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Posts posted by SaBrE_UK

  1. It does hide you from AI, although they may remember your position and shoot where they last saw you, or expect you to be. Hope I've helped, but next time I suggest you search for the answer, though, as this has been discussed many, many times ;)

  2. Please calm down, we dont know whats happen. Hope its just wrong DVD or some registry, autosave files from previous versions instaled on tester PC. Worst variant could be that DVDs are made badly. Im sure that 505 games will check it. Most of errors that they are reporting are strange and we need to know more. If there was bugs due installation, lot of strange behavior can apear.

    Good to hear although I wasn't convinced by the single negative preview anyway. I'd like to see how this turns out, and what the rest of the press say about the game, not that I really care what a casual games journalist who only plays the game because he is paid to says. Still, it's interesting to see the wider view of the game.

  3. The 30km viewdistance will likely look good, but it also means that we can't stream it all fast enough to use jets :) I'd rather use jets. Also we'll see how they do it but it might be clever use of skyboxes, so far, far mountains are 2d, and units might only be visible to 5km or whatever. How the gameplay is affected is what counts.

  4. I agree about the bumpy terrain. I seriously hope the terrain is more varied in any expansions for ARMA2. What ARMA2 does better, though, is having more cover in terms of grass, bushes and trees. DR looks to have quite a low density of objects, noticeable in the screenshots of forests.

    Still, I always thought a smaller terrain cell size was necessary to capture that important aspect of infantry warfare. Hiding behind a small ridge or in a ditch is, as we know, impossible in ArmA. Hmmm.

  5. CM got their grain and Bis got their glowing cows :D

    There is a slight difference: Without the glowing cows, ARMA2 would look better, without the film grain to hide the imperfections, DR's graphics would look extra sloppy.

    New pic. Grass distance is very low so as not to be useful. Also the nearby ground texture is low-res. Nice smoke, though. Hope the gameplay is good!
