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Everything posted by sabre

  1. Looks good mate, am a fan of Hazar, so looking forward to this one aswell.
  2. sabre

    Slatts AUG pack

    That's it there on a HBAR Aug
  3. sabre

    Celle 2

    That top screenshot looks wicked.
  4. Awesome work guys, some really good realistic features.
  5. sabre

    DDAM full release

    Congrats on the release fellas, nice work. One small thing, the SF still have Aussie flags on the admin panel on the leg and the Frogmen still have the US flags on the shoulders.
  6. Which version of the PASGT helmet cover did you base that off? Stitching looks abit massive. If your going for an old US Army PASGT cover, I believe the stitching was actually on the inside, ie; it was stitched inside out then flipped when put on. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y122/sabretron/usarmpasgt.jpg If its the USMC style cover your going for it has the double stitching like on trousers etc. http://i25.servimg.com/u/f25/13/65/76/13/dscf4320.jpg (on LWH)
  7. I would remove the ones you have on there at the moment, plastic wouldn't wear like that, add some dust/dirt to give it a more used look.
  8. problem? ;) Knew it would get someone :D
  9. Menu's are looking very good Topas. Nice one.
  10. That only applies to a small percentage of the world's countries at the moment. I'm willing to bet there will be lots of bolt action rifles in use around the world in 2030.
  11. More of an addon of opportunity than anything else, while helping Stagler with a camouflage variant for his Krinkov pack I ended up with 50% of a template to do the BIS AKS-74U's. So I knocked up the extra/different parts I hadn't done and ended up with these. Thanks to those that help to get them working. They aren't much but I hope you enjoy them. Screenshots: Click for Larger [A:SBE Cam AKS-74U's|FDF Padogorsk] Click for Larger [A:SBE Cam AKS-74U's|Hazar Khot] ----------------------- The AK's can be found under; Empty > Ammo > SBE AKS-74U CAMO ----------------------- Classnames: Desert Tan: SBE_AKS_74UCAMD SBE_AKS_74UKobraCAMD Woodland: SBE_AKS_74UCAMW SBE_AKS_74UKobraCAMW ----------------------- Credits/Thanks: BIS- Models, normals and textures and base textures. ArdvarkDB - Config work. Sabre - Textures/Texture editing. Download: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/56844908/SBE_74UCAM.7z
  12. After having a play ingame, have to say again great work I44 Team.
  13. Looks great fellas. Thanks. Downloading now.
  14. Technically it is :D. Hopefully the other part will be out soon.
  15. Nah not at the moment mate. Those were taken using the hiddenSelections method (or whatever it's called haha).
  16. Click for Larger [A:UKF Weapons|UKF L115A3|BAF MTP from Project Reality Mod by Sabre] Click for Larger [A:TF86 SF|RH M416's|Hazar Khot]
  17. sabre

    Rhodesy's Projects

    Ok looking at the pics, I would get rid of the normal's you have on the straps. They are going to be pulled tight and flat and not have much of that going on, it might allow you to get the rest of the normals to better suite there areas aswell, I know with cbump you get one area looking good but then the other parts doesn't look right at all hah. The straps over the shoulder might be abit thick too, or are they partly going to be 'sunk' into the model for lack of a better term, at the front they might need to be shrunk abit though.
  18. sabre

    Rhodesy's Projects

    Do you have a pic the vest you based this on? or was it just a made up one? I'm thinking somethings, but if that's how it is on whichever you based it on then there irrelevant.
  19. Just have to add details. MOLLE stands out because of the pieces that make it up anyway. Stitching, thickness and in alot of cases, but not all, a different material all together. Combine a baked normal map and as much detail on the diffuse as you can from a ref pic and you cant really go wrong. Depending on what textures size your using it'll either be easy or hard, bigger texture is much easier obviously, but remember if you use a big texture at the start to save it to something reasonable for ingame use. Add the stitching and subtle light and shadows you see there and it will begin to stand out on it's own. I think it is suffering abit from that current 'material overlay' you have on there aswell if that what it is. It is way too big at the moment for Cordura and that will make things harder to see aswell.
  20. Awesome. Great work RHS. :icon_eek:
  21. Yeah figured they were big for those parts, that's another reason they look overly sharp in those renders, when in reality they arn't. Looking good anyway.