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About TwistedAdonis

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  1. TwistedAdonis

    The Queen's English.

    Yeah deanosbeano, Maybe it's Czechrish : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engrish
  2. TwistedAdonis

    The Queen's English.

    Hi. Just playin through SP and felt I had to say to the guys at BI: 'I know you've lost some funding, but who the hell was it that you employed to translate this game into English?' Surely the budget for the UK release could have included the wages for someone who could write the mission briefings with some semblance of grammatical accuracy. It's quite endearing but a tad amateurish. Loving the game though. Twister
  3. TwistedAdonis


    Sorry Placebo. God bless you, Damage inc. Back to the mayhem.
  4. TwistedAdonis


    Sorry if this is an old question, but couldn't find the answer searching and I'm fairly new to the game.. How come when targeting ('Air Assault' level in single-player) I can direct my gunner to target something, but sometimes it's blanked out in my personal targeting menu? Is it because I haven't personally seen it? It's annoying the hell out of me. And hello. I've posted this here as well as the missions forum as there seems to be a bit more traffic in this one. Sorry if that annoys anyone.