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About Tydium

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  1. Tydium

    The Iraq thread 3

    Reuters Staff Abused by U.S. Troops in Iraq
  2. Tydium

    Us army adopts .50 cal replacement

    M2 NSV From the above links the M2 weigths 38 kg and 58 kg with tripod. NSV weigths 25 kg and 41 kg with tripod and can of ammo. So yeah there are clear weight advantage for having russian HMGs.
  3. Tydium

    The Iraq thread 3

    Here's what to "Gitmoize" means. SkyNews
  4. Tydium

    The Iraq thread 3

    Here you go.
  5. Tydium

    Russian government resigns!

    Well according the article 117 of Russian constitution the president can sack the goverment. In Russia president can also dissolve parlament and order new elections if he so chooces (see article 109). Finland had similiar system before our constitution was modified in 1999. Russian constitution
  6. Tydium

    Bad equipment

    Well it depends in which part of the country you live. As you stated in southern Finland temperatures rarely goes below -20 C but in Lappland temperatures quite often drops below -30 C and occasionally even below -40 C. But as someone said before it's not just the temperature. Wind is even worse. Fortunately i did my service in southern Finland and those days we were on exercise weren't too cold
  7. Tydium

    Bush vietnam service record released

    Well the claim on the site is based on these two documents. Document 1 Document 2 According to document 1 Bush requested a discharge on 5th of September in 1973. And according to document 2 it was granted on 1st of October in 1973. According the Texas military code Now are these documents real ? I don't know but they sure look like it. And the site also list a cover letter that apparently came with the documents. The big question is did Bush went AWOL before his discharge was approved ? We don't know. All we know that he did not sign his discharge papers as you can see from document 2 ("NOT AVAILABLE FOR SIGNATURE"). This probably means that he wasn't at his base on 1st of October.
  8. Tydium

    Bush vietnam service record released

    While searching the net about this topic I found an interesting site. The site shows documents about Bush's military carreer obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. Complete list of the documents can be found here. Most interesting part of the site was this. Now if this is true it could cause some problems for Bush's reelection campaing.
  9. Tydium

    Sir william gates

    After appealing court lowered his fine to 35000 FIM which is approximately 5900 EUR Source: Iltasanomat (In Finnish)
  10. Tydium

    India buys russian aircraft carrier

    Well Admiral Gorshkov won't be the their first carrier. They are currently operating atleast one carrier.
  11. Tydium

    India buys russian aircraft carrier

    Here is some info about the ship. Here is an interesting quote from the article So they have been negoating about this deal for a long time.
  12. Tydium

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Now why would they assing WMDs to air defence troops ? You don't need WMDs to shoot down airplanes. Were iraqi rocket forces under their command ?
  13. Tydium

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Here is an interesting article: U.S. Troops running out of rifles
  14. Tydium

    New nukes

    I found some info about that bomb. According to it a scaled down 50 Megatons version of the bomb was detonated.
  15. Tydium

    The Dogs of War

    UK: War has been won