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Posts posted by SaBrE_UK

  1. There has always been a bit of trouble doing helicopter pick-ups, but I always managed to work it out with a few tweaks here and there. Try synchronising the soldier's board waypoint to the chopper's waypoint before its load waypoint.

    Also you can try 'flyinheight 5' or similar then tell it to fly at normal height when the soldiers are aboard.

  2. Once they've fixed the AI bugs I reckon it'll be a great game to play. One thing, though. Is there a way to make the AI run to cover when shot from a distance? Seeing them crouch and search the horizon kills the immersion as a bullet is a pretty scary thing. Perhaps they could fire some rounds in general direction of shot whilst running to cover?

  3. I've got to say, from the videos I've seen this mod is excellent. Keep at it.

    Have you considered making an immersion mod, rather than just a sound mod? The sounds greatly add to the immersion and if you could get a team together (easier said than done, I know,) you could add blur, camera-shake, ringing etc. effects for explosions, or extra camera-shake when under a chopper's rotors, or from a near miss. Damn that would be good, at least in theory.

  4. Bravo6 seems to have a axe to grind about the clutter, he talks about it a lot (unless it is someone else; in that case I apologise).

    Officially it does work, as I have seen from many videos and reports of those with the game. What is not working is the grass layer at a distance, to hide troops who are prone in the far distance. The AI still do not see you if you hide behind clutter.

    If I am indeed wrong somehow, I apologise for that, also. Anyone else got a take on this?
