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The Gladiator

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About The Gladiator

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  1. The Gladiator

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Sinse you all got so much nice pictures then I tought I could show some of mine. They are not the best but it will do. My homepage and some screens At this point there is nearly nothing there but there will come more.
  2. The Gladiator

    Does anyone else have these problems?

    Sometimes when i push the play button the game starts but you cant see the codemaster bis ofp thing and when you are in the menu the only things you notice is the texture on the island and the music. Then i reboot my machine and starts the game woila.
  3. The Gladiator

    Remove addons

    I will try again today and even if I delete the addon and then starts the game its still there then it happend like last time.. Sorry if some of my sentences are difficould to read and understand.
  4. The Gladiator

    Remove addons

    I have downloaded a hole lot of bad addons and I want to remove them. But when I remove it from the addon folder and goes in to the game its still there not working ofcorse. Is there anybody who can tell me how to remove the addons completly?
  5. The Gladiator

    2 tips

    1. Make the room you are sitting in dark. You will then see more of the things on the screen. 2. Try to set up the brightness on the screen you will then see every thing clear. Please report if this doesnt work.
  6. The Gladiator

    Mission help needed "occupation"

    I have tried the mission 6 times. But I can't take out all the soldiers in the second base, what am I doing wrong? I did manage to kill all one time but I did not know so i waited in the hill and then the bmp's and the 2 squads came and I had not a chance because my two men I had left was out of ammo and the two support tanks was destroyed. How do you take the second base with 8 men?
  7. The Gladiator

    Mission help needed "occupation"

    I have tried the mission 6 times. But I can't take out all the soldiers in the second base, what am I doing wrong? I did manage to kill all one time but I did not know so i waited in the hill and then the bmp's and the 2 squads came and I had not a chance because my two men I had left was out of ammo and the two support tanks was destroyed. How do you take the second base with 8 men?
  8. Can somebody tell my how to do the tings listed in the topic. please