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Posts posted by SaBrE_UK

  1. This makes sense, when the alternative is to make the enemy “a bit thick†and your skin like Kevlar.

    OK, so when he was shot in the head, the bullet pierced the skin but then stopped dead hitting his kevlar brains (on all difficulty settings). Of course they may have fixed this by now. I'm still optimistic this game will be a good-un in many respects.

  2. I agree with the wait and see. ARMA2 is great in some ways but a few fundamental things spoil it for me totally. Most of them should be able to be fixed easily, but BIS might not do this.

    Still there is no doubt that FP: DR will do a few (perhaps many) things a lot better than ARMA2. We'll just have to see what BIS' patches are like and what FP: DR's eventual modding community does to the game. As it is, DR doesn't look like it's the combined-arms sim we ultimately want, but it may have some saving graces once we've actually tried it. Likewise, ARMA2 has a few things (not to mention serious performance issues on many machines) that spoil the fun it promises.

  3. I have the same processor and a X1950XT. I run the game on normal everything bar very high objects detail, disabled shadows, post-processing, AA and AF. I get around 25-30FPS. Also it's worth knowing ARMA2 is very CPU intensive, that old CPU won't run things on normal well if you have shadows and other things on at all.

  4. I don't think it looked too bad this time, obviously apart from the 'Hollywood-blue' moonlight (still evident in a very cloudy sky, somehow) which still annoys me, along with the perfectly steady aim (even when moving) and jogging with rifle to shoulder, back-broken crouched animations, wobbly jogging animations, intrusive DoF blur and low-volume (but close by) helicopter.

    ...Nothing that can't be fixed before release.

  5. I like the movement. Of course it could be streamlined further, especially making snap adjustments easier, but it has many advantages. For example, what you see in first person is the same as the enemy sees- you can tell if your elbow is sticking out around the corner. Also, in games such as Insurgency Mod, which are quite realistic, they have trouble with the first person view matching with the third person model so you can shoot others without being seen sometimes, or the other way around.

    I think BIS' system is best in theory, although it's not perfect as it stands in practice.

  6. Also present in ArmA 2:

    Hmm not good, still is it anything to do with difficulty settings or low pistol damage bugs?

    Will FP: DR have one hit headshots for the player on 'hardcore'? As far as I know (I could be wrong,) hardcore mode doesn't change the amount of hits the player can take in the head. Obviously things are subject to change.

    Anyway, this criticism is merely a manifestation of wider disappointments with DR.
