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About Swedish_-_M@ssacre

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    Private First Class
  1. Swedish_-_M@ssacre

    Update 1.07 and 8800 SLI

    SLI don't give arma any performance whatsoever, it's more the other way araound. Single Gpu - +25 fps Double Gpus - 10-15, Way to goo We'll se if it's up to date with 1.08, 1.09 by the way, read the review on Arma @ IGN.com, the grades are starting to fall, from a 10/10 to a 7.3, mostley cause of the engine/ graphics and hardware instability. /S
  2. Swedish_-_M@ssacre

    Worst Performance EVER!

    *lol*, i would never have imagined that this thread would be so popular , it's sad however that many have such bad performance, and we can be sure of to have to live with it quite some time. Even if BIS will fix the performance issues with arma, there's still the prob with the microcode issue for "INTEL" dual cores, i myself have a evga motherboard, and theres no light on the horizon. Sudden crashes and frequent CTD, that's a pain in the ass, cause u have to SAVE more often than before. But to be frank, BIS have other things on their mind right now, cause they try to sell OPF2, so Arma is history. There surely will be patches once and a while, but no true SUPPORT! Well, as for now B.I.S can kiss our future business goodbye which includes myself, my friends and clan of +60 peepz. Sad but true, and it's a real shame, over 30 peeps have already dropped ARMA like the plague, and they have almost the same specs like me. And no i'm not 12, i'm 35 years of age, and i've also have spent eons of time with computers and electronics, remenance the days of Spectrum and Commodore 64 / Amiga 500 / 1200, that were computers that worked i every weather, and the games was FUN! Arma is one of the greates Simulators up to date, shame we can't play it as it was mentioned. This is no RANT thread, i thought it was in proper procedure to tell the folk about what worx and whats not. If anyone think that's a waste of time, or that u don't have the stamina to read through. Well, go do something else or shut the **** up! For everyone else, keep posting, maybe BIS get a wakeup call and do something about it! /SM
  3. Swedish_-_M@ssacre

    Worst Performance EVER!

    *lol* Well i tried the Demo 1.06, and i got?, 12-15Fps with SLI and Latest drivers, 30-40 without SLI That says much all about it Don't however try to incorporate the SLI cause you cant reset the profile and the game will crash when you select Armademo in the nforce profile. Well Gnat, if Arma is state of the art, i don't give much for the developers engine, sorry There are older games with more eyecandy that runs like a charm. I now got stalker to run decent and thats way older than Arma, enginewise!, but it got big maps, adequate graphics and sound, so it both looks and runs better than ARMA it's a shame the developers dosn't do proper research or cowork with Nvidia or ATI, so we the gamers get what we pay for. Instead we sit here with great hardware that won't be used in the near future, cause GAME 2 is in the starting pit. Adios los patchos!
  4. Swedish_-_M@ssacre

    Worst Performance EVER!

    @ Michael_Wittman Well bro, if you cant run it properly on att fire GL card, imagine on a Quadro GTX Fire and Quadro, the overall best Graphic Gpus on the planet, most expensive too And Wow, those meshes i would understand if Arma had big problems to put out, but no, to be frank, Arma is not a WOW game, u don't stop and look at it in awe, now do you? The same with Stalker, it's more like grain graphics, not fluent like ID, Cryengine or Epic engines. But i can live with that if it would deliver the gameplay im looking for. if they just could optimize the cores and put SLI in overdrive i would be thrilled! @ rowdied I Dunno m8!, cause i downloaded it last night, our conversation took much energy *lol* But i'm gonna install it ASAP, so i get back to you all ******************************************* DJ @ Myspace *******************************************
  5. Swedish_-_M@ssacre

    Worst Performance EVER!

    @ SlurrpyChillyFries Thnx bro for the support! , well the rig cost me a arm and a leg *lol* And i've been doing this since jesus was running in his shorts! quite some time that is *lol* Well as a remark twards my offending opinion of hardware and software producers. Use your common sence!, if a game looks and feels better on another engine with less or more graphical load on the gpus, then why should a lesser one run so badly? I can bet my bet my right ball that QW won't have the same probs, and then were talking really big maps with full HDR, maybe full DIRX10, antialising and softshadows. Im just greatful that i didn't fall for the GF 8800 ULTRA and QX6800, that would have set me back about $3000 more *lol* @ DMarkwick Well i didn't write this for u, so u can take ur ego and suck my ---->
  6. Swedish_-_M@ssacre

    Worst Performance EVER!

    Allright i'll give it a shot, , but that really makes u wanna puke, as it's a demo and most of us already bought the freaking thing. I hope the 1.6 patch is round the bend
  7. Swedish_-_M@ssacre

    Worst Performance EVER!

    @ Strango! What do u take us for, imbecills? I Have the latest forceware 165.01 and Chipset, soundcard, sata drivers Why should i regrab the demo when i have the original?, patch 1.5 installed, tested both ways, no improvement whatsoever i've tried allmost every driver nvidia has pushed through their labs!
  8. Swedish_-_M@ssacre

    Worst Performance EVER!

    So in other words we buy 2 gpus that using the same 768mb single videomem. if thats the case, WHAT A RIP OFf! There should be a way for the hardware prods to maximize the vid ram in SLI and implement this into games. What they would have come up with instead is a modular setup of gpus and memory, that you can build on, and that's wouldn't be more expensive then to have to change card every or twice a year. Just like a PC, you buy what you need, increase when you have the time and money. Not like todays Hardware piracy, nvidia and ATI are PIRATES in the industry, they rip everyone off, cause what pukebrain came up with the idea to not incorporate the DDR4 rams on GF8800 GTX, just so they can push GF 8800 Ultra and 8900 with different rams and higher clockspeeds but overall the same specs. There must be someone more than me who thinks similar on this matter? So any word from BIS on the Arma performance and support on Core 2 & SLI! Cause i don't get any! P:S All my friends who have SLI setups, cant get decent FPS, nor some of them who have AMD FX or ATi Crossfire
  9. Swedish_-_M@ssacre

    Worst Performance EVER!

    Well i will try to explain that to you, the more fps you have in a game, the more fluent it will be. no chops, stutters or lag. There is really no limit to how much fps you could have, either than the hardware and the refresh rate on the screen you are using. Vertical Synq usally limits "caps" the FPS around 60 If you can't manage to run Arma with everything maxxed on mentioned hardware specs, well then it's really bad coding both in the drivers for the hardware and the game as well. one GTX consists of 768mb Graphical memory, i'm not sure if the SLI would double it, but if it does, well then it's a real dissaster regarding performance. For me who are both FPS and simulator freak, can't stand flying a Jetfighter @ 25FPS, that wont due. We are talking 3rd generation graphics, allmost the same or even better thats in the xbox 360, allthough iam painfully aware of windows XP and its bad optimisation twords gaming. Vista isn't any better if your wondering, and it's not all up to dirX 10 to show the way. Anyway, even on the lowest of settings i can at best reach 35-40 fps on a single map in the editor, no other players or AI on the map and that not satisfactory, sorry. With a Opengl Engine we would reach at least 60 maxxed out or even more, and it would look better to. sure i get much better results with one GTX card, but why stay with that when u can have the best up to date? Regarding veiwdistance, theres no particular difference from 2500-10 000, so theres not much for the Gpus to work with is there?
  10. Swedish_-_M@ssacre

    Worst Performance EVER!

    @ [TwK]Danny Well considering that your running stalker, i cant really understand why you have so poor performance. Cause mine is bad all the way with those games. I think i have most of the FPS games that you can get your hands on, and noone exept those two mentioned runs bad. FEAR - XtP Quake 4 Doom 3 Unreal T 03 Unreal T 04 Far Cry Cod 2 Oblivion 4 Tomb raider - Legend Ubersoldier, "this game was a nono on my old can of joy!" Painkiller BF2 / BF2142 Serious Sam 2 PREY RTS LOTR 1-2 C&C Tiberium Wars Supreme Commander These runs PERFECTLY, yes i know that they are a bit old, but if they have these games as a reference when benchmarking, i'll think they are up to par.
  11. Swedish_-_M@ssacre

    Worst Performance EVER!

    Yeah i know that some hardware are not compatible, but why sell the sheit in the first place if thats the question? You don't go and buy a Ferrari or Rolls Royce just to have it parked on the driveway. The same goes for computers and hardware. Heck i went and bought stuff for over $5000 just to get rid of the lag, chops, and slow response. And how does it repay me?, like a can of sirup! @ Troop Well i can say this for sure, OPF didn't give me this kind of headake on my old gameboards, Arma is horrible, and i won't even imagine the guys who bought Quad cores and R waiting for the R600 or 8900 GTX to be released just to play Arma, Stalker or Crysis will go through. It's sad, cause Arma deserves better promo then this. the idea of having huge battles, on land, sea or air makes the gaming more realistic then before. But @ a resulution of 800x600, with low viewdistance, no HDR or Post process, lag, chops and sheit. Well that takes the air out of any HC gamer out there. I agree to that the maps are huge, but then again, why cant you notice any difference even if you run a server with a standalone setting. Core 2 Duo e6600 4 Gb ram Double Raid Raptors @ 10 000 Rpms A pityful 10 FPS increase, thats really lousy guys! Well some of you claimed that a good support would patch games and those who wouldn't r bad. Let me refrase the statement. There are those who don't giva a sheit if there stuff work or not There are thos who produce games but don't have time or the will to finnish it, so they patch the games til u puke! And there are those who have both time and money, who understands the psyche of a gamer and simpleton, who dosn't want no bad language or sore remarks. produces a game, give great support and fix the problems if they accour ASAP. A gamer wants PLAYTIME, not reading the manual or searching boards for the sulution to a problem that the developers should be aware of in the first place. The Core extreme series and GF 8800 GTX or AMD FX - ATI 1950XTX should be in every game developers testbed! As many of us buy's the latest gear just to get maxxed out. If the gamedesigners won't stay up to date, why should we? @ Dwringer or anywhere , really. i somehow doubt their revenues/intellectual property rights hinge upon the game's performance on the system a few forumites paid too much for, and used to get their hopes too high Well, if their product is bad and people will try other methods, you don't think that the developers have to rethink the whole idea? or they will loose in the longrun. Seriously, how many of us with bad performance would even consider buying OFP2, not me or my friends anyway! and i think there are a lot of guys with similar problems. I don't condone PIRACY!, but when the sheit hits the fan i do understand it!
  12. Swedish_-_M@ssacre

    Worst Performance EVER!

    Well if i were to have big fps drops in any other game, i would agree,but i haven't, so i did a test before in fraps with Tomb raider - Legend, a game that many have complained about when it comes to heavy load on the GPUS, well, got an average about 60 with everything inkl 3generation content in 1680-1050. When i come to think of it, every other game, works great, but Arma and Stalker is poor in comparison. In theory, as some allready have posted, Arma isn't that much of a deal if you talk graphics, and with SLI and Core Duo u should get a much better performance, theres no question about it. I know Single core / gpu setups runs better than dual or quadro, and that makes u both sad and pissed off at the same time. I only got 10 more fps with my crossfire setup, average 30-35, which makes it playable, but no more than acceptable. A game that have a lot of chopping or stuttering due to bad optimized drivers is no fun at all, even if you lower you spec to LOW. For me graphics and framrate is a part of the package when it comes to gameplay and enjoyment. With this in mind, i'm sure that QW, Crysis, Unreal 3, Bioshock and so forth will have the right support from scratch, as these guys really cares about FPS!
  13. Swedish_-_M@ssacre

    Worst Performance EVER!

    I don't believe in the companies, i do my own tests, just like many of you guys do And i haven't bought my equipment @ Launch, i waited a bit And i have shown enough patience, i want to be able to play the game when it still feels fresh, not like BF2, 5000 patches later, u follow me? Well, the 8800 outperformes any other prod when it comes to Opengl, Crytek or Epic engines, so i'll just have to face it. $2000 for new graphics right down the drain for Arma or Stalker, and another $100 for the games. Well alot of my friends with similar setups won't even touch Arma, and i should have listened, but OPF was a great game / Simulator, and i could never imagine that Bohemia / Nvidia would fkkkkkkk up like they have done now. Talk about disappointment
  14. Swedish_-_M@ssacre

    Worst Performance EVER!

    That's what i mean, this is a big FKKKK U to everone who owns 8800 GTX or Quad Core QX6700 - 6800 Extreme. They want you to spend your well earned dollars / Sek but don't give a rats ass if your gear works with the games / Drivers etc. Well boys i kick your ass bigtime when it comes to 3d Mark 06 and allmost any other game, so it's not the hardware, NO way! No it's pisspoor optimized drivers and bad support for core duo, core 2 and SLI, that it! 15-25 Fps is in 1680x1050, the fps however dosen't change if i maxx or lower the graphics. If i wanted 200 fps i arma i could get rid of all mipmaps and play @ 16 colors, just like we did with Quake back in the days. They can however forget about OPF2, if it has the same performance, i'm NEVER gonna buy it.
  15. Swedish_-_M@ssacre

    Worst Performance EVER!

    Well, this must be a joke, but how come i'm not laughin? Im of the opinion that you should buy all the games that deserve the support.But when i come to think of it, Arma and Stalker narrows it down quite a bit. I'm one of many HC gamers that have spent alot of Cheddar on a brand new computer, new tower, PSU, CPU, 2x graphics for SLI and Overkill Rams. but for what?, to play Arma @ lousy fps? Sure i know that it's not all Bohemias fault, and that Nvidia has as much to do with this as they produce the hardware. And beleive me, ive sent a similar message to them! But this doesn't make me happy or helps me one bit! does it? U buy lots of hardware, just to be able to play the sheit on Mid and Low specs, WTFFFFFFFFFFF. Turn on Safemode for the sound as the 1.05 patch fux that up as well. Running the viewdistance @ 1500-2000 just to be able to move, everthing else on normal.well this sux bigtime, and i cant be quiet anymore, sorry. This is no flame, but if you cant stand the heat, you better stay out of the kitchen. Arma = No Support for Core 2 cpus, no real support for SLI = FKK Joke!, as you know quiite well that alot of guys buys this kind of setup just to get everything out of their gaming. I get something in between, 100-130 fps in openGL games like Doom3, Quake 4 with everything maxxed out. Over 100 FPS in Oblivion 4 the same with UT2004 120-150 in BF2 / 2142 15-25 in Arma and Stalker, do u see the big difference! Oyeah and i get about 18000 3D marks in 3dmark 06, so theres absolutly no prob with my hardware. If you tell someone to lower their spec on their machines just to get a decent FPS, that like telling a owner of a hi tuned sportscar that you can only drive your car on 4th gear, even if you have 6. Bohemia/Nvidia! you better do something about it fast, or you are gonna loose bigtime when it comes to revenues or legal ownerships of games! "EXTREME" CPU 6800 Core Duo Extreme "Prometia @ -62 Celsius" 2048 Corsair Twin2x Dominator 8888C4D EVGA 122 CK NF68 "SLI" XFX GF8800 GTX "Watercooled" "SLI" XFI Fatal1ty PSU Silverstone 850w Samsung 226BW 22" LCD 2x 150 gb Raptors HD @ 10 000rpm WIN XP SP 2 Nforce 158.19 Nforce 165.01 ............................................................ "WEB /Network/Gaming" Core 2 Duo E6600 2048 Corsair Twin2x 6400 Asus P5 DH Deluxe ATI 1900 XTX "CROSSFIRE" PSU Tagan 650w 2x 150gb Raptors HD @ 10 000 rpm XFI Fatal1ty Win XP SP 2 Catalyst 7.4 As you can see, i have 2 setups, and the ATI doesn't performs as good in Arma / Stalker as you might think. On the other hand, you shouldnt have to buy seperate gear just to be able to play your favorite games, now should u? /SM