not a member of the Mapfact-Team but they were so friendly to release it on their side. Thanks! Greetz Plage
Mapfact.net releases An-12 pack
T.S.C.Plage replied to T.S.C.Plage's topic in ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
@ Matt Rochelle: The screenshots are of course a little reworked. That's why I mentioned that it's not a high quality addon. @ Shashman: Yes, you're right...it's just the pilot. I didn't wanted to include it in this pack because the pilot is taken 1 to 1 from Martin's aka MTY's DC-3 and I didn't wanted to have it "doubled". Of course it's a retextured BDM An-12. Didn't you read what I've written in the first post? Concerning the cockpit you're right, too. I didn't changed anything at it because it simply would have taken too much time to do so. I had to make a compromise in the "flight model". If I would have left it like it was you would have needed half a map to make a 180° turn. The old settings also made it impossible to use the taxiways correctly (turning) that's why I decided to tweak it. In my opinion it's a good compromise for OFP. If you want real flying abilities you should play MS FlightSim not OFP because there you always have to make compromises to make it fit the game. As already mentioned there's no "wreck" model. I'm not a 3D-artist so this is simply not possible for me. Is there any plane in OFP where you can load vehicles and fly with them? I don't think so. I'm sorry if the screenshot is a bit misleading. @ D@ve: Yes, I know but that's simply because the guys from BDM have used the texture twice. It's used for the "bowl" of the gunnerposition in the rear and for the ramps so I had to do it like this. The ramps are not untextured in the civilversion they're simply white like the "bowl". For any other complaints please take a number...click. No, I'm just joking. I'm always open for contructive criticism and any questions. Greetz Plage