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About TailEndCharlie

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  1. TailEndCharlie

    Need and at field gun

    Scroll down the page for a camo'd 75mm AT gun... http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.p....&page=4
  2. TailEndCharlie

    AI machine gunners- has nobody told them MG basics?

    I've noticed the same issues, and if you try the Russian PK you'll find the same problems. Also you should notice that all other rifles and smgs use only one type of fire mode (bursts) apart from the M4 which fires on fullauto. This is because the config files for these weapons are set up IMO incorrectly. For example the "aiRateOfFire" command line has a value so high (5) that this causes the single shot effect of the M60/PK. They are actually firing on fullauto (these MGs only have a fullauto mode in the game) but it's slowed down too much because of this value. In addition, with the M60/PK you'll find that the recoil ("mgunburst3") causes the AI to mostly shoot above the heads of the enemy. Thats why someone found that it took almost all the ammo to finish off a handful of troops. See for yourselves. Set up a 'careless' LINE of enemy and have an AI (NOT PLAYER!) M60 gunner try to wipe them out from 50m. For this reason I've tweaked the stock weapons and will be posting the PBO file on the OFPEditingCentre addons forum soon. With regards to the M60 & PK I've changed the recoil to fix the overhead shooting problem, and decreased the length of time they take between shots (ie no more single shots, no matter what the skill level). If you wish you can also amend the M60 & PK to use more than one mode of fire depending on the range as Satchel suggests (eg fullauto under 100m, bursts above 100m). I've tweaked the rifles to use different modes but have left the MGs at their default single fire mode of fullauto. However the readme accompanying the PBO will show you how to change this, its quite simple. If you're interested I'll post on this forum when I've released the mod (it will only be a small approx 50kb DL).
  3. TailEndCharlie

    Adding custom weapons for AI soldiers

    Make sure you add the magazines FIRST, and the weapon last of all. That should do it.