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Everything posted by ThePredator

  1. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Don't get me wrong, I did not forget anything. I released the mod before 1.07 and the changes that came with it. And I'd like to be asked before someone changes my configs for public release, even if it is a "fix". Thanks.
  2. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    ArmA has some doppler effect, but nothing close to the real life. The GAU-8 sounds like a elephant's fart after you hear the muzzle blast. Those are two sounds ArmA can't handle just by the doppler effect system used. One thing I really hate in the sound engine is the fact, that you can exclude (obstruct) sounds from the outside created by other sources but not the own vehicle. Example: The engine of the A-10 should be barely audible in the cockpit and obstruct the outside sounds as well. But in ArmA you hear the engine like from the outside, not dampened.
  3. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Well, the issue is that the game does not play the sounds for the ammunition. I made a new sound for the impacts but the game refuses to play those. I made a new sound for the unrealistic 2-second burst and made a new explosion sound for the Maverick. Well, if I know how to play the impact sounds, I can release the 1.07 version of Modern Warfare.
  4. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Yes, that was no problem, just the result of the new firing mode in 1.07. In my config mod that was fixed long time ago...
  5. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Trying to get something like that:
  6. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    I know Uploaded two videos to YouTube demonstrating the new A-10 sound effects. However, I seem to have difficulties with the 30mm explosions, which are not those I configured. The A-10 config causes some issues, it seems. A-10 "Trigger-side-view" Recieving-End
  7. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Yeah, sounds sweet in-game. Was just wondering why I have to put the CAA10 in the requiredaddon field, but not something added prior to ArmA. Any insight on this?
  8. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    You should know that the 0.153 is for the 1.05 release, so everything introduced in 1.07 is not changed. I am working on that. I did not modify the config, so this is not my concern
  9. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    The first to notice the explosions were not correctly changed I am working on a 1.07 Version with A-10 and stuff that does not work with the new beta. Which sound for the GAU-8 I should use? This one (plane approaching) or this one (plane passed listener)
  10. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    It is an Addon-style mod.
  11. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Here is one Mirror and another
  12. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Sorry, the webspace bitched around, now I have to use rapidshare again...
  13. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    News bulletin: Beta of the new sound-only mod released ! Grab it here and send me feedback. Designated it a beta, because it might contain some errors (could not test everything).
  14. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Well, well, just waiting for a permission and everything is ready for launch. Switched the project to an Add-On, so every user content *should* work well. Changed some sounds, added some and tweaked a few. Still need dozends of realistic sounds for reloads, engines, movement, hits and stuff like that. In the future, Chammy and I will work as a team. This is the last "one-man-army" release, however, Chammy helped me alot in the process of development. I also got permission from the Swiss Mod team to use their weaponry in the config mod, so the arsenal will be increased by some nice firearms. The config mod may take some time, it's still alot of work.
  15. ThePredator

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    Thought about the ranking system, too. In my eyes it's nice to have some ranking, but it is totally useless the way it is now. I always play as a sniper. However, with the current system, I have to become a sergeant first to use the M24 and Col. to get my hands on the M107. Same for Machinegunners and Grenadiers. My suggestion is a class-based ranking system. If you choose a sniper, you spawn with a ACOG scoped rifle as a private and with higher ranks unlock the better equipment (SPR, M24, M107). No one else but a sniper should have access to this arsenal, otherwise the whole point of having different classes to choose from is useless, too. Same for machine gunners (they have to acheive more points from M249 to M240, because only 2 guns are available) and Grenadiers should start with M16A2 / M203 and advance to the pimped up versions of the grenade launcher attached rifles. I miss dedicated pilots, they, too, can climb up the ladder to fly the gunships later on. Another suggestion would be to remove the weather forecast. It's nice to see the rain coming, but I'd rather like to be caught in a shower by surprise, same for fog. There should be teams from the beginning up. Playing as your own chief does not help in communications and teamplay. I like missions with less gimmicks and more atmosphere. No fancy scrips, more fierce battle. The recruitment has no point in my opinion, however, I don't care and never use that system anyway. To end this post: Nice work, nonetheless !
  16. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Thanks for the heads up. I am still looking for some helping hand to rewrite the config, allowing for addons to be used. I will ask Chammy, if we can merge our affords, since I got many of his awesome sfx anyway. The only issue is: I am not really playing much ArmA due some things I dislike. One thing is the netcode and the lack of scope adjustments for range and windage (or for ArmA: lead). The scope sway is poor too. Shooting in the real world feels like point and click after extensive shooting (and missing) in ArmA.
  17. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Ah, sorry pal, forgot about your PM. You can find this mission on some servers, like "American S3X Dedicated" (3=e, just in case some mod feels offended again). I don't have it on a webspace at the moment.
  18. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    I already asked several ppl...but to no avail. So either they don't want to help or don't care...
  19. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Without help, I won't continue on the project. I did not play ArmA for weeks now and don't want to waste my time on a dying legend. If the tools are not released in May and nobody is able to help me with the work, say goodbye to Modern Warfare, all the stuff will go to Sickboy, who may have better use of my work. I am not upset, but everytime I start working on a project for a multiplayer game or mode, it reminds me of my utopic goals which won't be realized in any out-of-the-box-game. Modifing the game to my liking is one thing, but playing online is another... I never played much over the internet and probably never will. I am a loner and therefore I do play singleplayer games. Modding those parts is quite easy, sometimes everything needed is tweaking some values to get another gameplay aspect polished out. But I'd like to change the mod to act as an AddOn, so everybody can use their favourite AddOns with ModWar. However, without some helping hand and the US release / european patch released, I won't start.
  20. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    I am back and got a pretty nice tan just by playing this exclusive golf course over at my father's place. 30°C in April is like summer several month ahead.... Anyway, thanks for the input and comments. For the crowd: My mod does not support other versions of ArmA but 1.05 and no AddOns will work, because of the method. I will, if I find the time, change the mod to an addon-style project, so everything should work. Any help would be MUCH appreciated.
  21. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    The sound-only mod is not for version 1.05. That's why you get those error messages.
  22. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    The dB value just increases hearing distance (my experience) Changing the actual volume, you have to use the program, but don't create clippings, this will result in crackling noises.
  23. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    I'll wait for the US release and maybe someone will help me then.
  24. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Well, I don't feel much passion for ArmA modding at the moment. Somehow it is quite annoying the way it is. Did not play for ages now... I will take an undefinied break, maybe I will continue some time later. The mod is basicly a one-man project with some good feedback from the community and contributors, but the lack of skill on my side makes it difficult to change what I'd like to change (the models for example, reticles, effects etc).
  25. ThePredator


    Guys, don't try to calculate the magnification, this is given in the configs already. I don't really get why you try to calculate an already existing and fixed value anyway. Take the magnification as given and THEN calculate the height of an object. Many games do NOT use 1:1 heights and therefore it does make a lot of sense to use what we already know as a fact. And this is distance, MILS and magification.