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Everything posted by Spudeater

  1. Spudeater

    The new industry standard, SUE HACKERS

    Every EULA case that has ever been to court has lost. You can't force people into a contract after the fact is what every court has ruled. Clicking "OK" to a EULA is not a contract in any courts view as such a "contract" offers nothing in exchange to the person who already has bought the product and you can't lawfully keep them from using said product at that point. Also take note that they are attempting to sue people who are not even in the country and the court has no jurisdiction to even hear the case and as such not able to enter a ruling.
  2. SoggyMilk... That "Community" is having it's yearly World Teamkill Championship contest and it would seem from the start of this thread untill the next 5 more days that those who play this game are going to be out to earn some lame prize. They are also talking about what you said above,that people don't need a game installed to raise cain on a server. The worst part is they started a thread today and one member wants to have the admin OK his program that bypass's BI Sig/BE/BI keys-id and BE GUID...and can make anyone the server admin or kick/ban the real admin!
  3. Spudeater

    Change Player ID

    Is he talking about player ID as in a profile or the ID that is sent as a hash to the server? Is there a folder that holds profile ID in like Documents if that's his issue? The ID on the server Sig's/BE, and everything else is hacked by that "community" which we won't link to but everyone knows.
  4. Spudeater

    Any good old games?

    Google and download S.W.I.N.E as it is now free...and get some buddys to do the same and host a server.
  5. Spudeater

    Cpu war ?

    @ ch_123... My bad. I have had so many systems over the years that I thought my old AMD Barton 3200+ was that way...it has been the best part of close to 2 decades. I can still recall my first drink however! It was 67 years ago and vodka.
  6. Spudeater

    Cpu war ?

    AMD patents...it is part of the contract that allows AMD to use the x86. Intel's "new" onboard memery controller is an example.
  7. Spudeater

    Cpu war ?

    Yes they do. The onboard memory controler has been with AMD from back in the AMD XP days. That function was added to both keep the MB prices lower,remove the northbridge bottleneck and to be part of the Optron dirrect connect function which allows up to 8 physical CPU's to dirrectly transfer information with each other. This is why movie post production companys use AMD rather than INTEL CPU's and the worlds fastest computer (made by Cray) uses AMD. The more AMD cpu's interconnected the faster they will outpreform a faster INTEL cpu. The new 6 core AMD Optron is also the choice cpu for server farms over INTEL. Now for desktop gamers with 1 cpu it is another story,however after you hit x amount of cpu/gpu cycles it is pointless to go further and paying $1,000+ USD for the top of the line INTEL while a $80-100 USD AMD will do the same job for almost everyone is mostly just for the owners ego.
  8. Spudeater

    Changing environment due to pollution

    The enviroment is always changing...it's called nature. All the false government "science" is pure BS funded by the people who want to make more money and higher taxs off of those who think anything that mankind is doing can change what is only nature. Many involved in these government 'studys' who pointed out the errors in them have had thier funding cut/fired. Al Gore is a prime example as his Noble Peace Prize for his movie was a total waste. His movie has been in court and shown to be so full of non-fact and outright misleading statements that it is forbid to be use in schools as text. Yet the world is filled with those in government that know the general populations will end up going along with whatever waste is feed to them...if they just keep trying to feed it to people long enough. They are telling people that the ice flows at the south pole are all floating away...but they don't tell you is that the yearly snow fall has kept the over all ice there exactly the same with no change. In WW2 the Nazi propaganda said "tell them the same lie long enough and they will belive it to be the truth." and THAT has not changed. I am one who thinks many in my own government should swing from a rope and would be pleased if many simply died in a burning car wreck...mostly unrelated to climate issues.
  9. Spudeater

    Steam, xfire ...

    What country are you in? In the US if you bought an item you have every right to sale it...or run it in a wood chipper if you wish to. I don't use Steam as it does things when online without user control and thus acts the same way as a virus. Anything that might have Steam as a built in part of it gets the Steam part blocked in my firewall and the Steam address's are already in my PG block list. I will not use any online service/sales site that does not send me a hard copy. After the days of trying to get the demo of Arma2 online with all the corrupted files and hassles I would again never buy a download only copy of anything. I own a boxed issue of Arma2 now and it has been installed many months but I have only been oline 2 times...so if I could have anything I want my way it would be more free time!
  10. Spudeater

    Fed up of Morons

    I only have the demo right now but what your saying sounds like "that website" which has the admin called Mullah Omar. They made public junk like that and even have video on youtube bypassing all the anticheats for ArmA1. edit: I just looked at "that site" and it may have been one of them trying to win some "world tk contest" they are running right now. Blowing up everyone in the game would seem to make the person in such a contest the winner.
  11. Some explode on contact while others are fused. Some get close and explode a shaped warhead that fire what amounts to a shootgun blast ment to rip the aircraft up.
  12. Look at the editors post (post #7 in thread): http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1442194 I waited untill patch 1.08 befor buying ArmA and hope when I return from trip to Brazil in about 7 weeks the patching for ArmA2 will be close enough (bug fix wise) for me to go out and spend money on it.
  13. Spudeater

    money cheat

    Agreed...sounds fair all around. Not sure what you ment by a "solution" however because some forums and YouTube don't back up that veiwpoint anymore than anyother game. I read alot of forums more than any free game time. At least it seems no worse than other games in that respect so we can give thanks for that much. I have plenty enough to worry about with the lack of free time trying to relearn how to control the game in the demo after a bit over a year of not playing...and next month I will be out of the country for 4 weeks so away from all computers.
  14. Spudeater

    money cheat

    The mass's seem upset with you jumping on what-ever-the-guy's-Nic-was over a SP cheat. I agree with you 99% (I always keep a % of anything for myself) on the MP issue but I don't think that was what he was asking for...do you after thinking about it? It took me many days to get an uncorrupted copy of the ArmA2 demo and Paul and I even got into a bit of PM over it because of some cross posting. My bad...his good temperment. The point here is setting a cool headed example for others to follow. I re-learned that from him. The guy asking for help seems to run a website that he pays for that is set up to help others with computer/game problems. Can't we cut him some slack and offer some help to him without thinking the worst and going off the deep end of the gene pool over it? I don't have alot of time each month to play the demo and have not played ArmA1 from the 1.08 days so it is like learning to walk again...posts of upset people just don't help me find info I am looking for anymore than the ones I and many others posted in sleep depraved frustration over the demo d/l issue. Well this thread may not be helpful but it is sort of entertaining. :)
  15. Spudeater

    money cheat

    Did he ask for MP cheats or was he asking for help with SP? While I might agree with you about people screwing up MP being not all that happy for everyone except perhaps the goof ball doing it,SP is 100% personal and you need to take a chill pill and stop trying to control other peoples personal fun that in no way seems to bother anyone other than yourself as it's only fair and polite...or am I wrong? Anyhow I am sure he can find what he wants via Google with or without anyones help/approval or your permission to do so. EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3njjD41f48 I saw that movie...very funny!
  16. Spudeater

    money cheat

    I think he ment SP cheats which are fun and even helpfull to learn the game if your just starting off.
  17. Spudeater

    ArmA 2 Demo feedback

    I have the same issue but with the .exe file dowloaded from the AU http. I gave up on the torrent file and spent 2 days getting the .exe Any help to get a working file will be very helpfull.
  18. @ Placebo... Sorry,like many I was up all night waitng to get a start on it and was VERY upset when the tracker went down. I also had 2 HTTP downloads running yet with everything added up was less than 1/4 of my d/l speed. @ Some kind of guy... I know how torrents work. The address I posted came dirrectly from the torrent file. The thing is when I rebooted the computer the tracker said the file was "not registered with tracker"...it was not ever going to reconnect without the tracker knowing it was a vaild file. The fact that those -already connected- are still transfering information is because they were connected befor the tracker dropped the file. Here is the whole .torrent file for you to inspect: d8:announce39:http://www.gameupdates.org/announce.php10:created by13:uTorrent/183013:creation datei1245938884e8:encoding5:UTF-84:infod6:lengthi2689427463e4:name13:ARMA2DEMO.zip12:piece lengthi4194304e6:pieces12840:à sbí|&³Nÿ***ñË+Â1|©ÂûP"ð¾ªíJXa„Z960±§;wwƒê‡·Îe¹M£ Å¡#sj‘S֓pž¸²-Å x‡"0˜ç>ã¶ße²N ëWÂ8½8©îÃŽû‡ƒ¬†åvIÔ)/Å¡v Îî á0Ì„ÃuÃ¥w8yýH#>Å¡nšõ3¬Â“à Y$#°©â€B …ïŽKG!>á:±PæÑ?Å©Ñüºó"È«-® ¡úgù €\»Ž7®ÌÃP¯¨***ŒÜ„j¬y+}Œ›zÆâ€Ã—9XÃúª]ÃŽB²iÌÃâ=Ö^1‹z@-–ÂËCQ>Jâšv·Ëã!C~Œ´„ṯFÓ‹à ñÉæ2Ó–GÃÃ$X¡M†|¬xp8Ã’_â€I•øÙCÂÂ^ÂØó¨è¼%±±Â‰c9ŠêTâ„„ÌJÛSÀoóØ£ûǹ$æîP¼É9–~Â?GcLyÀXáXzAub¢Nþ™¬lÜǪ’/2•·FÃñªi¤ÂoDd-Å 2ù®W01Ã…yîâžw}‰ÃÄÎTd„¨È¾†ÂÂÞ^c™¯Æża%|Âì2f›š9J?Ã[ë!w˜’ìqÀÆÖkd5]íÂ2QMâ€Â©BCÆ’*B“ß ÑÃaƈëI£Ê¤úci¾ƒ(MÃW64y]mPáÔLï›Ã!;aÖÇÌn&¶tプHÃ(—Úâ€Ã‰yÃ:ÄC[¿p/©çèV—#0rû:‹PTM9g÷iIµíå–ÑÒ/Ù½lÔ0pl;Fc*Å Z„ya G***8Ú—Ôž***¥»ã ,ù~Š°Ü7óÉ÷P †?³>¿½â€Å öâwX*ô°FßI[Ö€ZMKÂÂÂ/Ê°•¾à û–6'^dip{[***º‹ìÃXavÖ÷+›9Ñ%3<ÃƸà Ö,8ýë<vIßë"°7¡`ÃŽ>³***v?K. mì× ]þRp»3Ö«ÂóíÃ1Þà  îÂÔÈ$jÅ¡sð ‘úÅDÔ¸Cãˆå‡9ž¿X`쫳Æù 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I have to drive over the boarder into Oregon today (4 hours/200+ miles) so I am really hopeing to see a full and uncorrupted file when I get back. I have been trying this for almost 24 hours now guys so pleace forgive me if I was sounding a bit short yesterday...because I was!
  19. Is there anything you can do to get a proper torrent running ,and have it stay alive? There is really no reason for these problems if those who uploaded the file knew what the system was about and how to correctly use it. If the file was in correct format to start with (14.8MB sections) then anyone could have posted it on a prechannle and every BT tracker forum would be hosting it in 10-15 minutes and nobody would have corrupted files and need to redownlod....or in my post above have the tracker KILL the torrent all together!
  20. Torrent has DIED. Strange that it still shows 327 people working the torrent but the tracker is rejecting a reconnection after rebooting to see if speed would improve. I was 36.2% finnished when this happened. I am not a happy camper. All the dirrect download sites listed are maxed out and if you can connect are only give'n 3-6K of speed here in the USA. EDIT: Clinking on the LINK above I know see why. WTF is this can't anyone do anything correctly!? I spent 12 hours working and SEEDING this damn thing only to have it DELEATED from the tracker! :mad:
  21. The reason people working the torrent files report errors/corrupted files is that the uploader did not follow the excepted rules and put the file into 14.8MB divisions in .rar format. It only takes 1 bad byte and the whole .zip file needs to be re-downloaded rather than the one bad 14.8MB part. Also it seems those working the torrent are being cheap and NOT seeding back at full speed. The best I have been able so far with about 1,200 users in the swarm is 64K and that only I have turned off my IP blocker. Working the torrent and SEEDING at full bandwith just as I would on privet trackers...and hope'n I am not one of the unlucky ones who have gotten a corrupted file. I think most who have just gave up and did not bother to post a message about it.
  22. Spudeater

    Cheat / Hack Awareness Thread

    It will be a cheaters Hack, not a innocent mod. Especially not a sound mod lol.. to stop the hackers get DOOAcs.. its very good. thats if you like to use mods on your server that is without the hassle of server signatures Matt/Doc you know for a fact that all 3 anticheat systems and program sigs have long been bypassed. Look at the YouTube video from T-K-C-'s 2008 World TK contest as latest proof of them defeating all four systems at the same time.
  23. Patch 1.05 worked and patch 1.08 was better....after that everything went to Hell! There is a reason none of the game servers like Squad Servers host these BS beta things. BI needs to employ closed beta testers and just stop killing/divideing the community with all these worthless beta patchs. Keep the whole thing OUT of the public view and on closed private company servers or just stop trying. I really want to buy ArmA2 but if all these beta BS patchs that seem to be made by mindless monkeys are any clue to what ArmA2 will be then I for one will NOT be buying it. There is a reason why game hosting companies like Squad Servers do not use these beta patchs....it's becuase they all suck. Adding more public revisions of BI's "beta" patchs devides the community and gives the public a very bad view of this company.
  24. Spudeater

    SquadServers.com any Good?

    It's like night and day. Squadservers.com is like high noon and the other like a bug in the darkest night. 250MB's of map storage? Are they still in the Commador 64 days or what?
  25. Spudeater

    SquadServers.com any Good?

    The US sites hosted by them are on a 100MB feed and just blocks away from the L.A. DNS server (one of the main 13 that control the internet) for the western US. The guy that controls it builds all the computers himself and also overclocks them befor installing them. I would assume that the UK side of the operation is on the same scale. I recommend them 100%.