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Everything posted by Thehamster
Or you just wait for them to turn there back on you so you can lob a gren at them.
Ahh I remember my old school many years ago we had a nice painful version of tag yep what we did would have one person being it but instead of having to get you they had to hit you with a tennis ball which they smashed at you with a tennis racket and when you were hit you were it after you got over the pain from where ever they hit you if your were a sadist type person you would aim low . Yep that was survival of the fittest as any fat person got annihilated on big target Yep this brings back happy memories
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Akira @ Mar. 05 2002,21:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">See? Defensive.... I had a dog hit by a car and another had to be put down....don't mean I wouldn't think a dog on the windshield wouldn't be funny.....but thats just me.... SO basically you are saying its ok with any OTHER animal...just not a cat? (just tryin' to clarify)<span id='postcolor'>
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Akira @ Mar. 05 2002,21:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Geez....ignore them Albert! Its hilarious! Not like you ran over a real cat or something! Cat people are so defensive.....<span id='postcolor'> Hmmm maybe I don't like as my former cat got hit by a car.
Finally my cat has a good neck to go for Albert watch your neck.
That's in poor taste Albert.
God what a crap series those were.
Damn it i hate polls death them.
lmao, took a while to load but a funny series of pics
Well I used the local forum link thing asthe main one would you belive has some one as the same name as me
No the red x noooooooooo I would spam your forums but it is taking bloody ages for them to deal with my membership request
The only things I have done ever that required me to design any thing were levels for Deus Ex and Swat 3. The one for Deus Ex was crap the one for Swat 3 was quite good but it still is not finished about a year hence from start date just don't seem to be able to get the lighting right
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nordin dk @ Mar. 03 2002,20:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Nobby @ Mar. 03 2002,17:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">yeah i built that one with the Hamster, ain't we the best?<span id='postcolor'> Did you actually build Spamhenge? Â But it was built over 1000 years ago but mystic spamworshipping druids....<span id='postcolor'> As Nobby said we built it. Spam is the path to eternity and the gateway to being immortal all should embrace it and see the force of spam. May the spam be with you.
I don't find it anoying. Hey Damage how your new forums going? I'm just waiting for my email from them people hosting your forums so I can spam them
I'm not pissed at all It would be useless to me as I can't model anything.
naa I kind of like your sig/avatar it has a certain nostalgia about it for some reason I can't quite place.
Nope don't have a clue who you are.
It is kind of depressing that some people in Whales and Scotland as well as England want to be independent from each other, for Christ sake this country is small enough as it is and all ready has lots of problems do they need adding to?
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DeaDEye1809 @ Mar. 03 2002,20:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hilandor @ Mar. 03 2002,11:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">lolol  deadeye  u havent got a clue what ur talking about quote  " weed is for people who have ruff childhoolds" =complete and utter bawwlocks mate. my life has never been happier mate  i got a wife and three kids  regular income , i live comfortably and still enjoy a toke. quote "  a stupid n*gger wannbe poser" nah i dont think so most canabis smokers  dont pose about it  they sit in a room  quietly with some music on  relaxing. Methinks you want to take your head out of your dan dare comics once in a while and experience reality.<span id='postcolor'> this is how it is in vegas im 16 pretty much everyone who smokes weed here is a wannbe "g" or a real one i havent seen anyone that smokes weed that is a perfect child with a perfect life there is a reason why people smoke weed its to cover up somthing in your life im not saying you were born in the ghetto or nothing like that theres something that happened to you that you wanna cover and just feel good and forget about it... corect me if im wrong because i know im right most of you know i am cus i used to do it hell i used to do shrooms and xtc. weed is a gateway drug cus i started with weed now look at all that shit i did. get a hobby or something than smoking weed thats what i did. not tring to sound all like your parents lol but im saying theres better things out there than just getting high. see me i got 3 things i do it might be gay to you but i dont give a sh*t. i do my homework everyday then play ofp or something else for a while then the most important is i train for the seals i run work out blah blah just put your mind on something else trust me youll be happier when your not high<span id='postcolor'> Well most people in Europe smoke weed because it relaxes the mind and body not to get away from reality for that we just drink our self’s to oblivion.
Funny I didn't find either link scary yet I find some parts of computer games scary ahh well.
Ahhh stop saying that word it is hurting my brain ahhhh stop it
You ever consider that the poll was a joke some British humour if you will, god bless channel 4