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Me thinks this topic is really pointless.
Yep the OF fourms will eat all of the little forums and they will any enter my domain. *2 hours of evil laughter*
ahh the minigun debate when will it end..All we got to do is simple physics to work out the idea of a minigun for common battle field use is bloody usless unless you wanna escape quickly.
The true evil that is Placebo is becoming clearer every day.
yeha umm great...
The destruction of good threads is a case of evolution if the thread will survive or die depending on how good the thread is. It a way of sorting the dead for the living threads.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Feb. 05 2002,19:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"I played Counter-Strike for about a week and I saw at least three cheaters" Damage >> u know , in CS there are aloot of cheaters , but most of the "cheaters" are skilled players , my Half-Life CD key (Wonid) is banned 4-5 times on different servers , and my name is even on the DK-Blacklist , over all  cheaters , cos just i never ever installed a MP cheat , it exist extremly high skilled players on the internet , BEST WAY 2 GET A CHEATER say to him , U CHEATER! , and if he will say sumthing like "fuck off asshole" <<< Cheater , i can promise u that , if he saiz sumthing like "Wat cheat do i use?" and wanna talk about it , to prove hes NOT , hes prolly no cheater =)<span id='postcolor'> There were two guys that were invisible and one guy that was changing skins really fast....that isn't cheating?<span id='postcolor'> I don't cheat but I have found that I have been invisible once or twice in a game of granted not cs but Swat 3 over the Internet. I know I was invisible as I was standing right in front of this guy and he did not shoot me and decide to ask him if he knew I was there and he said no after I got a few more people involved trying to see me I decided I better log off and then re join the game to see If I was still invisible I was not. So invisitbilty can just be sometimes a problem with the net code not the person or you just got a really high ping.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ Feb. 05 2002,12:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Believe it or not I don't close threads to please people  <span id='postcolor'> Nope you do it for checks....by the way the ummmm payment slip is in the post for your little retiring job
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (L24A @ Feb. 04 2002,14:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Sure, you may be overactive at deleteing threads, but hey, thats your job! No, this isn't a flame thread, and although you may repost this somewheres else or delete it, but I just want to say, thanks. Thanks for listening to us, with the old fourms, we were luck if the Moderators actually DELETED our threads, and it was a treat for them to reply to us! Thanks for being a great Moddy, and making these foumrs active! Â -Sid<span id='postcolor'> Oh guys, please..... Did you already build a shrine to honour him. No, serious since the moderators are actually moderating the forum it has become a hell lot better than it ever was. The reign of the Mighty 5 is blasted to pieces and flaming, insulting and discrimination is down to an all time low. Although placebo and I have sometimes different opinions on certain issues, Â (I think I have actually different opinions on certain issues with the bulk of the forum members ) I'm happy that the moderators are taking their job serious. We seem to have come a long way from the 2001 forum.<span id='postcolor'> The Mighty 5 still exist but were just consolidating our power until we unleash hell. P.S Placebo is a member of the Mighty 5 we have power in high places.
Yeha I found one of those missing brief case nuke bombs turns out it was in my attic all along
In case any of you lot are wetting your self’s to fire a digitised version of the OCIW I will recommend Ghost Recon for it shame it is a crap game.
yeha ummm great yeha ummm Fubar
Never seen it, never heard of it.
The moon will be controled by the Illuminati. You can't stop what you don't know.
Well I suggest you give your money to World Domination® umm owned by ummm me. You won't get the world but I will give a small bit of it. http://www.worlddomination.com/
My god Placebo has not locked this yet. He must be some where else quick lets all take over the forums
Okay yeha umm great... It is foul by the way Nobbie not faul
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ Jan. 30 2002,12:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Playing puter games isn't a sign or indicator of immaturity... It's a proven fact that playing computer games sharpens the reflexes, it's also a proven fact that playing computer games improves certain logic parts of the brain, it's also a proven fact that as one gets older keeping the mind sharp and active improves the chances of retaining mental cognizance, thus the older we get the more computer games we should play <span id='postcolor'> 99% of all facts are made up the spot.
it basicly mean that the board timed out on you or something
Well ummm........ahh the lies the lies the lies.....ummm well this is rather a pointless post really isn’t it. Look your PC works what more do you want?
LOL a classy bit of entertainment there
In case you were all racking your brains for my age it is 21 but my mental age is debatable
Frankly I don't think this sort of topic is enlightening any one in these forums. People who don't read the papers are hardly going to bother reading this topic at all. All it really seems to be doing is flaming Australia over such a small matter that it really does not affect the world in great way.
I'm still running on win 98 even through I have a copy of Xp pro . XP is a toatal lump of shit ti get working with my pc even through it is less than 5 months old. None of my modme work with XP neither does my DVD rom XP does not even seem to know that it is there. But it must be me thinks for me to install it properly.