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About Stroeh

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  1. Stroeh

    ? Serial Killer ?

    Though it's been quite a while since you asked: http://arma.deathdealer.de/jgs_portal_box.php?id=45&sid= or http://g-g-c.de/forum/showthread.php?p=57122 Just found the page while looking for a version for ArmA 2. :)
  2. You can use the Information provided by the Community-Wiki to adjust your serverconfiguration: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg Other informations in the BIKI may be usefull as well: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Server_configuration in commandline, simply add "-config=server.cfg" as a parameter to arma2.exe.
  3. Stroeh

    Project RACS

    Nice Addon! Sweet looking and sexy to fly! Nevertheless, I think i found a bug: When firing DEFA 30mm rounds in Mirage 2000N(RSAF) the impact seems to cause some, well "nuclear effects" on the environment. Plainspoken, it seems that everytime you fire 30mm rounds a B61 Thermonuclear Bomb is launched.
  4. Stroeh

    Warfare 1.1[@]x_[Victor N+S]

    I just finished playing this Warfare-Version on Karrillions Server, and it has been a nice match. We played on OPFOR-Side versus BLUFOR. Some issues/proposals with/for this map: - Landrovers seem to make trouble when crossing a bridge; in my case i drove with a landrover equipped with Grenade-Launcher from Tiberia in east direction, and i got stuck on the next bridge. Also GL won't get reloaded at town-center when selecting that "reload ammo" option. I don't know if that's related to this mission or if it's a general problem of that addon. Seems to be a similar problem as the Commander-Position in T72s. The MG in that position can't get reloaded as well - but that's definitely a general ArmA bug that has not been fixed so far. - Fletcher FU planes have a strange sound problem: sometimes you can hear their engine sound as if you were actually flying that bird - even if you are 3000 kilometres away. I don't know if there's a proper replacement for that addon. - The ViewDistance is much too low; maybe you should increase it to 2000 - 3000 ? - As I said, we played against BLUFOR. During the whole match i could not see any of that new BLUFOR vehicles you put into this mission. Does AI actually now how to use them? But nevertheless, good work so far. Keep it up!