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Everything posted by Tovarish
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Feb. 20 2002,14:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><span id='postcolor'> Lol. Ok, you asked for it. < clears throat > Hey. I'm not a lumberjack, or a fur trader... and I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber, or own a dogsled... and I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada, although I'm certain they're really, really nice. I have a Prime Minister, not a President. I speak english and french, NOT american. and I pronouce it 'ABOUT', NOT 'A BOOT'. I can proudly sow my country's flag on my backpack. I believe in peace keeping, NOT policing. DIVERSITY, NOT assimilation, AND THAT THE BEAVER IS A TRULY PROUD AND NOBLE ANIMAL. A TOQUE IS A HAT, A CHESTERFIELD IS A COUCH, AND IT IS PRONOUCED 'ZED' NOT 'ZEE', 'ZED'!!! CANADA IS THE SECOND LARGEST LANDMASS! THE FIRST NATION OF HOCKEY! AND THE BEST PART OF NORTH AMERICA! MY NAME IS JOE!! AND I AM CANADIAN!!!!!!!!
Tovarish = Russian for "Comrade". I always thought it was one of the coolest-sounding words in the russian language, & I grew up in communist countries (Cuba & the USSR) so it kind of fits, plus i usually play as the russians in mp.
It's not the water....its the ricochet from the bullets which kills you...totally realistic, no bug. Just try the same thing without water
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nopulse @ Feb. 16 2002,01:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Rogue2020 Posted on Feb. 15 2002,19:57 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Eh in the future you'll have to have a retinal scanner hooked up to your quantum computer....then when you buy a game you'll have to register it to a user and you'll only be allowed to do it once....then when running the game instead of putting in the CD you'll have the retinal scan.... <span id='postcolor'> I believe Microsoft is already developing that lol  <span id='postcolor'> Knowing Microsoft I'm surprized it's not an anal probe
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (dkraver @ Feb. 14 2002,22:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">This is just something to think about. More and more are making mods to this great game and more and more mods are getting useless or copies of others. Others on the other hand are great just look at the work of UCE, SelectThis/Ebud and Tigershark/Jellybelly productions. So before any you decide to make a mod do your back ground work first and do it well. Other great games like Rogue Spear and also already Ghost Recon have 2% good mods and 98% crap mods. Which in someway make me praise BIS for not just handing out the stuff to make new things. So just a warning not to destroy/fill this game with crap<span id='postcolor'> ....or how about if you don't like it, don't download it/delete it & move on?
Well, as a Cuban-Russian living in Canada, that poll left me no middle ground, but since the "Canadians are whiners" vote was ahead I cast mine in with the "Russians are cheaters" even if I don't believe that....fact is, this whole thing is about a judge possibly being corrupt and casting a vote "under pressure". If the IOC investigation reveals this was true, Canada should get the medal, if not, Russia keeps it. Unfortunately I never saw this so I can't give my personal opinion....college has an amazing way of making TV so...unimportant....which reminds me I've got a middterm tomorrow WTF am I doing browsing the forum??? L8r
The Operation Winter March Mod has a model of the WWII Katyusha they're working on (The granddaddy of the BM-21) see it here: http://www.3dactionplanet.com/flashpo....ess.htm
*mutter* Heh, I guess I do deserve to be flamed for this one, if you haven't clued in this was meant as a reply to jaxx's poll about the figure skating mess...clicked on the wrong damn button without noticing
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Rogue2020 @ Feb. 14 2002,13:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Oh that's just great and destroy us who like to cheat in single player and don't give a flying fuck about multiplayer......<span id='postcolor'> ?.....Then what the hell are you worried about? This whole thread is about MP cheaters, no one is trying to stop SP cheaters. (Though IMHO, if you get off on not having to reload, having enemy bullets bouncing harmlessly off your body & generally pulling a Rambo, there are much better games out there for you....namely just about any traditional First Person Shooter)
Great idea, great reasons.
Great idea, great reasons.
Maruk posted somewhere that 1.43 should be out by the end of this month
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Ruskie @ Feb. 09 2002,01:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i was really thinking of that tunguska, which is supposed to be the best now that its clear most of the next generation NATO anti aircraft vehicles aren't actually very good (although they have some snazzy features).<span id='postcolor'> Think I read somewhere the US bought a tunguska for evaluation....these days it seems like the US is buying a lot of russian hardware for evaluation (amongst other things they have a Hind they use for training....lazer tag actually....can you immagine playing lazer tag with a freaking Hind???) A few MiG-29's, a couple of Su-27's, that tunguska....I find it pretty surprizing that Russia is so willing to sell them their most advanced stuff...then again, maybe they're just getting the "Export" models. (Though I know the Hind was a late model captured from Iraq, and the MiG-29's were early models bought from Moldova)
Pretty much everything I love about this game has been mentioned so far...except one thing which I believe really helps the atmosphere....and russian speakers like myself truly appreciate....The russian voices in the original campaign are excellent!! You can tell BIS went to the trouble of getting real russians to do the russian voices...What a concept! There is little, if any, trace of the "Sean Connery" syndrome plaguing most games & movies were russians are portrayed (If you don't know what I'm talking about, go rent "Hunt for Red October"....god that pissed me off, every sailor in that movie spoke perfect russian, but when the captain spoke I was forced to read the subtitles! There are some mistakes of course, but they are all in translating the subtitles. Remember that cutscene where Guba is yelling because you sacheled his tank base? (according to the subtitles)....welll, he's actually yelling that you sacheled his choppers....oh well. BTW, thought I'd share this with all of you...my fave part in the campaign is the "Escape from Prision" mission...where you as the downed A-10 pilot escape....Simply because of what the soviet guard yells out as he sees you escape. Can you guess what he says? "Fire! The bitch is escaping!!" ROFL I nearly pissed myself laughing the first time.
ROFL OMFG that's about the most original & brilliant thing I've seen as an addon!! Can anyone say "Riot Control - Soviet Style!"?
Ok, I posted something like this a while back on the General forum so it might look familiar....anyway...how about this idea...no dedicated fighter aircraft (supersonic fighters would not work well with the engine) but how about a Harrier for western forces and a Yak-38 for the Russians? Both have been used as maritime interceptors, both are subsonic (so the game engine would handle them as well as the Su-25 and A-10, and both are VTOL. This would help balance out mp games where too often some dink gets in an Mi-17 & lays waste to your base....having planes with some _limited_ dedicated AA weapons (Both the Harrier & Yak-38 have no sophisticated AA radar & both use only short-range heat seeking missiles) would make people like that think twice. Also I think some mobile armoured SAM sites could also protect friendly bases against "rapers" as well as keeping the new AA aircraft in check....should't bee too hard, I know some variants of the BMP carry short-range IR missiles. And yes I know pretty much everything I've mentioned is available as an unofficial addon please BIS, make it official! I mean, who the heck wants to fly a Harrier/Yak-38 that's really a tweaked & reskinned Su-25?
You can also shoot yourself by going prone, aiming straight down, selecting full auto <ideally>. Start blasting away & stand up while still aiming down. Repeat as needed
I've seen an Mi-8 (what later became the Mi-17 through upgrades, but they look almost identical) IRL, pretty cool, damn big. It's what the Hind was based on as well, And yhea the Hind is wicked.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ Jan. 31 2002,04:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'd prefer the Jackhammer! I'd like to see the enemy fly 3 meters backwards after being hit <span id='postcolor'> lol go back to your Max Payne
There's a Saiga hunting rifle and then there's a Saiga tactical automatic shotgun
lol whoa Kemosabe, chill, I wasn't trying to flame anyone, just stating an opinion. Gee you sound jumpy...do you sleep with a knife under your pillow & slash at any strange noises in the night? You gotta learn to relax & not take every comment as an insult! Rip off a war?? Did I miss something here... is it copyrighted or something?? Would anyone say Operation Vietnam or Invasion 1944 "ripped off" wars?? Hell I'd LOVE to see a good campaign for the Afghan-Soviet war. And yes, Afghanistan isn't an island, but if you look at the historical facts that's about the only major difference between that war & the storyline for your campaign. Let's look at the similarities shall we? -Communist government overthrown -religious fundamentalists take over -muslim extremists armed by americans -russia goes to fight terrorist rebels. And lemme just clarify this time.... THIS HAS NOT BEEN A FLAME. if it HAD been a flame, i would have done it properly, using obscenities in every language I could think of, and my posting rights would be duly removed
It's all marketing...getting up the hype....remember when they were showing commercials with a N.Y. taxi getting crushed by this huge reptile foot....and then no explanation....and then a month or two later the new Godzilla movie came out? BIS is doing basically the same thing....giving us a little taste but keeping it minute enough that we really don't know what we're tasting.
I had the same problem when I had EAX on. Solution - turn off EAX
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ Jan. 30 2002,13:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">OFP's terrain maps are so relatively small that the battleship salvos would fly over the island. You would just have to go prone in time to avoid being decapitated. Â Â Â <span id='postcolor'> I still don't trust anything that a group of soldiers can't take out with LAWs or RPG's . Then again, if BIS can overcome that 1 gunner hump, & we can have some units with larger crews such as battleships (not necessarily realisticly larger!!)....that might be worthwhile.
Sounds a lot like the Afghan-Soviet war, so why even bother changing names?