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Everything posted by sgt_hawkins

  1. sgt_hawkins


    I fixed lightning and rain my only issue is that when i start the mission the fog is really dense i cant see 1 inch in front of me but it goes away after about 3 minutes btw i deleted the init so thats no longer the issue
  2. sgt_hawkins


    yea it turns it so grey u cant see
  3. sgt_hawkins


    yea it turns it so grey u cant see
  4. sgt_hawkins


    yea it turns it so grey u cant see
  5. sgt_hawkins

    Fastroping is a "MUST"

    Fast Roping is not something that is done by the army. We stopped doing that once we saw how our Blackhawks made easy targets for RPG's when they were stationary.. Fast roping was done only when no suitable terrain was found nearby to land. Its now never done in a red zone. (only in cheesy movies and video games) Its a good idea for an arcade game but not a simulation like arma series. Most people likely just want fast roping to avoid those tricky landings and your stuck with a noob pilot.
  6. sgt_hawkins

    Terrain Deformation

    We might see this in Arma 6. Where the min requirement is a quadcore and 8 gigs of ram.Maybe the video card wont be required as long as you can plug it in your brain. Of course Mexicans will have to use SLI.
  7. sgt_hawkins

    Resting your weapon

    This is one of the best ideas ive heard in awhile.
  8. sgt_hawkins

    Top Ten things for Arma 2

    Well If you read my post. I said things id like to see in arma and arma 2. Some in the list I was hoping would catch the eye of an addon maker for arma . Seems they are dry on ideas as most of the addons are infantry models that have been done 100 times.
  9. sgt_hawkins

    Satisfy my kleptomania!

    And since disguising yourself as the enemy and firing at them is against the Geneva Convention. You should be Court Marshalled if a friendly unit sees you doing this act.
  10. sgt_hawkins

    Fast Rope / Burning Players

    I am a Iraqi Vet. and just wanted say there are def burnt bodies left in destroyed tanks. My only experience was with a Bradley when 6 soldiers were burned to death when hit by an IED but id rather BIS not be THAT realistic.