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Posts posted by SaBrE_UK

  1. What is the spec of "most PCs" these days?

    Good question, although sparks50's post might be accurate. As the IGN article says, the game runs well on similar hardware so I take it back.

    What I can see happening is people seeing the glorious graphics in the screenshots, finding they can't play the game in that quality, then coming to the forums to complain. I'm not a mod who has to deal with this, though, I suppose :o

    EDIT: Thanks Ra!dar, looks interesting. I guess he's playing on a low difficulty- he seems to sprint everywhere.

  2. Thanks Mafia101. This is a Google translation of the final paragraph of their preview.

    Overall me and tasting yet unfinished version of ArmA 2 shall be established nezklamali, it's still a good and honest orthodox war simulator a far cry from pug tuneloidním stříleÄkám, which are around the clouds, which is definitely good. But I would be cautious on the other hand, is exaggerated expectations, because the differences from the predecessors from the same hatchery will probably just cosmetic, although the reviews before the full game is still premature to make any definitive conclusions.

    Seems they write nice (I didn't bother reading the rest), but deliberately put up poor shots knowing that most people will judge the screens. Then they go on to give the game a poor score compared to other sites... or we shall see.

  3. Also about the aspect ratio thing, if the crosshair is meant to be symmetrical, the whole thing should be square, which you can see it isn't by the following picture. There's a gap on the left side.


    If they played it on high why is there no AA? And why does it look so different from the official shots, or even the ones Dwarden added to the Steam group which weren't on high settings? Or the video of ARMA2 where the guy played it on medium and it looked better than TG's shots? Fishy.

    Yes I'm a fan of BIS' games but I do think that TG are being cocks about this. This fits in with their other material on ARMA1 & 2 where they clearly have a grudge of some kind, going so far as to lie about the game.

    Lets see what the other previews say then, shall we.

  4. This may have helped you but I can tell you there's pretty solid evidence they are developing for the 360. How long before or after the PC version it will be released, I don't know. Also I cannot account for development decisions made since I saw the evidence. I won't bother digging it up because anyone here can second me.

  5. I think it would only really be useful to have 3D optics if you have a monitor than can give you adequate peripheral vision as you would have in real life. Otherwise it'll likely be a performance killer and just a graphical gimmick. Remember the scope view takes up most of the screen anyway.

  6. I have had personal contact recently with the guy who wrote that PC ZONE article. He is not a hardcore fan like we are, as you'd expect. He doesn't know of the excellence that we take for granted, such as hundreds of AI in island-wide battles, excellent mod support, unparalleled realism, 50+ players in multiplayer battles etc.. These are things that are part of what OFP is, and DR is threatening not to replicate. There's not even a fuel limitation on vehicles. Now I am not saying the game will be bad, just that it will not be a true successor to OFP1, whatever the thought-to-be-infallible mainstream press say.

    How can someone who barely played the original game have a definitive opinion on whether the sequel is worthy?

    By the way, the guy who wrote the PCZ article made this game. Bit of trivia for you.

  7. So what exactly has been improved with ArmA 2 what the community hasn't already improved with ArmA 1?

    People expecting loads of new gameplay features and more extreme realism are going to be disappointed, but the new AI is something that isn't easily modded/possible into ARMA1. This AI includes greater precision, good tactics, built in surrender, suppressive fire, sidestepping, morale and more (from what I gather).

    I can imagine some people sticking with ARMA1 on release, but once ACE or equivalent is out for ARMA2, it will be the definitive game for sure.
